Dear E! News, Lee Thompson Young’s Death and Yoruba “Religion” Link is Irresponsible
E! News is reporting that Lee Thompson Young’s suicide may have been result of his involvement with “Yoruba religion.” I’m reporting that they’re idiots. It’s pretty ballsy to insinuate this and it’s the biggest crock of bullshit. Methinks it demonizes Yoruba people as advocates for suicide. It’s irresponsible, full of bigotry and plays into the “Africans are barbaric” trope.

I Bet Jesus Ain’t Pleased with this Church’s $70,000 Gift Offering
My girl Dash Harris posted a picture on her Facebook account and I had to blog about it. Because it’s so ridiculous. SECURITY!!! There are just so many things wrong here. The pastor is turning 70 so the only way they deemed appropriate to celebrate his life is by giving him …

I Must Have Missed the Holy Book Signing
One of my longtime readers, Caroline, dropped a goodie on my Facebook wall and I shook my head so hard I sued myself for assault. Look: It says “signed copy.” *looks around* Ummmm who signed this Bible? Word on the street is that Jesus ain’t back yet so unless I …

Old White Folks Rapping For Jesus
You know? The internet is truly the Den of Iniquity. When I was sent the link of the video below, the moment I pressed play, I realized I shoulda just walked away. Because. For reasons. Just watch. *faints* Iunno if this is real or not but West Dubuque 2nd Church …

The Bible, As Told in 2053. Or Through Blogs
I was bored so I started thinking of what would happen if they came out with the new Bible in like 2053. Or maybe even today. How would the stories be told differently? How it would be covered by blogosphere and others. 2053 Bible is probably gon say Jonah got …

Jesus Had Haters. You Have Side-eye Givers
You know who annoys the heck outta me? People who always talk about how they got haters. REGLASS people too. If I come across one more Facebook status talmbout “Haters are mad right now. They see me up there.” What haters? Up where? Who are you? Why are you on …