Goldilocks was Criming While White
A lot of the stories we’ve heard since we were little are really insidious once you pick them apart and realize what was actually happening. As an adult, analyzing childhood lore can piss you off when you realize that the character you were supposed to love was actually a fuckboy. Or …

We, The Nigerians, Do Not Accept Rachel Dolezal’s New Name
This is the 4th time I am writing about Rachel Dolezal the Undercover Sista on this site. And each time, I want to track her down and slap her in the face with a stack of paper printed with my words in 50 point font. Rachel Dolezal is the person …

ECLIPSED was Amazing and Now There’s A Documentary Going Behind the Curtains
The first time I met Danai Gurira was in 2014. We were both at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, and it was there that I got to see how incredible she is. People know her mostly as Michonne from The Walking Dead, but she is also a gifted orator and …

About Milo Yiannopoulos Being Trash and Lines Not to Cross
Let me start this off by saying that Milo Yiannopoulos is trash. You might be asking “who the hell is this Milo dude?” He is garbage in human form. He is a retch and walking, talking upchuck. In fact, here’s a portrait: Milo is a vile, racist, sexist, transphobic, DECENCYphobic dudebro who …

Announcement! COPE Has Placed a Moratorium on BLAXIT Passes
It’s been a month since the world began its’ quick crumble, with the election of Squirrelwig McRacistPants as the next President of the United States. We were all stunned, because WTF HOW THE FUCK WHO THE FUCK. Even though Hillary Clinton secured almost 3 million more votes than Cheeto Satan, …

I’m Not Playing Nice with Donald Trump
A week ago, the United States of America reminded the world that is has a lot of stupid people in it. And a lot of people who would put their race over their genders because they’ve internalized patriarchy. And a lot of people who are raging racists. And a lot …

About the Heartbreak of America’s Choice
I forced myself to go to sleep around 1am. I wanted to keep hope, even for 5 more hours. I can usually find bright spots in situations. There are none for me here. I feel doomed. I wanted to wake up this morning celebrating the first woman president. Instead, I …

About Harmful Traditions and Why I Celebrate The Indians Losing to the Cubs in the World Series
First, I have to say how proud I am for my home city! The Chicago Cubs came back from a 3-1 deficit to win the World Series! They haven’t won since 1908. The last time the Cubs were Major League Baseball’s champions, no World Wars had happened yet, women couldn’t …

SECURITY!!! Rachel Dolezal is Back With Her Shenanigans in the Form of a Book
Your unfavorite undercover sista Rachel Dolezal is back to tap dance on our collective last nerves. Atticus’ mama (yes, y’all) is releasing a book next year titled In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World. Many of us saw the cover and thought it was a meme. …

Things That Take Me Longer Than Betty Shelby’s Time in Custody
Betty Shelby is the officer who murdered Terence Crutcher. The “big scary Black man” was having car trouble as police showed up. He was unarmed, and not making sudden moves. He complied with police but Darth Becky (word to Very Smart Brothas) ass Betty, in all her damsel in distress, …