A Guide to Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Trademarks for Creators, Businesses and Brands
You’ve done all this work. You’ve spent hours trying to make the words perfect and the paragraphs flow. Or you’ve done research to make sure what you’re saying is accurate. Or you’ve LLCed your business and created a respected brand. Or you’ve spent hours editing those pictures you took so …

About The Time I Staged a Mini Sit-In To Get My Money
This freelancing life ain’t easy, man. Contractors and non-traditional employees know how that 1099 struggle is real. Net30 and Net45 is the devil but we just gotta deal with it because it’s either we wait orrrrr just don’t do any work and get put out. So we wait. It sucks …

Come Celebrate My Blog’s Birthday at My Awesomely Golden Party in Chicago!
My peoples! On August 8, 2006 I launched this website. Back then it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and I had just graduated from college. I felt like I had outgrown my Xanga blog (remember Xanga?) so I moved to Blogger, shut down my old blog that I had for three …

Thanking My Old Readers and Welcoming My Newbies!
Three nights ago, I checked my blog traffic and for the first time ever, I hit 6 figure pageviews in 1 day. There were over 100,000 visits to my website on Tuesday and I smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. Then Wednesday around 8pm, I checked my traffic and that number was …

The Power of Social Media: A Video Feature of Me By Glappitnova
A couple of weeks ago, the team at Glappitnova convinced me to come do a video at their Den. They wanted me to talk about who I am, what I love and what I do in my own words. I talk about the power of technology and how it’s changed …

The ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon Was Magic!
If I could have written this in glitter font, I would have. And you know how I feel about glitter (it reminds me of MySpace and BlackPlanet days of yore where our text shouted out at everyone). But I just feel all glittery and shiny about the ESSENCE Black Women …

The 12 Stages of Writing (Or a Guide to Procrastinating Like a Pro)
I’ve been a professional procrastinator for as long as I can remember and it hasn’t improved with age. In fact, with the social media at my fingertips ALLATAHM, it’s gotten worse. This is why the week I took a social media break, I was super productive. Those of us who …

Winding Down the Year, Going to the White House and on Vacation!
My peoples! It’s the last month of 2013 and I’m amazed at how fast this year went by. Time ain’t playing no bald-headed games. I plan on spending this month taking it slower than usual. Well, after this week that is. Today, I’m headed to Washington DC until Thursday because …

Atlanta, New York, Seattle and Nashville: I’m Coming To Speak This Fall!
My peoples! Fall has kicked off and I now have an excuse to break out my wool blazers, scarves and boots collection! I’m not excited for the whole “it gets colder from here on out” part but the layering part? HELL YES. Antywho, this is also one of my busiest …

3 Lessons To Learn From My #31WriteNow Challenge Fail
On the last day of July 2013, I wrote a post announcing that I was doing #31WriteNow blogging challenge. I challenged myself (and other fellow bloggers) to commit to posting something new on their websites EVERY DAY in August. I did a similar challenge (#30WriteNow) in October 2012 and surprised …