About #BlackOutFriday and How Some People are Missing the Point
Today is Black Friday, the annual shopping gluttony day where we all bless each other with new things that are 50-70% cheaper than normal but not really because they made them 50% more expensive just to give us a 40% discount. Some of us go to WalMart to risk being trampled …

The AYA Summit Was Awespiring (Awesome and Inspiring) and These 4 Women Moved Me
I was in a room with giants. Being at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit was incredible and I’m still processing all that happened there. 75 women were brought together with change agents to talk about issues that are affecting women and girls around the world, specifically in countries in Africa. The summit …

I’m Headed to DC Today for the ONE AYA Summit!
Hey folks! I’m really excited to be going to DC for the next couple of days for the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, co-hosted by Google. I’m part of 75 women and girls who are being brought together from the U.S. and elsewhere for a 2-day summit that focuses on issues …

Remember When Kerry Opened For Me At BlogHer? The Video of My Talk is Here!
Remember that time when I went to BlogHer and at first I was going to open for Kerry Washington but she ended up opening for me? YESSSSS! You remember. That was last month. I got on the main stage and talked about being authentically myself online, how I play with …

Awesomely Golden Shindig Recap: Best Pordee Ever!
Friday night at CityPoint Loft in Chicago, I held my Awesomely Golden anniversary shindig celebrating my blog’s Golden birthday (this site turned 8 years old on August 8). Over 150 people joined me for what turned out to be the BEST. PARTY. EVER. It was beyond my expectations and it …

Living My Life Like It’s Awesomely Golden! It’s My Blog’s 8th Birthday!
Eight years ago today, I decided that I had outgrown my little blog on Xanga, where I was talmbout college life, friendships, heartbreak and whatnots. I was 3 months out of college and I wanted a fresh start so I went to Blogger.com and created a site. I called it …

Dear WHUR and Richard Montgomery, Stop Stealing Content From Me and Others
Last week, I wrote about the Fire and Fainting Challenge that is all the rave with some of the teens of America now for my column at The Grio. I posted my week’s writing recap here and this morning, someone commented telling me they searched for the fainting game on …

Golden Goal: 80,000 FB Fans by August 8 to Celebrate 8 Years
On Friday, August 8, 2014, Awesomely Luvvie turns 8 years old. I’m celebrating with an Awesomely Golden party in Chicago that day (and if you’re in town, you should come. Get tickets), where there’ll be games, drinks, music, dancing, prizes. SO MUCH FUN! I also want to celebrate this milestone …

Selfie with Kerry Washington, Met the Bloggess and More: My BlogHer 2014 Recap
BlogHer 2014 was my 5th one in 6 years and it might be the most memorable one yet. This was also he 4th one where I was speaking. It was also my first time in San Jose. It celebrated BlogHer’s 10th anniversary so it made sense that this had to …

Opening For Kerry Washington at BlogHer, Awesomely Golden, Chaka Khan Concert: My Next 3 Weeks
This week begins an action-packed 3 weeks for me and it will be madness but it’s the good kind. By mid August, I will be in need of a getaway, which I’m getting (3 days in Mexico)! I’m looking forward to all of it. Y’all know I like to bring …