
About #FelonBae and the Butthurt Brigade

By now, you’ve probably seen a picture of Jeremy Meeks aka FelonBae in your Facebook newsfeeds or Twitter timeline. He has taken the internet by storm, with his crooked but FAHN ass. Jeremy and his fellow thugs were arrested yesterday and the police department in Stockton posted their mugshots on …

Sword toenails
Whose is this?

Whose Swordfish Toenails are These?

People can be utterly ridiculous sometimes. I came across this picture and I just had to say “Why?” and blame it on human nature. Because seriously. It makes no sense. These are weapons of mass destruction and haters of shoes. The wonderful people of my Awesomely Luvvie Facebook page family …

Delta Ghana Snafu

Delta Airlines Twitter Fail and the Circle of Trife: A Giraffe for Ghana

Tonight, USA and Ghana faced off in the World Cup and USA came away with the win, 2-1. Afterwards, Delta Airlines’ Twitter account posted a picture cheering on the home country and also managing to be offend people who had sense. The Statue of Liberty for the U.S. and a …

fake news on social media
Social Media

5 Things To Do To Avoid Passing On Fake News on Social Media

Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and other old and dead white guys have been attributed to saying the quote: “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Even though I’m still trying to find out who really said it (even Google is …

TV and Movies

The Children: Game of Thrones Season 4 Finale Recap

The season 4 finale of Game of Thrones wrapped up some of our questions and packed so much in one hour that I felt it was too rushed. But let’s talk about it. Mance and Peace – Jon walks by all the slayed Wildlings into the woods towards their camp, …

Mae Mae Fune

Mae Mae and Her Festive Fune Have Slayed Me

The importance of wills cannot be underestimated. We need to let the folks we leave behind know what we want to happen when we follow the drinking gourd to our Lord. Folks gotta know what we want to do with our assets and how to send us off. The clearer …

America Gun Control Rob Rogers

America’s Dealing With Gun Violence Like a Lazy College Student

Yesterday, another school shooting happened and I had the nerve not to be immediately enraged and disheartened by it. It’s either I’ve become a robot, I’m suffering from Acute Outrage Fatigue Syndrome or these tragedies happen too often to punch me in the chest like they used to. I think …

TV and Movies

I Thought Maleficent Was Magnificent (No Spoilers)

This past weekend, I went and watched Maleficent, which I’ve been excited to see since I saw the previews. I didn’t even try to act like I was going with one of the babies I love. I am perfectly overgrown and I am ok with it. Starring Angelina Jolie as the …

My Life

Say It With Your Chest! Giver of NO DAMBS and UNABLE to CAN Light T-Shirts

UPDATE (as of October 2015): My tshirts are now exclusively carried by the good folks Tees in the Trap! Get them through the Awesomely Luvvie collection! The summer of shady tshirts continues, folks! Many of these sayings are from the Awesomely Luvvie Glossary. If you’re new here, you should definitely check …

Game of Thrones Logo
TV and Movies

The Watchers on the Wall: Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 9 Recap

After last week’s episode of Game of Thrones (The Mountain and the Viper) that left me in hysterics, I was petrified to see what this week’s would offer. The penultimate episodes of the past 3 seasons have left us in shambles so I was bracing myself for the worst. Let’s …