He is Delivert. He Don’t Like Mens No More. He Likes A Women
You’ve probably seen the video by now but in case you haven’t, then you need to. A man went to the COGIC 107th Holy Convocation and announced that he was there to get delivered. From what? From #TheGeigh. Watch the vid. Get your life.
When I tell you I’ve been howling about this for 4 whole days. I have watched this video no less than 20 times and it hasn’t stopped being funny. Because I’m terrible. There’s just so much material here and so many things to point out. Where do I begin, LAWD?!?
First of all, why does he have on so many colors and textures? Between the gray jacquard blazer, the purple shirt, the yellow tie and the silk slacks, my eyes are twitching. That is TOO MUCH FASHION.
He will NOT carry a purse. He will NOT put on makeup. Sir, ain’t nobody telling you to do all that. Did somebody hand you a “How to be Gay” Manual that included “Wear makeup. Carry the finest purse you can find?” Because if they did, they’re probably from Westboro Baptist Church and they were sent by Satan. Some men choose to rock a face and a bag because that is how they want to express themselves but it isn’t in the Council of Gay Men Requirements. But I can double check with my LGBT family, just in case.
Fine, you won’t be Derek J. Most gay men do not dress like they dream of genie.

Derek better not ever get delivered from being fierce.
Then he’s talmbout about how he don’t “like mens no more.” Mens? Mens rea? Menstruation? For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them. And he’s hollering about how he now likes WOMEN. As if every time he says the word, more gay leaves his body. That ain’t how this works at all.
And, let’s not forget that he is now ready to like “A WOMEN.” This WOMEN doesn’t believe you and thinks you need more people. Lawd, the day he is presented with “a women” in his bed, he might praise scoot out the room. This ain’t for you, sir. This ain’t you. I ain’t gon lie, doe. I’m totally into his praise scoot and bop. I’ma need that one day. Scoot twice and drop it half low. Here for it.
One of my girls said “I like the announcement of being Gay no mo, and then all the dudes in the church coming up to dance with him.” LMAO! It’s perfect.
I feel bad for homeboy for thinking that being gay is something he needs to get delivered from. That sucks. I am a Christian but I’m also of the belief that the person you love isn’t going to determine whether you spend eternity in hell. MY God ain’t that petty.
But I need to just have another HOWL at the cartoon someone made.
*HERE LIES LUVVIE. BURY HER A G.* Everything about this cartoon is right. From the old church ladies looking ornery to the red letter E in women. I love the internets.
And before people comment about why we shouldn’t be laughing, please know that this guy has made this video into a ringtone that he’s made available on iTunes.
WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN WOMNOJFORJGRKGTKKGK$GKG. This young man has a bright future as a choir director.
Update – my boy Scott Lyon (@wonderscott) had this to say: “Is he wearing 3 layered bow ties together? Because the only way that bowtie could be more gay haute is if it was made out of live Monarch butterflies flapping their wings while held together with eyelash glue. I love my people’s panache and sartorial willfulness.”
He won’t kill me today. NOT TODAY, Satan!
Join the Awesomely Luvvie FB page | Follow @Luvvie
Hilarity!!! Can I request the mustard bow-tie (and all his “gay” fabulous alphets), he won’t need ’em anymo’ … #dontjudgeme
*sniggles* you’re welcome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PnyzLkmPtg
please and thank YOU. got my life from that one.
My whole day is set! Imma be humming that little ditty all day long!
I’m not right no more. I. will. go. straight. to hell. Hellhellhellhellskksnbnbowwue.
Why is not one of the tags “gay no mo”? It should be there. For reference purposes. Anyhoo… How did the purse that he brought in get out the church? Did he give it to Cissy, as she shook her head, and thought about the stove being on? Is it rolling in the deEEeeeppp with Aretha? Who has it? I’m just asking… For the church.
I have added that as a tag. lol
WHYYYYY must you bring Cissy into this? LMAO
LOL Not Cissy and Aretha.
You got me fighting the air! Lmao
my God isn’t that petty, either.
I just fell out of my chair. I can’t breathe.
Ringtone?!?! Oh lawd
Can I just tell you that I’ve been *hollerin* at this for the past few days? From the “I love women women women women hubbahubbahubbahubba” Sausage Circle after the Gay No Mo’ announcement to the old dude around the 1:40 mark whose entire face shows he is not here for it…whew, this brings me joy in my soul! And did y’all see the gospel remix? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10205237864486275&pnref=story
Baaaaaby…I am no more good for this life. Not at all.
Sausage Circle though? I’m so happy I work from home because the guffaw I let out…
Can I just tell you that I’ve been *hollerin* at this for the past few days? From the “I love women women women women hubbahubbahubbahubba” to the Sausage Circle after the Gay No Mo’ announcement to the old dude around the 1:40 mark whose entire face shows he is not here for it…whew, this brings me joy in my soul! And did y’all see the gospel remix? https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10205237864486275&pnref=story
Baaaaaby…I am no more good for this life. Not at all.
Oooohhh…I hope his “womEn” deliver him from that horrible fashion sense. And girl apparently doesn’t know he’s WAAAAYY more likely to end up carrying a purse dating a woman than he ever would dating another fellow.
The saddest thing for me is that, 3/4 of the time people are trying to be delivered from being “gay”, what these religious places are really doing is stopping men from behaving in ways they feel are “feminine”.
And this: “For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them.” My TOD: 09:30am. Am going to meet my maker. 🙂
I had successfully evaded this vidjo until today. Today, when I happened upon yo blog (as I normally do from work…I’m so ratchet), I saw this post and I said “self? If Luvvie is writing about this, it must eem more foolish than you thought.” And I was right. SO.MUCH.FOOLISHMENT. I just…so many questions. But iCackled. This was HILARITY. I was done with “For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them.” iQuitchu so hard for that Luuvie.
This is so me…what she said. But, OMG…”Scoot twice and drop it half low. Here for it.” I was on the cold, hard floor. *Weeping, as I struggle for air*
i’ve been howling at this all week. i can’t believe that COGIC even let him make a mockery of their entire program. i woulda said no way brother!!! i bet they will find out what all future speakers need to be delivert from in the future. this is too darn funny. and they were in my hometown and homie is from st. louis too SMH @ such foolishness. and that cartoon gave me life!
I had to share this little nugget that came across my news feed. I am NOT the author…..and Lovie, you need to google the remix…..because I got life 2x from that.
“I have been deliverT!!! I don’t likes Beyonces no mo. I likes Prince, Prince, Prince-ersayiknewagurlnamednikki. I won’t dance to Single Ladies, I won’t Upgrade You, I won’t Raise the Partition or be Drunk in Loves; I am no longer Flawless. I will party like its 1999, yaaaaasssssss lawd. I like a Princes!!!!”
imma need a link
The remix
***I likes Prince, Prince, Prince-ersayiknewagurlnamednikki.*** DAMN! My little cubby at work is DIRECTLY in front of my Director’s office and I just busted out laughing so loud at that, that he came out of his office and side eyed me. I knew I shouldn’t have read this work. If I get fired, you, my dear, are supporting me. LMFAO!
“For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them.”
Time of death: 11:33 a.m. CST
“For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them.”
I’m fighting Luvvie on sight! She play too much and she hits too hard! Ain’t nobody got time for Luvvie and her guy punches.
This will never NOT be funny. He’s a liar and the truth ain’t in him. He cannot handle a women. He clearly cannot handle multiple fabric options either. This is the church of bad decisions. Lettuce pray. *dear Jesus…. NOPE. Amen.*
I WILL… Love… A Women. Poor thing couldn’t even get the whole sentence out in one try. My favorite part was How he said “I’m not gay no more” in what was probably his regular voice and then when he got “Delivert” it dropped like three octaves lol. I feel so bad for laughing at this… no I don’t. It’s just funny.
Thank for your this, Luvvie. My day has been filled with all kinds of annoyance…I needed that laugh. And BTW – “My God is not that petty” is the quote of the day. In fact, make that a hashtag for anytime folks try to claim anything “God wants” in reference anyone’s morals or life choices. #MyGodAintThatPetty
Listen, when that cartoon flashes to him shivering in that cold water as he speaks in tongues?! I don’t know why but that kilt me dead.
this fool is as gay as Raven-Symoné is african american…
My momma said I can’t play with you anymore because you kilt me with that comment!
If he’s been delivert, then somebody needs to delivert that message to the brocade jacket with ruffled bowtie and pocketsquare he’s rocking. That outfit says “Return to Sender. I shan’t be delivert.”
That outfit says “Return to Sender. I shan’t be delivert.”
No. iCant.
I have been lurking ’round here for awhile now.
I don’t usually leave comments but I needed to let you know that as I read this and watched the carton, I cackled.. then when I tried to stop,I snorted…loudly………at WORK!! These people are looking at me like I am insane. Just wanted to let you know, thanks for that.
“And he’s hollering about how he now likes WOMEN. As if every time he says the word, more gay leaves his body.”
That is EXACTLY how that felt when he kept SCREAMING IT at everyone. “One mo guttural cry should do it…’Ah don’t like mens no mo. Ah. Only. “LIKE.” A. WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!”
And Gay
So, this kid got up there in front of the COGIC ain’ts to declare his “deliverance” in an effort to secure some camera time, Innanet shine & sell his book that he’s promoting.
The part about him not carrying a purse & wearing makeup was in reference to the pastor that preached before this altar call. He was “rebuking” men that wear makeup & carry the latest Coach bag and called them predatory. The same pastor also said that he wished that since the gay men want to be women so bad, he wished God would give them menstrual cycles and let them “bleed out of their butts every month”.
Initially, I felt a little sad for this kid being exposed, but now, it looks like he has officially and successfully trolled the COGIC Convocation for book sales.
Twirl on, boo!
Ain’t that a blip? *insert Wee Bey from The Wire “werd?!” face GIF here*
“A Women”…a womEn!
Po’ baby…for so many reasons.
Organized religion got a lot of folk outchea so confused and afraid to be who they are. #that’ssad
I was robbed..no one gave me any money when I was delivert. Did something feel wrong about preacher Sir giving young delivert Sir the money post deliverance? At the alter? Was that just me?
Luvvie, shut yo mouth and keep in talkin’! Please tell me your lying about the ring tone…
I need an answer to that also #GayNoMo
I saw this video for the first time yesterday afternoon. My first thought; Imma start saying DELIVERT any chance I get.
Boss: Jill, do you have that variance report?
My second thought; where’s Luvvie? Her inner goon won’t let this foolishment slide.
He still gay. Questlove the only straight man who can successfully rock the matching bowtie/pocket square combo.
Is it just me or did it seem like after he said women so many times it sounded like he started to get physically ill? I thought damn he’s actually get sick. I didn’t know that was the new version of speakin in tongues. I remember the “IShouldaBoughtaHonda” type of speakin in tongues. Gotta say it real fast! Oh well, guess I’m old school! LOL
“For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them”
Look here…I need my sorors to just bury me in my finest blue and white and for the choir to sing “Come on in the Room” at my fune’ because I am DEAD!! *tears*
The part that is so sad to me out of this entire video…. is that he wasted that good Atlanta Pride 2015 outfit on a COGIC convocation. *smh*
Ain’t nobody gone say nothin’ about how he sound like Eddie Long in training? He’s got that “pentecostal preacher” rhythm down pat.
Probably a PK.
1. He did an interview yesterday HE used to wear make up and carry a purse, so he wanted to stop, he has been praying about this he said for about a year, it’s a long interview… He still doesn’t conjugate verbs, but on the plus side he always wanted to be famous, and well this and his books might do it.
This mess has gone viral and the COGIC has issued a statement trying to downplay it talmbout they will not compromise their stance on “a particular lifestyle” but they want folks to be treated decently: http://www.cogic.org/blog/news/statement-on-video-airing-from-107th-holy-convocation/
Anyhoo, this kid was lying and everyone knows it, and I hope it was worth all the mockery and craziness that has happened to him since the video aired.
And please sweet Rose of Sharon do not ever let Derek J. be delivered from being fierce because he is my spirit animal.
He like the women aight..with an extra side of MENs for dessert~ #Hallelou
A women? Shouldn’t it be “a woman?”
Yes. Welcome to the joke. We have cookies in the kitchen. Help yourself.
Luvvie I love you… I just can’t quit you!
^^^^^ This! ALLA-DIS!! This is why iCan’t quitchu!! I am at work #crine real tears fooling around with you today! You have me snorting and getting side-eyes from co-workers! #weak *goes to kitchen to look for cookies since Luvvie was stashing them. Wayment-are they red velvet oreos??*
This!! This response is one of the reasons I luv your inner goon! U got some almond milk for them cookies? IJS
Hahahahahahahaha hahahahhaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
you got me cackling first thing in the morning and the cat is mad I disturbed her sleep.
LOL! Hahaha oh man that was so wrong but yet so right! I love your snark and sarcasm Luvvie
” Shouldn’t it be woman?”…..bahaaaaa!!! ” Welcome to the joke.” #dead
I like his Dr. Seuss rhyming style. This is hilarious.
MADAM! I can’t even say I am mad at you because I’m the fool that clicked on your link. I am mad at myself that you put this out and I read it and then I am dead for a half hour and be all kinds of late to pick up my child. Then I have to tell them I was dead and that’s why my baby was in the carpool line with no mama and when they look at me crazy I have to say “no further questions”. And it’s all because of you!
Sweet Geezus I had not seent this video but I am now here for it. Who’s bringing flowers to my grave? Because that cartoon did me in. If anyone needs me, I’ll be recovering and asking Thomas to time it right so I make it to school on time!
This kid is clearly lying, and I only hope it was worth all the infamy that has come his way since the video has been making the rounds.
It’s so bad that the COGIC issued a statement talmbout they will not compromise their Biblical stance on “a particular lifestyle” but they still want everyone to be treated with respect: http://www.cogic.org/blog/news/statement-on-video-airing-from-107th-holy-convocation/
This young man needs to spend less time stunting at religious conventions and more time with a fashion mentor like Tim Gunn to steer him away from such gaudy fashion choices,
And please sweet Rose of Sharon do not let Derek J. ever be delivert from being fierce because he is my spirit animal.
I’m dead at the cartoon! Like, my co-workers are looking at me and wondering why I’m crying in the middle of the day. That cartoon is pure foolishness. I need to watch it again.
Did Emmanuel & Philip Hudson produce and direct this COGIFoolishness? Iont know if my Savior lived and died to pardon all dis. And where was the usher board while this was going on??
But hold up…in the cartoon version…whyWhyWHY did he do the Kappa shimmy when he said I will not wear make up? (Don’t act like I’m the only one who saw that….mmhmm, scroll up and watch it again!)
I’ll be honest- I haven’t watched the entire video prior to leaving this comment (only saw first minute). I don’t know the intentions of this church, or this man, etc. But until I investigated all of that thoroughly, I would be hesitant to write a whole mockery blog about it or make a spoof cartoon about it…not because I think homosexuality is a crime/sin and not because I hope the what he man is testifying is truly how he feels. It’s because we have one of (if not the) highest suicide rates, and most of them are a response to cyber bullying. And if I’m not mistaken, there are a lot of LGBT people out there taking their lives because they feel no one is listening, or because they’re being harassed physically and cyberly (if that’s a word). What if this man (& again, I don’t know for sure) really feels convicted in what he’s saying in the video? Or what if he doesn’t, but seeing his image treated like this over the Internet while he might be going through some internal struggle pushes him to the edge in a very tragic way?
When I first saw the video, I had my reservations about it. But that’s why I just didn’t comment. If I were to comment, I would provide a careful, sensitive discussion about what this video says about the way we treat the issue of homosexuality in society.
*chants* Go to Oprah! Go To Oprah!
Wait! Does that name say DeVonte’s Tiny Ponytail? I cain’t! I ain’t! and I WILL NOT! DEAD! DO NOT RESUSCITATE!
I showed this to a coworker at work today and she found an article stating he was trying to sue twitter for $50,000,000 for allowing people to cyberbully him. I also did some digging of my own and found some news articles saying that hes had some arrest for fraudulent behavior and someone who interviewed him said that they think hes a scam artist because a lot of the things he said during their interview were blatant lies. So I highly doubt he really felt that convicted. Besides, as a Christian I feel when people start doing the most in the name of Jesus, like sir above did, there’s nothing godly about it.
I was actually shocked watching the video. As I’ve stated before, I come from, and live in, another culture, and maybe that caught me unaware.
Poor little thing if he was not lying. Poor little thing if he was just acting.
That said, I must admit I watched the cartoon and died a painful #deathS. Damb timing to make me see the (blabbing) as he was in the freezing water right when I was inhaling smoke from a cigarette!! I half-choked, then I choked altogether because I instantly pictured:
– a duet of this boy gobbling like a crazy turkey in that triple pomerania-mustard tie and Aretha’s flaps dancing to it in all their ash-mint glory, on Oprah
I’m sad, dead and grinning. And getting late for my evening classes.
On behalf of cubicle nation…or at least me…let me just say that I CANNOT fool with you anymore during the work hours! Between that video and your commentary…I’m trying not to holler and get put out of my good govt job. I almost choked on my afternoon snack and needed 911!!! *dead*
Thanks for the afternoon laugh! Back to work I go…
He is clearly lying, and I only hope it was worth all the infamy that has come his way since the video has been making the rounds.
It’s so bad that the COGIC issued a statement talmbout they will not compromise their Biblical stance on “a particular lifestyle” but they still want everyone to be treated with respect: http://www.cogic.org/blog/news/statement-on-video-airing-from-107th-holy-convocation/
This young man needs to spend less time stunting at religious conventions and more time with a fashion mentor like Tim Gunn to steer him away from such gaudy fashion choices,
And please sweet Rose of Sharon do not let Derek J. ever be delivert from being fierce because he is my spirit animal.
I can barely stop laughing to type this. And I feel bad for him cause his “conversion” ain’t gonna last long AT ALL.
Sweetie, your gay and its OK. If folks tell you differently, they’re wrong and can’t be trusted.
I wrote a whole comment that didn’t get posted… a sign?
I must state I felt sad at viewing this video. I fully understand Taseny’s concerns. As a gay man myself, this sort of foolery sends shivers down my spine. This (not the post, but the whole circus showcased in that type of “ceremony”) is all manner of wrong. Period.
But of course I watched the cartoon and I snorted and half-choked on the smoke I’d just inhaled from my cigarette. If anything can save us all, anything at all, that must be humour:
This boy gobbling like an unhinged turkey, wearing his triple pomerania-mustard tie as Aretha’s flaps do the shimmy in all their ash-mint glory. On Oprah. Like, asap!
#slayed #choked #lateformyeveningclasses
I believe him. When you get delivert with a “t” at the end, you know it’s real.
I’m with Scott because my first reaction to this video was, “now that’s a hard sell considering the tie he’s wearing.” I just want people to be successful in life.
There is simply too much happening in this video. Too much. I would not have even been able to use my index church finger to excuse myself politely out of the pew. Nope. I would’ve been rolling on the damn floor. They woulda thought I caught the ghost not realizing that even my holy ghost was laughing inside. Whatever. I did for a minute but now I’m back to can’t.
Not the index church finger! Done took me allll the way back
I swear before Gahd Luvvie, If you ever die on me I’ll kill you. I have been slayed like none other by this deliverance of the geighness. He is the pastor, first lady and head deaconess of the Crosscolors Rainbowbright Tabernacle of My Little Pony Faith.
“Crosscolors Rainbowbright Tabernacle of My Little Pony Faith”
I just cannot with you.
Lawd!!!!!! Luvvie you just kilt me and brought me back to life!!! Lol
“I am a Christian but I’m also of the belief that the person you love isn’t going to determine whether you spend eternity in hell. MY God ain’t that petty.”
When he was talking about the women, and devolved into that Woody Woodpecker/Curly from the Three Stooges babble.
When he said “menz”, that sealed it. Boi bye!
Delivert from The Geigh?
Not in that jacket he’s not.
So this is the line that did me in:
“As if every time he says the word, more gay leaves his body. That ain’t how this works at all.”
Cant. Breathe. Laughing. Too. Hard…
Motorboating the church lady does not convince me, sir!
All she has to do is wind up that bow tie and like the song says, he’s gonna fly away. #lordbeahurricane
So glad that I work from home so I only startled the birds and my Momma (who’s visiting) with my cackling.
Lord Jesus done delivert him from the gay. Amen. Now, if only he could be delivered from his fashion sense. #jesusbeatailor
LORDT…that lavender -n- muskkkard get up is saying otherwise. LMAO @ menzzz and a women. I can’t eeeemmm laugh NO MO.
{The Power You Possess}
Sweet Baby Jesus! I can’t stand you Luvvie!!! Like others have stated I was not going to entertain this foolery floating around the world wide web BUT …… then you had to write about it which always triggers my need-to-knowness A-N-D your blogs are NEVER just about the breath you are fixin to take from me THEN there are the “comments” that give me life and def ovah and ovah and ovah againe! You rock my socks! I don’t know how I ever survived a bad day without you! Your pieces, your followers, have #delivert me! I have been howlin’, chokin’, gaspin’, tripple-snappin’, air fightin’, and struggling to stay upright for the past hour – my dog walked away and took himself to the next room. I hate you so hard right no for the pain in my chess and the cramp in my side
Okay.. i think COGIC is going to have to monitor who comes into their Holy Convocations. Cause i can’t go in. I’m such a heathen the lord told me to stay out of ALL his houses of worship. ( that rabbi told me he wasn’t married.. but anywhoo)
umm unless the holy water got something in it… that gay gonna come back, and come back strong… cause no womens is going out in public with him dressing like that…
p.s. i’ve been howling all day about the video AND cartoon!
Wait. Am i weird? Did no one else picture him in Green Eggs And Ham?
He would not date mens in a house. He would not date mens with a mouse. He would not date mens here or there. He would not date mens anywhere. HE BEEN DELIVERT!
Aweee not Dr. Suess! *cackles and fights the air*
To the back of the line with you!
This Ghost remix is the best I’ve seen. I think I’d actually buy this on iTunes: http://youtu.be/EXOA9kzsZuo
Just popping in to note that in the cartoon, the back of his jacket says “Hey” in the butt region.
So many Easter Eggs.
Darneyt! First time this has happened… couldn’t start my Friday without a peep at that cartoon. Haytyall for making me more #Geigh
Late, half-dressed and wishing #LawdBeALipstick #HaShemBeAShoePolish
Sometimes I flush with embarrassment when folk have to endure the mockery of our community. Black culture/humor is always alive and well when derisive, denigrating and down right evil. One can disagree with humanity more respectfully and give an inch or so to one who lacks command of language or education.
Marilyn, I agree on the mockery, though not only within the Black community (as I am what they call “caucasian”) but all over. Humour is humour, within limits of course, and I myself am one known to get overly serious about stuff sometimes.
I also think we are naughty by deriding anybody’s lack of education. But than again you see, this guy here has trolled us all by mocking himself and he will be probably counting big notes soon. It appears to be but a fake.
As for language, I endeavour to follow and learn a little every time about this hilarious way of speaking/writing people here have. I am just an outsider, a Latino who loves English and this particular Ebonics of yours. Much respect #doe 😉
See there’s a reason the Lord”t” didn’t let me watch this until my off day.
I cannnnnnn not stop laughing and #crine.
But WAIT…we ain’t gonna talk about that quick hand motion and pose he did when he said he will NOT put on make-up?!!!
Baaaaa-by you ain’t been all the way delivert.
I AM a women! And I love menz menz MENZ!!
Wait a minute, don’t double negatives in English mean a positive? So Luvvie ( love you gurl), don’t that make “not no mo” = still flaming yes, Yes, YESZ!!!! ?
A deliverty men is here wit my pizza, all this laughin make me hungert.
Luvvie you are getting my ass FIRED! I sweartagawd. I can’t be in these people place laughing like this. You better have some space over there for me because they are about to kick my ass out of their office building for all this hollering. No less than 2 damn coworkers came to see if I was laughing or crying because I am doing a piss poor job of trying to contain all of this DELIVERANCE.
“For Colored Boys Who Put an S on Mens Cuz the Rainbow Was Being Delivered Out of Them.” You win the internet.
I’m just wondering what god you all serve, because my God says homosexuality is a sin. We all have sins that we struggle with, but we should not be comfortable abiding in them. He may not spend eternity in hell for it, but if he can be delivered from it, that is a blessing. Glory be to God!
Is that the same God that said he, and only he, could judge? Just wondering, in case you want to backtrack …
Get hah Ms. notconvincedgranny! Get hah!!!
Other sins that your God hates include —wearing polyester/mixed fabrics, a woman wearing pants, a woman talking while men talk, eating pork and skrimps, reading a horoscope, premarital sex, getting divorced, wearing jewelry dedicated to false idols.. Lady, there are over 76 sins listed in the Old Testament alone, so when you stop shaving/plucking your eyebrows and cutting your hair on the side, not to mention separate yourself from polite company when you are on your period, I am sure the gays will be all ears as to how you are sin free according to your God. Girl, bye!
@Dionna i was thinking the same thing. My God aint that petty??? hmm, i think this will be my last visit to this website. I guess i was trying to be supportive being that i’m a black woman in technology… but yeah God ain’t petty but he done set the rules and now everyone trying to back track them. Really this is the same god that put envy and jealousy on the same list as murder? i’m also tired of people saying you can’t judge me. you don’t judge people but you also are supposed to point out when they are sinning, sort of like how the police stop you from speeding but only the judge can convict you.
Baby. Back up. Hate the sin, not the sinner, judge not lest ye be judged, let he without sin cast the first stone, live and let live, life is a test; keep you eyes on your own Scantron, don’t hate the player, hate the game, yadda yadda yadda.
Oh yeah, the most important: “If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire. “If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it from you. It is better for you to enter life with one eye, than to have two eyes and be cast into the fiery hell.”
How many eyes, hands and feet do you have left?
Using religion as a shield for bigotry is both transparent and pathetic.
Let’s just say he did get the get the geigh prayed away. Was he supposed to leave and go shopping for some straight people clothes and then come back and give his fiery testimony? I’m just sayin, his alphet don’t make him a lie.
On the other hand, if I was a single lady and he tried to date me, I would do the Randy Jackson slow headshake with a Naaaaaawwww.
Also, my husband threatened to put himself on the couch the other night because I kept thinking about this and laughing while he was tryna sleep. Luvvie outchea sabotoging jobs AND marriages.
Give the man a chance. He might not be ready to dive into women but let him figure out his sexuality and if it starts with not carrying a purse, or wearing makeup then so be it. You also stated @ Luvvie that gay men don’t dress like women what world are you living in. Gay men wear pants tighter than mine to work at their corporate job. Hello!
“Because the only way that bowtie could be more gay haute is if it was made out of live Monarch butterflies flapping their wings while held together with eyelash glue.”