It’s World AIDS Day! Here’s 11 Reasons Why It Matters
YOOOO!!! So, today’s World AIDS Day, and the issue of HIV/AIDS is hella important to me (see: The Red Pump Project). And that’s why today, I’m traveling to Charlotte, NC for less than 24 hours today! I’ll be there for the 3rd annual Red Pump/Red Tie Affair, held by our …

I’m So Thankful. Lemme Tell You Why
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am so thankful because I am blessed in so many ways, and I give God all the credit. I’d like to give glory to God for another year where no one calls me “Mom.” His grace and mercies have my ultimate gratitude for this. SHOULDACOMEINAHYUNDAI! …

Remember Facebook Honesty Box?
In like 2007, Facebook introduced apps, and one of them was “Honesty Box.” Honesty Box allowed you to send any of your friends messages anonymously and it allowed folks to say whatever they wanted, without repercussions or anything. And folks acted accordingly too because keyboard courage is super real. Honest …

My Thoughts About Part 1 of the “Basketball Wives LA” Reunion
Last night, I watched the reunion special of “Basketball Wives LA and live-tweeted it. Here are my thoughts on what went down, and I’mo just do it per person present. * Whose idea was it to get John Salley to host this special? Was La La busy? Did Wendy Williams …

Tom Anderson from MySpace is… NOT the Father!
So I had a completely different post ready to go until I saw this video: *CRIES* *REAL TEARS* I am holding my stomach and trying not to fall out the chair. This man thinks Tom Anderson of MySpace is the father of his girlfriend’s child because the kid has blue …

If You Can’t Afford Real Louboutins…
Ok. I’m a shoe freak, as some folks know. My addiction to shoes is the reason why I have 130 pairs (and this blog called Must Luvv Shoes). I just love them. Red ones, blue ones, flat ones, high ones. I just love them so. Others smoke, some drink, I …

The Foreign Name Struggle Is Real
Yesterday was my post telling parents to quit naming their kids stupidly. It turned out to be EPIC, with 300 comments on it (now: 600) and counting (record for this blog). And y’all might have made my site crash for a good hour yesterday with foolery. Folks acted UP in …

Parents, Quit Naming Your Kids Foolishly
A couple of weeks ago, I was in Starbucks, and I looked at my cashier’s name tag. It said “Money Jones.” Well, I don’t remember her last name because I was too fixated on the “Money” part as her first name. I was judging her parents HELLA hard. Did they …

5 Reasons Why I Can’t Hate on the Dougie
So the dougie has been out for what seems like forever now, and it seems to be equated with the times when one does hoodrat things with their friends. I like to hit my dougie when I’m feeling ratchet and it seems to be the perfect dance move to express …

Face Tattoos Must Stop. Now.
Ok. There’s an explosion of face tattoos happening right now that has to stop. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I keep coming across face tats, and every one of them is trifling and unnecessary in every way. Before, folks tattooed 2 tear drops on their face when they …