Cant Afford Me Liv Scandal gif
TV and Movies

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Scandal?!? Episode 214 Recap

After last week’s Scandal episode left me in need to pressure pills and sniffs of extra oxygen from Verna’s tank, I was just ready to see what was next. And when I heard that the show was jumping 10 months ahead, I knew Shonda and her team were gon shake …


Old White Folks Rapping For Jesus

You know? The internet is truly the Den of Iniquity. When I was sent the link of the video below, the moment I pressed play, I realized I shoulda just walked away. Because. For reasons. Just watch. *faints* Iunno if this is real or not but West Dubuque 2nd Church …

Rihanna Kelly Beyonce JLo Grammys
AwardsMusicTV and Movies

The 2013 Grammy Awards Were Decent. Or Maybe Twitter Tricked Me

The Grammys were relatively lowkey this year compared to previous ones. Because 2 out of the last 4 years, something MAJORLY tragic has happened before it. Thankfully, nothing crazy of note happened. WE TANK GAWD. Anywho, my thoughts on the show are about everything but the award giving itself. You’re …

Keep Calm Nigerian

10 Things That Happened After Nigeria Won the African Cup

Nigeria just defeated Burkina Faso to win the African Soccer something big and awesome championship match tournament. Or the African Cup of Nations. But I like my description better. Anywho, Nigerians everywhere are currently losing their minds in glee. 1. Your Facebook newsfeeds exploded with celebrating Nigerians. The moment the …

Holy Fitz Scandal
TV and Movies

Nobody Likes Babies Was a Game Changer: Scandal Episode 213 Recap

I know. I know. Every week, I start with how much Scandal has slayed me, but truly, this last episode left me trapped in a glass case of emotions and only Shonda Rhimes has the key to get me out! It had me so spent that I had to go …

Lil Kim Mulan
Famous folks

About Lil Kim Now Looking Like Mulan…

Let’s talk about it. Really. Every time I see a picture of Lil Kim, I hit an internal *wall slide*. And sometimes ask myself “What is that?” Lil Kim ain’t fighting for nobody’s honor. WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE AN ASIAN CARTOON??? She used to be a Black woman! *throws …

Inspired Tee
Red Pump

Red Rules Everything Around Me

When I was three, someone asked me what my favorite color was and I yelled “RED!” At 28, ask me the same thing and I’d yell just as loud RED! But you probably don’t need to ask me. There is usually something red on me. If it’s not my clothes …

Celine Dion All the Way
Famous folksMusic

Who Would I Pay to See in Concert?

I’m halfway through my LuvPrah 10,000 Facebook fans giveaway, and I’m having A BLAST with this! I hope you all are too. Everyday since last Wednesday, I’ve been giving out prizes on my fan page and to win, people have to answer a question. And then I pick at random …

Bitch Pride Lion Hair is Laid

Because This Lion Deserves Shine and You Know It!

The next time you think you’re having a good hair day, take a second. And look at yourself in the mirror. And ask if you measure up to this glorious mane below. Is YOUR hair laid like poetry? Is it fried, dyed and LAIDT to every side it needs to …

Beyonce Bowl gif
Famous folksTV and Movies

Beyonce, Shade and More: Thoughts on the 2013 Super Bowl

So ya know the Super Bowl was last night. GO *insert team name who won here*! You fought a good fight against *name of other team here*! I knew you’d win at the end! O_O Yes, and all that good stuff. As you can tell, I didn’t really care about …