No Time For that gif
TV and Movies

My Comprehensive Recap of the SAG Awards

I didn’t watch it because I knew it’d be boring. And not enough of my Twitter peeps were watching it for the tweets to entertain me. Also, Real Housewives of Atlanta was on. So NAWL. The end. *curtsies* You’re welcome. Did you watch it? How’d it go?

TV and Movies

5 Reasons Why No One is Here for Aunt Viv 2.0 From Fresh Prince

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of those shows that immediately makes me think of my childhood. I’ve watched every single episode, and I can recite some of the lines. Plus, I’ve memorized Will Smith’s drum juke, surely keeping other types of knowledge out my brain. It’s fine. It’s allowed. …

Scandal Time Suck
TV and Movies

4 Reasons Why 2 Weeks is Too Long for Scandal to be Gone

The next episode of Scandal isn’t for another week. And the last one was last week. And it’s been too long (7 days) since I watched it last. Because I’m addicted to it in the worst way. So here I am with a bad excuse for writing about Scandal, talmbout …

Michelle Obama Boehner side-eye gif
Famous folksPolitics

Michelle Obama’s Side-Eye to John Boehner is Everything

While I was running the streets yesterday after Inauguration stuff, folks emailed me, tweeted me, and Facebooked me the same link over and over again. It was to this Gawker post with Michelle Obama’s reaction to John Boehner trying to talk to her during the lunch. I. GAHTDAMB. LIVE. Madame …

Sasha Obama Face

My President is Black, Michelle’s Coat is Blue: 5 Thoughts on the Inauguration

I was supposed to have published this post yesterday but I was running the streets all day so I wasn’t able. I did write one post though, about what the election meant to me. Did you read that? Aight go read it and come back. Anywho, here are some of …

Obama Inauguration 2

What This Election and Today’s Inauguration Meant to Me

In 2008 when President Barack Obama was elected, it was with this air of inspiration. It felt like a brand new day. It was history. Untainted history. People were rooting for him and he was the underdog who needed to be cheered on. In 2012 as he went up for …

Fitz Lives Scandal
TV and Movies

A Criminal, A Whore, An Idiot and a Liar: Scandal Episode 211 Recap

Scandal went off air over 30 minutes ago and I’m sitting on this couch wondering what my life is about. I mean GAHTDAMB. This episode didn’t murk my spirit in the last 5 minutes like normal. Instead, the entire episode just slayed me completely. Every scene was as important as …

Lance Armstrong Fail
Famous folksTV and Movies

Love and Athletes America Needs to Happen and Here’s the Cast

Lately, the sports world has been giving us the best tea. They might have me caring about who shot what ball over who’s net soon. Or not. But still. You gotta admit that athletes have been in the news more than usual for their off-the-court activities and how it’s affected …

more guns NRA

Dear NRA, A Stadium of Seats Awaits You

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been tripping for a good while and they’ve been hitting their dougie all over the collective nerves of people with sense. They’ve more than earned this sternly-worded letter. Dear NRA, I’m beginning to believe that you have to be a dizzy dingbat to be …

Drunk Uncle
Whose is this?

Whose Drunk Uncle is This?

We all have black sheep in our family. Some of the folks we don’t like to claim might one day end up on TV for all the wrong reasons. Like this dude: LMAO!!! This dude was so damb drunk that he couldn’t e’em hold his own head up to take …