Sending Love to My Oldest Reader: Mother Doretha
This blog is about to be 6 years old, and it’s definitely grown in reach since way back when I was still on Blogspot, back when it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and looked like a cave.
One of the people who’s been with me all along is Mother Doretha Jackson from Mississippi. She’s Genma Holmes’ grandmother, and has been a fan of my blog since at least 2009. Last week, she turned 90 years young. Yes. 90. Mother, as they call her, can’t see very well so she has Genma read her my blog posts whenever I update because they make her laugh.

Mother D’s 90th birthday, after Genma painted her nails. She’s spotting her new shades, styling and profiling on everyone.
When Genma first told me about her Grandma, and their ritual of reading my posts, I admit that my thug hit the floor. It was the best compliment I’ve ever gotten, and still is, actually. Seriously. How awesome is that?? The fact that I can make someone smile, no matter what age, makes my heart grin.
I asked Genma how her granny discovered my site. She said:
“I was trying to teach her internet…blogging, twitter, the like. This was before she got sick. I started reading blogs to her and I read yours. Like that she was hooked. When she got ill, I would read her your tweets over the phone. It lifted her spirits and she would roll with laughter. I visit her as much as I can. She is now in a nursing home. People had written her off last summer but God is good. A few days home reading you, she just came back to life. At Christmas of ’11 I read her your blogs and we would hold hands in the hospital laughing…precious. Last summer, she could barely lift her head. Look at her last week, showing out.”
LAWD MY EYES ARE RAINING!!! LOOK AT GOD WORK! I am verklempt all over again. Y’all talk amongst yourselves. *ugly cries*

Hey Mother Doretha. As Genma reads this post to you, know that I think you’re awesome, and I’ve never even met you. I wanted to take the time to send you love because you’ve shown me so much love from afar all these years. I appreciate you so much, for being my wisest reader. I’m so glad you’re now feeling better. Please SHOW OUT whenever you’d like, You looked GOODT on your birthday, ma’am! I loved it. Giving them all the sass in the home. I pray for many more years to come of a full life and good health for you, and may blessings rain on you everyday. And for so many more smiles and laughs for you. Love you!
And to you, Genma. Thank you for introducing my blog to your Granny. She’s a special lady, and grannies are some of the most special folks on this Earth. You rock too for all your support over the years. Including this feature of me, that appeared in over 200 newspapers around the country: The Awesomely Luvvie…Using Social Media to Raise Awareness about HIV and AIDS. You’re an amazing person, and I wanted to say a huge thanks.
You never know who’s reading and who you’ve touched with your words, and Mother Doretha is one person who I’m honored to have reached.
Feel free to send Mother Doretha some love too in the comments! I’m sure she’d get a kick out of them when Genma reads this to her.
This is so sweet! I just wanted to point out how fabulous Mother Doretha’s skin is! Black don’t crack!!!
This just made my thug leave for the evening. I seriously got teary eyed…or my allergies was bothering me…you know how that is, lol. My great grandmother lived to be 105 so the elderly have a special place in my heart! This is great.
Momma Doretha, Happy Belated birthday!! Thanks for bringing it like only you can in your sunglasses!!! Werk!!! Keep laughing, it keeps you young 🙂
Happy Birthday Mother Doretha!
Dear Mother Doretha,
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” (3 John 1:2 NIV)
To God be the glory for keeping you sweet lady! I totally understand how you feel when you’re reading Luvvie’s blogs and tweets. Our Luvvie is such a joy and gives so much through her words.
As you’re enjoying your special day, please know that you’re an amazing inspiration to us all! I pray for continued grace and mercy for you all the days of your beautiful life.
Happy, happy birthday Mother Doretha! God bless always.
My thug has left the building. This was so sweet. I with Mother Doretha many years of health and laughs.
I aint nomo’ good…THanks Luvvie for making all the tears my body could possess leave me!
Happy 90th Mother Doretha! I want you to hit a Leyomi twirl to the FLOOR and style on the sistas in the nursing home, ya hear!!
Mother Doretha,
May you have many, many more years of laughing and being blessed. You look like a rock star…..seriously! I wish you an awesome belated birthday. You bless me just by being you and showing the rest of us youngins how its done!
This is such an awesome post. Many blessings to you Mother Doretha.
Luvvie, my dear, you’ve truly made it when the elders get and appreciate your work!
Mother Doretha,
I see where your granddaughter gets her style. You are truly accessorized to the nines & slaying folks! Be blessed & much love to you.
Many blessings to you Mother Doretha for wisdom, joy, good health and longevity and many blessings to Genma and Luvvie for revering/caring for our seniors. This really touched me especially since I had just gotten off the phone with my 91 year old godmother. XOXOXOXO
How ridiculously adorable is she with her fashion rings and what not!! Lurveeee it! I just want to wrap my arms around her neck and hug her TIGHT. What a blessing she is at 90 years young. Keep doing what you’re doing Luvvie & watch God work!!!
That’s so precious. Luvvie is awesome!
That’s so sweet, as they say laughter is the best medicine! Happy b’day granny.
That’s so sweet, as they say laughter is the best medicine! Happy b’day granny and you are truly styling in those shades and cocktail rings!
God bless you, Mother Doretha! <3 Grandmas are very special; you take good care of yourself!
SOMEONE CALL THE AMBER LAMPS!! I think something is happening, a strange occurence in which my eyes are leaking some kinda fluid.. Anyway man I just wanna THROW A PAIR OF MY BEST BOXERS AT MOMMA D!! She fine and yeah I’m gone get my flirt on. Yall be mad.
Hey boo.
Lawd! *thug cries*
Mother D is werking them 90s! What a wonderful blessing. Sending much love your way. I only hope to be 1/2 as fly if the good Lord let’s me see 90 & to have an awesome granddaughter like you!
This is just so awesome! Proof that funny knows no age limit. Bless you, Mother Doretha! Love those rings and the stunna shades!
Happy belated birthday Mother Doretha! I am also blessed to still have my Granny (age 86) still in my life . Grandmothers are a precious gift from God and when I amost lost mine last year I learned how selfish I am I don’t ever want to lose her so Mother Doretha’s story really touched me so bless you and yours.
Look at those rings, you know she is stylin on errrbody in the nursing home. And check at that shoulder flower – On. Trend. And her hair is luxuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurious.
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Yeah, thug is ALLAWAY MURKED. Alltypa wet about the facial region. That’s the most sweetest thang I’ve eva read!
Many blessings Mama D! Stunt on ’em in the home! Looking as good as you wanna look! *In my Martin voice* YOU GO GURL!!
Let’s say a prayer for my thug, cause its dead and gone! If Mama D is reading this, peace, love and blessings to you!!!
Mother D, happy belated birthday to you! Laughter is good for the soul & great medicine so laugh until your sides heart! Such an inspiration! Just goes to show that no one can give you an expiration date..until you and God get ready no one can push you off the scene! May he sustain you with even longer life!
Happy Birthday Mother D! Be blessed.
such inspiration…priceless
love it!!
This made my eyes leak… oh jessh.. but on another note, Mother D, what I want to know is what is your hair regimen cause I did peep you rocking the natural and your corn rows are TIIIIIIGHT!. Actually scratch that, just tell me your whole life regimen cause I am trying to be fab like you all the way into my 90’s!
Happy, happy birthday lovely lady
Luvvie, this should have come with a “Not Safe For Work” disclaimer! It’s just not okay to be sittin at your desk with tears rollin down your cheeks!
Mother D, the Happiest of birthdays to you! 90 is the new 30, looking at you!
Genma, what a wonderful granddaughter you are. You have some AWESOME karma coming your way.
Happy Belated Birthday Mother Doretha!
I lost my last living grandparent over 10 years ago. He was almost 100 and I still feel like I didn’t have enough time with him. Love up your granny Genma!
this was one of the best things i’ve ever read on the internet.
1 person CAN change the world.
May you have many more years to come!
Awesome that Mother D enjoys your page. I do too! May you both continue on and be blessed!
This is awesome!! Blessings to you Mother D!
*logs off to wipe away the tears*
My thug, it’s crying, real big wells of tears running down my face. May the Lord continue to bless Mother Doretha. We welcome her wisdom.
Mother Dorothea, bless you and all your offspring. I am so glad that your youthful spirit continues to laugh. Peace to you and keep kicking. If you have a blog or twitter account I’d love to read your words of wisdom.
A special “hello” to grandma Doretha. Got alla this lint in my eyes, though…
Happy Birthday Mother Doretha!
ps. Luvvie you need to stop cutting onions on this blog. My eyes are watering!!
Aww she has the same name as my grandma! And I have the same middle name! So she must be an amazing lady! I wish you love love love! Congrats luvvie for reaching so many people!
My GGMa was also a Dorothy (ea) and was fierce as the day was long. I know she would have appreciated Luvvie! Mother Dorothea, have a grand time on your day and keep rolling in the laughter! All blessings to you.
Awww my eyes are sweating….get it Mother Doretha! How is she now?
My eyes are raining!! This is the sweetest thing
My eyes are raining also – POURING actually
Grannies are the best! Thank you mother, for being you. Blessings to you on your special day.