Mama Bolt’s Disappointment is Universal Mom Love Language
There is no one who can bring you down to Earth better and quicker than your own mother. It seems that once you have a child, your shade savant abilities triples, and your gift of petty is enhanced. From the way moms can cut that look that will quickly make …

All’s Unfair in Love and Kidneys
There’s a story going around today because some guy wrote into a website called NGTrends asking for advice: I am 32years old and my girlfriend is 31years old. We’ve been together for 5 years and now live together in a nice house. Things have been slowly fizzling out and I’ve …

Remy Ma and Papoose: Together Through Bids and Blond Bangs
Nowadays when people break up because one person’s shoes are ugly, it’s great to see some folks buckle down and stick with each other. He’s a grown ass man who goes by the name Papoose (on purpose) and has every NYC borough tattooed on his fingers. She’s named Remy Ma and went …

Sending Love to My Oldest Reader: Mother Doretha
This blog is about to be 6 years old, and it’s definitely grown in reach since way back when I was still on Blogspot, back when it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and looked like a cave. One of the people who’s been with me all along is Mother Doretha …

I’m So Thankful. Lemme Tell You Why
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am so thankful because I am blessed in so many ways, and I give God all the credit. I’d like to give glory to God for another year where no one calls me “Mom.” His grace and mercies have my ultimate gratitude for this. SHOULDACOMEINAHYUNDAI! …

Happy Valves and Thymes Day!!!
What it be like, folks? Happy Valentine’s Day to everyones. It’s a day of increased expectations, men sleeping on couches and new seeds being planted (mmhmm…). It’s also a day of bitter Facebook statuses or bragging ones. To all the single ladies on Valves and Thymes Day, don’t write bitter …

Dear Future Mini Luvvie
Everywhere I look now, people are having kids. It’s like the 2nd Baby Boom. I’ve counted no less than 50 of my peers with kiddies in the past year. I have so many baby showers lined up that it makes no sense. Whatever’s in the water, I’m not having it. …