Miss Arkansas 1994, I’m Telling You To STAHP
Singing isn’t just about getting some notes right. There are some songs that you need to SANG, because they’re all emotional and you gotta come with it. Dreamgirls’ “I am Telling You” ballad is one of them. When Jennifer Holliday sang it on Broadway decades (and at every other gig …

When Twerking Goes Wrong: This Girl is On Firrreee! (Updated: It was Jimmy Kimmel’s Prank)
I’m sick of talmbout and hearing about twerking, as I’m sure you are too. We can all blame Miley Cyrus for that. But I promise that the video below will be worth your while. Caitlin decided to make a twerk video for her boyfriend and tragedy ensued. Watch what happens …

10 More Hilarious Vine Videos You Must Watch
To think we ever thought Instagram video was going to kill Vine. NOPE! Vine has basically become the place to go for micro-comedy. It’s hilarity in 6-second spurts and I am so here for it. I did a 10 Hilarious Vine Videos post in July and here’s part 2! 1. …

The Roast of Johnny the Velveteen Crooner and the Gospel Bump N Grind
Most times, what happens in GChat stays in GChat. But sometimes, my friends and I have such ridiculous convos that I just marvel at our foolishness. PLUS, it’s worth proving that I roll with a crew of folks who lack couth. I’m not lonesome in my foolishment. One of my …

Breaking Bad is Back Tonight and this Middle School Musical Wins
Breaking Bad is coming back tonight for the first of its final 8 episodes. And I could not be more excited! One thing everyone is sure about is that Walter White is doomed in one way or another. What we’re waiting to see is who he brings down with him. …

I Want This Daria Movie With Aubrey Plaza To Happen
As a child of the 80s and the MTV generation, certain things automatically make me all nostalgic and Daria is one of them. That super sarcastic, no dambs to give, smart chick was everything. Daria was too cool for high school, misunderstood and perfectly fine having no range of emotion. …

10 Hilarious Vine Videos You Gotta Watch
I know that when Instagram video kicked off a couple of weeks ago, folks were declaring Vine to be dead since it allowed folks to post up to 15 seconds of video. But I shook my head because I’ve never been here for IG video. All it did was provide …

The Treadmill Tumble That Left Me in Cackling Tears
I found the video below and laughed so hard that I was shaking silently for about 20 seconds. You know that laugh that looks like you’re sobbing because you’re trying to catch your breath? Yes. That one. Just watch this video (it’s 70 seconds long and gets good around 45 …

All Great Granny Wants for Her 100th Birthday is Her Thirst Quenched
One great grandmother turned 100 recently, and her local news station wanted to interview her on what it’s like to hit that century mark. Because it’s no small feat. Well, it didn’t go as anyone expected. Watch the NSFW video below: I. DON. DIE. The fact that the first thing …

Falling is a Habit for this Poor Graduate
There are times when practicality need to take precedence over some forced cuteness. One of those times is if you are going to be graduating and walking across a football field. The video below made me laugh SO hard for so many reasons. Watch. The first fall was like “aw …