I’ve Partnered with Comcast’s XFINITY for Scandal Coverage!
Hey folks! I’m super duper excited because I’ve partnered with Comcast’s XFINITY site for SCANDAL coverage this upcoming season! WHOOOT! I’ll be writing recaps on their new CelebrateBlackTV.com site, with top 10 moments of each episode. In preparation for the upcoming season 3 premiere of Scandal, I’ve even written quick …

Felina: Breaking Bad’s Finale Was the Perfect Ending to an Amazing Show
It was the perfect ending. It was just right. And it makes this whole “finale” thing even more bittersweet. To know I just watched the last episode of one of the BEST TV shows of all time (Breaking Bad) is so wall-slide worthy. I felt this exact same way when …

Breaking Bad’s Granite State Broke My Heart: Episode 515 Recap
We’ve all been watching Walter White walk the proverbial plank in these last episodes of Breaking Bad. It’s just a matter of HOW and WHEN as opposed to IF. I haven’t recapped the past two episodes but each one rendered me LITERALLY unable. I kept telling myself I’d write about …

The 2013 Emmy Awards Embodied TV’s White Problem
Last night’s Primetime Emmy Awards taught me two things: that I really need to start watching Homeland and that TV is just REALLY white. Well, no it only taught me one thing because I already knew of TV’s white problem. But at the 2013 Emmys, it jumped off the TV …

The Storm is Coming: What Does Scandal’s Rainy Shoot Tell Us?
We’re only a couple of weeks away from the season 3 premiere of Scandal and Gladiators everywhere are preparing by re-watching and overanalyzing everything. That’s our duty as obsessed fans. Shonda Rhimes put us all into overdrive when her team released pictures from the “Storm is Coming” photoshoot the cast …

10 Thoughts About Breaking Bad Episode 512: Rabid Dog
I just caught up with last week’s episode of Breaking Bad last night, which is why my recap is coming just a few hours before the next episode airs. 1. There are few shows on TV that make you wanna lose your mind through pure silence and camera angles like …

These Are Walt’s Confessions: Breaking Bad 511 Recap
I don’t know about you but watching every new episode of Breaking Bad gives me heart palpitations. I just feel like doom is round every corner so I can’t e’em chillax when it’s on. I’m expecting some sort of boogeyman to come and eat Walt or something. Chile… Anywho, in …

Buried: Breaking Bad Episode 510 Recap
Breaking Bad is going to give us all a heart attack before it wraps up these final eight episodes. Now that Walt knows that Hank knows he’s Heisenberg, what’s he gonna do? What’s Hank’s next move? I wanted to know after last week’s “Tread Lightly” tension-filled scene. But one thing …

The Scandal Brolivia Pope Theory: Who is Harrison?
Two seasons into Scandal and the only person that still feels as mysterious as Olivia Pope is Harrison, the Gooning Gladiator in Gingham. Actually, I feel like we know him even less than we know Liv. We know nothing about his background, his hobbies, his home, and all that. At …

15 Questions About the LHHATL Reunion Part 2 (Recap)
The second season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta wrapped up last night with the second part of the reunion. And I admit that I’ma be sad to see them go. My Mondays won’t be the same without this group of fools to roast. Let’s get into my questions though. 1. …