Season 6 of Real Housewives of Atlanta is Here: My Premiere Recap
I won’t sit up here and lie and say I didn’t miss watching the ladies of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Chile, I surely was ready for their shenanigans to be back in my TV life. Since season 5 wrapped Nene Leakes got re-married to her hubby Gregg, Phaedra Parks had …

Who Should Play Olivia Pope’s Mom on Scandal?
Now that Scandal has made it clear that we will be seeing Olivia’s mom because of this whole Operation Remington thing (at least in flashbacks), I am anxious to find out who will play her. I am not accepting the fact that she’s dead. NOOOPPEEE! I think she’s somewhere laying …

More Cattle, Less Bull: Scandal Episode 305 Recap
This episode of Scandal was slower than usual because halfway through it, I wasn’t sweating. My heart has usually jumped twice in my chest 30 minutes into an episode. BUT it was the calm before the storm. Shonda was preparing to slay us all and shake ALL the tables. The …

Say Hello To My Little Friend: Scandal Episode 304 Recap
Scandal stays messier than an episode of Hoarders. And Rowan/Eli Pope ain’t gon let chaos die because he is here to create more mess. Especially with this whole Operation Remington thing. But let’s jump right in! Daddy’s the Devil – Liv is kicking Jake out her apartment because she wants …

7 Lessons to Learn from TLC’s CrazySexyCool Biopic (My Review)
TLC is my favorite girls group ever. Ok I might be lying because I’m indecisive, but they’re EASILY in my top 3. What 80s kid didn’t love them? Name them, shame them and delete them from your Facebook friends list this moment! TLC was about girl power, sass, expressing yourself …

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington: Scandal Episode 303 Recap
Scandal is stressful, bro. I mean it. This show be having me waiting to exhale for a whole hour. I’m worried for myself because I be so invested in every second. When the show was bout to start, the homie @YoungSinick said “Shh, my stories are about to come on” and …

Guess Who’s Gooning at Dinner: Scandal Episode 302 Recap
If there’s one thing Scandal continues to do, it’s to out-goon itself. There’s just so much bad-assness in this show, and I am comfortable crowning Rowan Pope as King Goon of the World. My man has no chill and no dambs to give about anyone but the republic. “Guess Who’s …

So Kanye West was on Jimmy Kimmel Last Night
Last night, Kanye West went on Jimmy Kimmel‘s show to talk about their recent beef. Some people think it was the most brilliant interview they’ve ever seen and some wanna get Kanye to his therapist ASAPtually. We’ve all become armchair psychiatrists in the process. Let me give a quick synopsis for …

Scandal is BACK! Season 3: Episode 1 Handled It!
Scandal is BACK, yall! I’ve been preparing for this moment ALL MY LIFE (ok 4 months, but still). Gladiators everywhere have analyzed the show to pieces and got our minds ready to see what Shonda Rhimes was gonna serve us for season three and last night was finally the time! …

Play the Scandal Crossword Game with Me and Chescaleigh!
Folks are getting ready for the premiere of Scandal season 3, and the thirst is SO REAL, yall! I’m so parched for this show to return, and so is my girl Franchesca Ramsey (aka @Chescaleigh). Remember when we did Scandal Bingo for the season 2 finale? Well we’re back with …