Tread Lightly With Blood Money: Breaking Bad Episode 509 Recap
It’s the beginning of the end of Breaking Bad and I feel like we’re watching Walter White slowly walk the plank to his doom. The first of the final 8 episodes was last night and it was brilliant. Vince Gilligan and the writers of the show have us all guessing, …

Breaking Bad is Back Tonight and this Middle School Musical Wins
Breaking Bad is coming back tonight for the first of its final 8 episodes. And I could not be more excited! One thing everyone is sure about is that Walter White is doomed in one way or another. What we’re waiting to see is who he brings down with him. …

The 5 Stages of Watching Scandal
It’s been two and a half months since the Scandal season 2 finale episode left us all unable to deal. We wailed in despair for Scandal’s summer neglect, wondering what we were going to do to occupy our time and cope with the withdrawal. Chile, the struggle for us Gladiators …

15 Questions About the Season 2 LHHATL Reunion Part 1
The ratchet folks of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta had their reunion and the woman behind the curtains and the strings, Mona Scott-Young, hosted it. 1. Why was there a reunion band and it wasn’t Ray Chew and the Crew?? 2. Why were all the ladies on that stage SNATCHED …

10 Reasons Why I Love Orange is the New Black!
Orange is the New Black is the newest Netflix original series loosely based on a book of the same name (by Piper Kerman). I binge-watched all 13 episodes of season 1 in an 18-hour period. That show is EVERYTHING! If you don’t have a NetFlix account, get one (or ask …

I Got 20 Questions About the LHHATL Season 2 Finale
Last night was the season 2 finale of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, and I hate to see them leave. I’m not ready. But all ratchet things must come to a seasonal end so yeah. Let’s just get right to it. I haz questions. 1. Why is Joseline trying to …

So Columbia House DVD Club Still Exists
I was minding your own business (O__o) when I got an email with the subject “The New Columbia House Site Is Here!” I thought I fell into a space-time continuum and landed in 2003. I was like “Harpo, WHO DIS WOMAN?!?” THEY STILL EXIST?!? Well damb! Talk about throwback Tuesday! …

I Want This Daria Movie With Aubrey Plaza To Happen
As a child of the 80s and the MTV generation, certain things automatically make me all nostalgic and Daria is one of them. That super sarcastic, no dambs to give, smart chick was everything. Daria was too cool for high school, misunderstood and perfectly fine having no range of emotion. …

The Daily Show’s Segment on the Zimmerman Verdict is Why I Love Them
The Daily Show is one of the smartest and funniest shows on TV, and they always prove to be one of the most needed ones too. You’ll get a better take on the news by watching it than CNN any day, in my book. Their news might be “fake” but …

I Have 20 Questions About LHHATL Episode 13 (Recap)
I have questions about last night’s Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, so here they are. 1. Why did I feel so bad for Rasheeda as she poured her heart out to Mimi about Kirk the jerk? Well, because she’s super preggo and dealing with her hapless hubby. 2. When Momma Dee …