This Pic of Jesse Jackson and Marvin Gaye is 5 Types of Awesome
While browsing the Tumblrs, I came across the pic below and squealed in delight. What we have here is Jesse Jackson playing basketball with the late great Marvin Gaye. And I’m living!!! For so many reasons. First of all, we MUST talk about Jesse’s afro. Mr. Jackson’s afro looks so …

Remember Facebook Honesty Box?
In like 2007, Facebook introduced apps, and one of them was “Honesty Box.” Honesty Box allowed you to send any of your friends messages anonymously and it allowed folks to say whatever they wanted, without repercussions or anything. And folks acted accordingly too because keyboard courage is super real. Honest …

Confessions of a Former Hooper
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to sit on the bench, chew on ice for 1.5 hrs, clean off my gymshoes, rock a cute uniform be a hooper. I played basketball in elementary school, and was on my high school team for 2 years until I quit from inactivity. I …