fuck-this-thing-cat gif
CultureSocial Media

#ThingsMoreHurtThanDarrenWilson, Like Papercuts and Ovulation: Twitter’s Roast

Yesterday, I cussed more than I ever have in my life. I was dropping all types of F-bombs. I kept yelling “FUCKKKKK” at random intervals after learning that Darren Wilson would not be getting indicted. FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK IT ALL. ALL OF IT. I mean, I KNEW it was coming. …

LifetimebeLike LifetimeBiopics
Social MediaTV and Movies

#LifetimeBiopics and #LifetimeBeLike are the Hashtags You Need After the Aaliyah Movie

The Aaliyah biopic on Lifetime happened tonight and I missed it but it’s coming on again so I’ll DVR to watch tomorrow. Anywho, folks say it’s so bad that the word “bad” is offended that it’s even associated with the movie. And to think. The Whitney Houston biopic is still …

Famous folksSocial Media

Steven Tyler is Offering Women a Seat None of Us Want Because: Ew.

Steven Tyler stopped being known as the cool ass rock star from Aerosmith because he’s morphed into everyone’s eclectic aunt who never leaves the house rocking too many accessories. You’re all “But Aunt Beulah. Do you really need 5 bangles, 4 necklaces, 3 neck scarves, 2 partridges in a pear …

Social Media

Facebook is Gonna Label Onion Links as Satire Because Everyone is Slow Now

Facebook is experimenting with a new feature that will tag posts from The Onion as “Satire” when they show up in newsfeeds. Some people are outraged and wondering why they’d do such a thing. I’m here to let you know why: because everyone is slow now. Everyone. It crosses class, gender …

fake news on social media
Social Media

5 Things To Do To Avoid Passing On Fake News on Social Media

Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and other old and dead white guys have been attributed to saying the quote: “A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Even though I’m still trying to find out who really said it (even Google is …

Net NEutrality
Social Media

Net Neutrality: Why You Should Care and What You Can Do

There’s an issue that we should be paying attention to that not enough of us know about: Net Neutrality. Long issue short, Net Neutrality is our ability to access information freely online. The world wide web is supposed to be an open space where we all have equal access to content (and …

Luvvie Glappitnova
BusinessMy LifeSocial Media

The Power of Social Media: A Video Feature of Me By Glappitnova

A couple of weeks ago, the team at Glappitnova convinced me to come do a video at their Den. They wanted me to talk about who I am, what I love and what I do in my own words. I talk about the power of technology and how it’s changed …

Social Media

My Week in Facebook Statuses: Volume 1

I spend more time on Facebook nowadays and I’m actually preferring it over Twitter. I never thought I’d see the day. Yes, news gets there much slowly (and I will still shade it for that) and it’s terrible for information hogging but I can’t help it. FB is winning me …

CultureSocial Media

Black People Are Conscious Consumers and Nielsen Knows It

There’s been an influx of pieces online about Black Twitter, Black people and our widespread use of the internet and they usually come with a tone of surprise. People are shocked to hear that we’re such power users of social media and THAT astonishment never ceases to amaze me.  It …

Pharrell in his hat 1
Famous folksSocial Media

Pharrell’s GRAMMYs Hat Lived So We Could Roast It

Pharrell came to the 2014 GRAMMYs in a hat that looked awesomely ridiculous so the internet found its latest meme. I’m not sure if he lost a bet or if he wanted to make the braodcast more interesting but Thank you, FOREVER FAHN! And congrats on all the awards! There …