Cheryl Lynn Anita Baker
Famous folksSocial Media

Because Cheryl Lynn Got Blocked By Anita Baker on Twitter

Last night, Cheryl Lynn took to Twitter to let us all know about how she’s been hurt by her old friend, Anita Baker, who has blocked her on Twitter. Two R&B aunties from days of yore. Let’s be clear. I do not call what happened a beef. One person tweeting …

Amber Rose Khloe Kardashian
Famous folksSocial Media

The Time Amber Rose Ethered Khloe Kardashian on Twitter

This whole thing started because Amber Rose went on a show and talked about how she is not feeling the idea of Tyga’s grown ass at 26 years old, dating Kylie Jenner, who just turned 17. It is ridiculous that it’s happening and Amber was right to call it out. …

Chris Brown Fan Read 2
Famous folksSocial Media

The Angry Trey Songz Fan Who Went Off on Chris Brown on Instagram Has Me Howling

You know that dude who you were rooting for way back when but he just cannot seem to get his ish together because he is hellbent on being a perpetual delinquent? That is Chris Brown. Homeboy STAYS in trouble and can’t seem to get right. Chris is supposed to be …

Social Media

The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2014

When I did the first ever “Dumbest Tweets” list in 2010, it was with Miss Zindzi, the Matron Saint of Catching Twitter Foolery. That list started something ( so it’s only right that she come back to help do the 5th list. 1. Zindzi: Meaty. Oaker. For some reason, this …

Famous folksSocial Media

Instagram’s Spam Sweep is Spilling the Tea on Fake Followers

Last week, Instagram posted an announcement that in the coming weeks, folks will see their follower numbers change because they’re doing a spam sweep. What this means is that any accounts that are robots or fake would be deleted from the platform. What it also meant was that all the …

fuck-this-thing-cat gif
CultureSocial Media

#ThingsMoreHurtThanDarrenWilson, Like Papercuts and Ovulation: Twitter’s Roast

Yesterday, I cussed more than I ever have in my life. I was dropping all types of F-bombs. I kept yelling “FUCKKKKK” at random intervals after learning that Darren Wilson would not be getting indicted. FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK IT ALL. ALL OF IT. I mean, I KNEW it was coming. …

LifetimebeLike LifetimeBiopics
Social MediaTV and Movies

#LifetimeBiopics and #LifetimeBeLike are the Hashtags You Need After the Aaliyah Movie

The Aaliyah biopic on Lifetime happened tonight and I missed it but it’s coming on again so I’ll DVR to watch tomorrow. Anywho, folks say it’s so bad that the word “bad” is offended that it’s even associated with the movie. And to think. The Whitney Houston biopic is still …

Famous folksSocial Media

Steven Tyler is Offering Women a Seat None of Us Want Because: Ew.

Steven Tyler stopped being known as the cool ass rock star from Aerosmith because he’s morphed into everyone’s eclectic aunt who never leaves the house rocking too many accessories. You’re all “But Aunt Beulah. Do you really need 5 bangles, 4 necklaces, 3 neck scarves, 2 partridges in a pear …

Social Media

Facebook is Gonna Label Onion Links as Satire Because Everyone is Slow Now

Facebook is experimenting with a new feature that will tag posts from The Onion as “Satire” when they show up in newsfeeds. Some people are outraged and wondering why they’d do such a thing. I’m here to let you know why: because everyone is slow now. Everyone. It crosses class, gender …

Cartoon Plagiarism ToonPool
BusinessSocial Media

A Guide to Intellectual Property, Copyrights and Trademarks for Creators, Businesses and Brands

You’ve done all this work. You’ve spent hours trying to make the words perfect and the paragraphs flow. Or you’ve done research to make sure what you’re saying is accurate. Or you’ve LLCed your business and created a respected brand. Or you’ve spent hours editing those pictures you took so …