
So I Watched the Democratic Debate (#DemDebate)

It was the first Democratic candidate debates in what is sure to be a looonngggg, slow and torturous campaign season. The Republicans already showed their asses like twice and they’ve tried to out-offend each other. So this debate was long overdue. To be honest, I didn’t feel like watching TV …

President Obama WHCD Nerd Prom 2015

10 Funniest Lines from President Obama’s 2015 Nerd Prom Set

The White House Correspondents Dinner (aka Nerd Prom) was last night, and as always, President Barack Obama came to roast. He’s fresh out of terms and fresh out of dambs to give too, so he came for everyone who sent for him in his 20 minute set. He even ended …

Bobby Jindal Portrait

Was Brown Paint Busy When They Created This Bobby Jindal Portrait?

Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana got his official portrait done and well, it’s missing two very important things: melanin, so therefore accuracy. Jindal is of Indian descent, and he is perpetually saying the worst things. He really must get his Land of Abandoned People passport soon. But this official portrait is …


Pennsylvania’s Tom Corbett Photoshops Auntie Black Lady into Campaign Pic

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is seeking re-election and he’s campaigning hard for it. Word on the streets is that he hasn’t done well with getting people of color and other minorities to vote for him so he came up with a grander idea. Good ol’ Uncle Tom photoshopped an older …

state of the union gif

My State of the Union Tweets Weren’t About Politics

I’m basically the worst person to follow on Twitter during serious events because I’m really only there to tweet frivolously and give very little content-relevant commentary. To be fair, I warn people beforehand that I don’t be on nothing but shallowness and I direct them to better accounts to follow. …

Daily Show John Oliver
CulturePoliticsTV and Movies

The Daily Show’s Segment on the Zimmerman Verdict is Why I Love Them

The Daily Show is one of the smartest and funniest shows on TV, and they always prove to be one of the most needed ones too. You’ll get a better take on the news by watching it than CNN any day, in my book. Their news might be “fake” but …

PoliticsSocial Media

Hillary Clinton is Already Winning on Twitter

Hillary Clinton is now on Twitter, yall! And the lady is already rocking the place. Her bio is winning everything. I especially love “hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker.” You know Hillary perfected the mom bob like no one else. And her pantsuits are iconic in all their matronly glory. …


Michelle Obama Let a Protester Have It and I Approve!

People gon learn that folks got limits. According to the Washington Post, Michelle Obama was speaking at a private fundraiser when a lesbian activist named Ellen Hurtz kept interrupting her. She wanted POTUS Obama to sign an anti-discrimination executive order. Wells, that wasn’t the time for her to be showing …


10 of President Obama’s Funniest Lines from Nerd Prom 2013

Last night was the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, nicknamed “Nerd Prom” for obvious reasons. Conan O’Brien hosted it but President Barack Obama stole the show. He actually walked up to it while DJ Khaled’s “All I Do is Win” was playing. It’s his 2nd term and BROBAMA is letting folks …


WTF, Senate?!? You Had One Job! ONE JOB!

The U.S. Senate basically DEADED the bill expanding background checks for guns. 54 YAYs and 46 NAYs. The bill lost by 6 votes. SIX. GAHTDAMB. VOTES. The message that was just sent to 90% of Americans who supported this bill is “WE’ONT GIVE A DAMB WHATCHU WANT!” and “NRA PAYPALED US …