Mitt Romney Barack Obama debate switched hairhats

President Obama Looked Bored, Mitt Blinked a Lot and Sesame Street-Gate: Debate Recap

I watched the Presidential debate and it was 1.5 hours of side-eying and roast on my part. If you’re looking for a great post on all the issues and stances and rebuttals and whatnot, this ain’t that. Go to, and getchu some of that there. Me? I’m here …

KitchenAid FAIL tweet
PoliticsSocial Media

KitchenAid’s Tweeter Is Gonna Need to #OccupyLinkedIn

During the presidential debate, whoever was tweeting for KitchenAid accidentally sent this tweet out: This is the definition of an EPIC FAIL. It’s so bad that I read that and went “WELP that’s a wrap.” Whoever was tweeting for them made the biggest mistake of their career, and therefore, it …

Michelle Obama DNC 2012
Famous folksPolitics

Michelle Obama’s Hair was LAID Like ObamaCare at the DNC and I Am Here for Her!

First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, came to the Democratic National Convention to SLAY and she left many in her wake as she murked that speech she had to give effortlessly. And she had me eating out the palm of her hands. Many other places will talk about what …

Barack Obama Seat Tweet
Famous folksPolitics

Clint Eastwood Talks to an Invisible Obama and Barack’s Team Shades Him

The Republican National Convention that’s going on right now has had so many foolish moments that even the Onion couldn’t have made this stuff up. There’s no reason to write satirical stories about the RNC because the GOP is acting enough of a fool for life to be funnier than …


Celebration Playlist

I am loving the positivity that is omnipresent with our new President-Elect Barack Obama. I swear I woke up on November 5th and the world was clearer and sunnier. My allergies miraculously cleared up and my terrible cold seemed to have subsided. Birds were singing, and I think people were …


Celebrate Good Times for Obama!

I was on a couple of days ago, and she put a list up of ways for Black folks to celebrate if Obama wins to keep folks from getting nervous, at least for the first few days. I already broke ALL them rules and it has only been an …