BookMy Life

Announcing My Next Book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual

The day has finally come… BOOK NUMBER 2 IS HERE. I am nervous. Why am I nervous?!

It took me 9 whole years to finally call myself a writer after I started this blog. Why? Because I was afraid of everything that  came with that title. I didn’t think I measured up to the world.  Toni Morrison is a writer. . Alice Walker. Maya Angelou. How dare I put myself in the same category as those greats?⁣ ⁣I could barely call myself a blogger. I didn’t see people out there  like me as writers. With actual books with their names on the cover.. So… I became an example for myself. When I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual came out, it changed my life forever. 

My life changed because I took a big step into fear. My journey and my life’s testimony is all about how I’ve done the things that scare me, over and over again, and have been rewarded for it. I am constantly doing things that feel bigger than me, personally and professionally and it is why I am here today.

Then in March, the world shut down and I was on the hook to write a whole book… ABOUT FEAR. A whole damb book about fear being a hater. And all I could think was “HOW THE HELL am I gonna do that?” Especially when the whole world was on fire and I was ordering emergency kits for what was surely the end of whatever world we had left. Well… I climbed that mountain some way, somehow, and here we are. ) This 2nd book (The Fear-Fighter Manual) is the one I needed 10 years ago when I was afraid to call myself a writer. It’s the one I need now when I have to remind myself that being a professional troublemaker often has consequences but I’m committed to living a life of “Oh well” instead of “What if?” ⁣ I have completed THE book – which I truly believe is the BEST THING I’ve ever written. And I did it during COVID.

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a Professional Troublemaker

Now, I get to call myself an AUTHOR OF TWO WHOLE BOOKS!

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear Fighter Manual Book Cover

Almost 4 years ago, I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual came out, and now, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual is (almost) here. I have finished a whole ass book, for the second time! (and this time, we won’t settle for #5 – Book #2 will be my first #1 NYT Bestselling Book! Fun fact: I got my 2nd book deal on the 3rd anniversary of my 1st book. Because God is the ultimate planner.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣

A gif of a man singing God's Plan

I never knew that I would be writing this book for everyone, but I am so thankful to have this book. Not knowing what was going to happen with COVID, I was able to write a book that is a manual for the times that we’re living in right now. Like with I’m Judging You, I need YOUR help to make sure I get this message out to everyone who has ever been held back by fear or their imposter syndrome. This book was the scariest thing I ever accomplished because I felt like this book was bigger than me. 

I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual will drop March 2, 2021, but don’t worry…

Preorders available NOW, wherever you get books!

Buy 1, 2, or 100!

professional troublemaker: the fear-fighter manual drops on March 2, 2021!

Looking for the UK Version? Well, we got that too! A couple of weeks ago, I spent a few days recording the audiobook for my upcoming book. Now I am GEEKED to share the more exciting news! It has always been important to ensure that my book can be accessed easily around the world. So I now present to you the UK and international version of my book, The Fear-Fighter Manual: Lessons from a Professional Troublemaker! (notice the slight title tweak?)

This means for those in Europe, you can have my words in your hands without any problem. The good folks of Quercus Books are publishing this version and I AM SO EXCITED!!!
I want everyone around the world to be able to pick up this book and be able to give fear the middle finger and make your wildest dreams say #GOALS! I am so proud of this book and learned so much while writing it and I am ready to share it with you all.
For my followers in UK and Europe, PREORDER NOW from Amazon UK (or Amazon in your country)!
For Nigeria, you can order from Roving Heights:
For South Africa, you can order from

And you might have some questions for me. Here are some answers:

When is this book coming out again?

It will be released on March 2, 2021. Put that on your calendar.

Will there be a book tour and book signings?

Because people can’t listen and WEAR A DAMN MASK, it will be a fully virtual book tour but don’t worry, it’ll still be a party!

Will there be an audiobook?

Yes, there will be, and I will be reading it myself (again!).

Will it be available on Kindle and Nook?

YUP. All’at. If you can buy a book there? It will be there.

Is that JudgeyPop on the cover? 

We can think of him as JudgeyPop’s cool, older cousin.

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In this New Year, Audit Your Life