So I Jumped Out of a Plane: My Skydiving Recap
My bro Antonio text me last week asking if I wanna go skydiving. I sent him a “YESSSS!” I didn’t even think about it. I’m 30 now and this year has been about growth for me. And fun. HELLA FUN. I am all about that right now. I’d never gone …

5 Lessons from My First Time Attending ESSENCE Fest
I just got back from New Orleans yesterday, fresh off my first ever ESSENCE Fest, and I am still not recovered. Whew. First world problems is being exhausted from 4 days of panels, pampering, and parties, I know. It was hella fun, though, but I don’t bounce back as fast …

Headed to New Orleans and ESSENCEFest for the First Time!
I am sitting here procrastinating on packing as I am wont to do. I just really hate this part of traveling. It’s so painful! GAAHHHH! Anywho, I’m GEEKED because tomorrow, I’m going to New Orleans for the first time ever, and it’s for ESSENCEFest! ESSENCE Magazine’s annual weekend with music, …

I’m Headed to Morocco for a Week!
Hey folks! Tonight, I’m headed to Morocco and I am doing a jig about it. I decided to just go because why not?? YOLO and all that jazz. You know I love to travel and it’s always been on my list! This is a play trip and I will be …

I’m Writing A Book and AAHHHH! EXCITEMENT!
I can finally yell it from the rooftops. I AM WRITING A BOOK. I, Luvvie of House Ajayi, First of Her Name. Wearer of sick ass shoes and eater of rice. Giver of no dambs and thrower of epic shade and side-eye sorceress. I am writing a book and it’s …

So I Met Sir Elton John Yesterday and OMG OMG OMG
I’ve been kinda MIA from these parts lately but those who follow me on social media know what I’ve been up to. I know everyone isn’t on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but when I’m quiet here, check there to see what I’m up to. ANYWHO, yesterday was glorious! I met Sir …

My Meetup with BAKE in Nairobi, Kenya Was Fantastic!
Last month, I visited Kenya for the first time ever. It has always been on my list of countries I needed to go, not only because I have Kenyan friends but I have a large readership there. In fact, Kenya is ranked number 5 on the countries where my site …

My Ratchet and the Geek Podcast is Back and Episode 17 is Up!
In October 2012, me and my homie Scott Hanselman started a podcast called Ratchet & The Geek to talk pop culture, tech, social media and our love of TV. Who’s the ratchet one and who’s the geek? You might think you know already but both of us are both! Trust …

Why I Am Wearing Red Shoes Today (#RocktheRedPump)
I am wearing red shoes today because red is my favorite color red shoes are fierce as heck every 47 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States. Big things can start in small spaces and with small ideas. Six years ago, I was having a G-chat …

Lupita, Shonda and the 2015 ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon
My favorite event of the year is the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon. I’ve gone three out of the last four years and there is no other space that feels as supportive, inspiring and epic as this one. There’s something incredibly special about how accessible the celebrities who come …