The 2009 VMAs Rocked
That may be the first time I’ve ever titled an awards show recap with anything good. This, my folks, is such a rarity. But yes, the VMAs was indeed entertaining. Here’s my recap. I live-tweeted the entire thing, and my running commentary makes everything better. It’s true. Ask somebody. Before …
Chris Brown’s Fail
Ok so I don’t usually blog on Thursdays, but I had to today because of the Chris Brown/Larry King interview. Not because it was interesting. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I could have spent that hour watching grass grow, or an English comedy. However, it was entertaining because …

Prince is Pretty But I Don’t Find Him Sexy
“You know you got power, when everyone comes to your concert wearing purple sweaters.” – My friend, V.E.G. So I was watching TVOne yesterday, and “Purple Rain” came on. I’ve never watched it before, but I know it’s a classic because people still make references to it. While watching, I …

A Letter to Michael: Moonwalking on the Clouds
My kids WILL know that “Billie Jean” was not your lover while “Jam”ming. We won’t “Stop Till We Get Enough”. Michael, you made “HIStory” and that is undeniable. Now that you’ve “Eased on Down the Road” to meet Him, I “Cry” because you’re “Gone Too Soon”. We thought “Heaven can wait” but it apparently couldn’t. Your music “Heal(ed) the World” and for that, you “Rock my World”. I “Never Can Say Goodbye” but I do I hope you’re resting in peace.
Celebration Playlist
I am loving the positivity that is omnipresent with our new President-Elect Barack Obama. I swear I woke up on November 5th and the world was clearer and sunnier. My allergies miraculously cleared up and my terrible cold seemed to have subsided. Birds were singing, and I think people were …