Dear Lauryn Hill, Rohan Wasn’t It Anyway
Soooo I just heard that Lauryn Hill got left by Rohan Marley for a Brazilian model (story’s here). My first thought was that maybe he’s sick of having to rummage through an entire closet to get to her love pocket. I’m just saying. Lauryn has earned this sternly-worded letter. Dear …
BET Awards 2011 Recap: The Show Was… I Got Questions
I don’t know. I really don’t have one adjective to describe the 2011 BET Awards. It was entertaining mostly because of the live-tweets from my Twitfam. But if I was sitting in my living room without the world’s commentary to keep me company, I probably woulda spent the whole 3 …

Google’s Guitar Logo Rocks!
I’m a Google Groupie. NO doubt about it. I’m All Google Everything. But can you blame me? They keep doing awesome things in their plot for world domination and I’m a willing sheep. I wish I could work there. YES LAWD! Anywho, the latest in Google Greatness is today’s Guitar …

No More “Rolling in the Deep” Covers!
Now y’all KNOW my love of Adele. It was well-documented in the post I wrote a coupla weeks ago titled “Why I LOVE Adele.” Apparently, I ain’t the only one who thoroughly enjoys that plump Brit with a voice touched the the Lord! 98 comments and counting! One of my …

Why I Love Adele: Her Voice and Soul
My love affair with Adele began later than everyone else’s because, well, I’m always tardy for the party. First time I saw her was at some awards show last year singing “Chasing Pavements.” I was all “Who is this? She’s kinda tight.” But she fell off my radar for a …

Dear Lil Kim, This Nicki Minaj Beef is Tired
This letter to Lil Kim has been a long time coming. And everytime I lose my vigor to write it, something else happens. Sit back. Enjoy. Dear Lil Kim, Hey gurl hey. *deep sigh* You know I used to be a fan of yours, right? Your songs went HARD in …

Damp Sweater, Dry Heart: Mario Winans Doesn’t Wanna Know
The mid 90s were a boon to emotional, vulnerable ass ninjas who loved to croon mediocre R&B ballads. But only one emo dude earns the title for Douchiest. Video. Ever. Behold, Mario Winans’ “I Don’t Wanna Know” with real-time commentary from me and Kindred. Luvvie: as he serenades himself with …

Four Seasons of Angst and Linen
So y’all know me and Kindred love a good roast. A coupla weeks ago, we were in the mood to listen to some douchebaggery music (note: we call ultra sappy songs douchebag music because you can just picture some douche on YouTube playing it on an acoustic guitar. We LOVE …

Kanye West said “Runaway.” Do Just That.
Ok. So everyone and their mama have been talking about Kanye West’s short film “Runaway.” It was highly anticipated. People pissed their pants in suspense. It was just hyped. I didn’t give much of a damb though. Just because I figured I’d see it when I saw it. However, I …

Improper Music’s Proper Lyrics
Like a month back, I was clubbing with a friend for her birthday, and I admit that I’ve become a bit of a bore. I don’t dance until I can’t dance anymore when I go clubbing. What I do is sit down and people watch. This is fun for me. …