About Caucasity and the Difference Between a Becky, a Karen and a Susan
We must all start operating from the same page, to minimize confusion in this world. When it comes to the state of caucasity, we gotta get clear on the groups that exist. In case this is your first time hearing the word “Caucasity,” know that it speaks to whiteness, white …

About Faith, Fear and Toxic Positivity in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
Everything and everyone is getting on my last nerves right now. It’s Day whothehellknows anymore of being quarantined in the house, trying to avoid a microscopic savage in the form of a virus and I’m side-eying EVERYTHING. My attitude is such trash right now and my usually low levels of …

What I’m Learning From This Coronavirus Crisis So Far
My anxiety has been sky high for days, behind this Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis that we find ourselves in. I’ve been reading the news, and getting more and more scared of what’s happening and what could come. So I understand anyone who is feeling the weight of the world right now. …

Spend Your Privilege (with Brittany Packnett Cunningham) – Episode 37 of Rants & Randomness
My peoples! It’s the first regular episode of Rants and Randomness for the new decade streaming through your headphones! On this episode, I’m feeling good about the splashes of color from Hair Love and Parasite winning in an otherwise monochromatic Oscar ceremony. And I’m feeling really good about writing a …

The Stages of Social Media Grief – BONUS Episode 10 of Rants & Randomness
We originally intended to air a regular episode of Rants & Randomness this week, with the feel goods and the rant and spotlight and interview, but I decided to scrap that plan. Too much weighing on my spirit. In the wake of the horrible helicopter crash that took the lives …

Summer Walker is Anxious and Awkward and I’m Glad She’s Here
Summer Walker is weird. She is awkward. She seems perpetually uneasy. And her presence and visibility is definitely not parallel with the “confident, Black woman” who we love to see and champion. And that is why her existence and visibility is even more important right now. I don’t think the …

Jesus is King and Kanye’s a Fool
Kanye West has become Christianity’s town crier and just released an album (and IMAX movie) called Jesus is King to make it official. Months ago, he started doing Sunday Services, and people were gagging in glee because they were so touched that this man was loudly proclaiming his love for …

Toni Morrison: The Favorite Teacher I Never Met
There are favorite teachers we will never meet. In 8th grade, my favorite English teacher assigned us Toni Morrison’s Sula. I have always loved reading so it was no thing to jump into the book. But once I was on those pages, those words mesmerized me, engulfed me and hugged …

#BuyBlack – BONUS Episode 4 of Rants & Randomness
Welcome back to Rants and Randomness! This week, I want to talk about the importance of buying Black. In this episode, I’m diving into the #BuyBlack Movement. As brands like Gucci and Prada exploit Black culture for profit, it is so important for us to support Black-owned businesses. Designers like …

We All Deserve to Be Whole: Sending Love and Resources
This week has been rough. Two wealthy people, who seemed to have the world at their feet, pursued their dreams and were living their best lives, decided to take their own lives. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain took their own lives, 3 days apart, rocking our world. I’m especially stunned …