Luvvie Ajayi Jones Professional Troublemaker

Show Your Support by Leaving a Review for Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual!

Thank you for every email, comment, and DM expressing your love and appreciation for ProfessionalTroublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual! In this book, I talk about all these things, and how my life has transformed as a result of committing to doing the things that feel bigger than me, doing the things …

Fight Your Fear Professional Troublemaker
BooksMy LifePodcast

Today is the Day! Pub Day + Episode 9 of Professional Troublemaker

Today’s the day! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual is officially in the world. You can now purchase Professional Troublemaker wherever books are sold, including Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble,  Apple Books, and more! A big shoutout to everyone who has bought the book so far! I’m talking about the book everywhere I …

Professsional Troublemaker Tour Giveaway
BooksMy Life

The Kindness Train is Sponsoring this Book Tour Giveaway

Two weeks ago, I announced the virtual book tour that accompanies the launch of my 2nd book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual. I’m doing seven stops with seven amazing conversation partners: Myleik Teele, Gabrielle Union, Esther Perel, Brittany Packnett Cunningham, Kahlana Barfield Brown, KevOnStage, Glennon Doyle. It’s an epic book …

Professional Troublemaker Spotify Playlist
BooksMusicPodcastTV and Movies

Listen to the Professional Troublemaker Playlist (& More)!

Happy Monday to all my people! Every day we get closer to March 2, I get more and more excited. I cannot believe we are almost to the publication date. This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than …

BooksBusinessMy Life

Join Me for the Professional Troublemaker Book Tour!

In three weeks, my second book drops! Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, will be out in the world and I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! This book is the best work I’ve done yet, and I can say confidently that it is even better than book 1 (I’m Judging You: …

Fear Fighter February Challenge
BooksMy Life

It’s Fear-Fighter February So I Have a Challenge For You!

January was a gajillion years long, y’all, but WE MADE IT! I mean, 2021 really said it was gonna keep fighting us. Again, we made it! I’m really excited because for a long time, I’ve considered February to be “Fearless February.” It’s Black History Month, and it is basically January …

Announcing My Next Book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual
BooksMy Life

Announcing My Next Book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual

The day has finally come… BOOK NUMBER 2 IS HERE. I am nervous. Why am I nervous?! It took me 9 whole years to finally call myself a writer after I started this blog. Why? Because I was afraid of everything that  came with that title. I didn’t think I …

BooksBusinessMy LifePodcast

The Best Birthday Gift You Could Give Me in 2021 + A Big Podcast Announcement! 

Hey, y’all. I am currently chin-deep in some blankets while I prepare for a day of doing absolutely nothing. You know why? Because it’s my birthday!  I am so grateful to be on this earth another year and make it to another birthday, even with the continuous dumpster fire of …

Writer Luvvie
BooksBusinessMy Life

On Writing and Finishing My Second Book

Exactly 5 years ago (May 13, 2015), I signed my first book deal. That book (I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual) was published on September 13, 2016. It hit the New York Times bestselling list instantly and changed my life. Over 100,000 copies sold so far. ⁣ It’s wild, because …

BooksBusinessMy Life

Announcing: New Edition of My Book, I’m Judging You!

My people! This time last year, I was getting ready for the publish date of my book I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual. I was prepping to kick off my press and book signing tour on September 13. Since then, my book has won hella awards, and I’ve signed thousands …