It’s National Lollipop Day So Say Hi to the JudgeyPop!
There really is a day for everything, isn’t there? I just found out that it’s National Lollipop Day, and thought it would be the perfect time to introduce you to my JudgeyPop. Let me tell how it all came to be. My book is a collection of essays on life, …

I Wrote A Book! And It’s Available for Pre-Order Now
I can officially add “author” to my titles, next to “writer, digital strategist, speaker, professional troublemaker and side-eye sorceress.” Because I wrote a book. I WROTE A FREAKING BOOK, YALL!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!! My book is called I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual, and it is a series of essays on life, …

I’m Writing A Book and AAHHHH! EXCITEMENT!
I can finally yell it from the rooftops. I AM WRITING A BOOK. I, Luvvie of House Ajayi, First of Her Name. Wearer of sick ass shoes and eater of rice. Giver of no dambs and thrower of epic shade and side-eye sorceress. I am writing a book and it’s …