BooksMy Life

A New Book for the Little Troublemakers!

I was the kid who got in trouble for her mouth, in all its quickness and sharpness. I had opinions, loved to say “that’s not fair” and did not back down from a challenge, even if it was from someone older than me. Even if I knew I’d get punished for it. I think about me then. Serious for her age. Always felt responsible for doing the right thing. And sometimes, it didn’t work out, and I’d take learning from my mistake seriously. I always wanted to do my part.

I was small, had a complex, and felt like as the baby of the family, I needed to be taken seriously. But I was also big-hearted, and had good intentions (even if things didn’t go well). And the gift of it all is that my mother, my grandmother and my teachers let me be this girl. What a huge gift. 🥹

Me & Mom on my 3rd birthday. Not sure why I had an attitude. Peep the heart-shaped cake. Oh, and don’t hate on my zebra outfit. I slayed other babies effortlessly.

Mama Faloyin and Luvvie

Me interrupting my Granny during her 60th bday party and her listening to me intently
















I wrote Professional Troublemaker (2021), because it’s the book I need today, when I want to know that I am never too much. I wrote Rising Troublemaker (2022) because it’s the book I needed at 17, when I thought my worth was based on my grades.

Now I’m geeked to announce LITTLE TROUBLEMAKER MAKES A MESS (dropping May 2, 2023), my first children’s picture book! This book is for Little Luvvie and was the book I needed as a little girl.

For real, who are the world’s BIGGEST, most chill-deficient troublemakers? KIDS. Those little broke best friends and their decisions sometimes will have you wall-sliding. And they are FUNNY.

LITTLE TROUBLEMAKER MAKES A MESS is about a little girl named Luvvie, who loves her mom, loves her sister and loves doing nice things for other people. But her execution? Well, let’s say it needs a little work.

Little troublemaker Book by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

I was her. I am her. You might be her. You might be raising your own Little Troublemaker. You know that kid, who is a tiny rebel with a cause, with a strong side-eye and a giant smile and a kind spirit. They’re confident (sometimes to a fault. HA!) and they think they can do everything, even when they can’t do anything.

The book asks “What happens when being big-hearted gets you in big trouble?” In bringing Little Luvvie to life, I partnered with a great illustrator, Joey Spiotto, who understood this assignment! He made this story come to life, beautifully, with brightness and boldness all throughout the book. It’s giving ENERGY and CHILDHOOD JOY!

I wrote this book for the small disruptors we know. The kids who came to this Earth fully formed and just needed to be guided. The kids who make us wanna be better because we have to be to raise them well. The kids who don’t always get it right, but they want to. The ones who need to be told “You might make a mistake but you’re always loved.” Big feelings, big personality, small package.

Little Luvvie is a vibe through and through. She’s this cute, brown-skinned girl with short hair (and a clean ass fade). We didn’t just make adult Luvvie smaller. Adult Luvvie is truly just a taller Little Luvvie, because I’ve ALWAYS been this person.

Also, my love of fedoras, gold chains and red lips goes deep. BEEN THAT GIRL! See proof:

Little Luvvie Purple Dress

Honestly, this is a DREAM come true. Like straight thug tears because I’ve wanted to have a kids’ book for a long time. It became abundantly clear that NOW was the time when my longtime colleague Macy Robison gifted me with an illustration of a Little Luvvie last year, by Joey. And folks were like WE NEED THIS!!! At one point, I thought I’d call it “The Adventures of Awesomely Luvvie.” And then when I started writing about Troublemakers, it was only right that I did one for the kiddies.

Thank you to Joey for creating my vision! And THANK YOU to the amazing team at Penguin Random House (Philomel Books)! My incredible editor Jill Santopolo championed this book and really showed that this is a story worth publishing. And of course thank you to my dope agent, Kristyn Keene Benton, my partner in words on paper.

I AM SO EXCITED to have Little Troublemaker Makes a Mess drop into the world. My 4th book baby and currently the one that makes me squeal in glee the most. It just melts my heart.

So, yep! Troublemaking is something that the entire FAMILY can do now – Professional, Rising, or Little. We all deserve to show up as our full selves at every stage of our lives.

Little troublemaker FB Banner

It’s perfect for kids ages 4-8. Get it for your daughters, sons, siblings, nieces, nephews, Godkids, ALL THAT! I’m sure your Little Troublemaker will LOVE IT. Be ready to read this one to a little one every night– sorry in advance! 😭

Little Troublemaker Makes a Mess officially drops May 2, 2023, but you can preorder it right NOW!

In fact, PREORDER IT RIGHT NOW everywhere books are sold!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Target |


When is this book out?

Little Troublemaker is out on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

What ages is this book good for?

The sweet spot for this is ages 4-8.

Where can I buy this book?

Anywhere books are sold. Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, your fave indie bookstore!

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1 Comment

  1. November 1, 2022 at 4:11 am

    This is hilarious. Guess we will be reading the little you in the book. Do you have your books in electronic formats?