Join Me for the Troublemaker Book Tour!
How do we exist fully in a world with our big hearts, big mouths and big dreams? Who were we before the world bullied/shamed/ridiculed the best parts of us? In less than SIX WEEKS, my first children’s book (and the 3rd addition to the Troublemaker family) drops! Little Troublemaker Makes …

My First Children’s Book, Little Troublemaker Makes a Mess, Drops in Three Months!
It’s me and my girllll, Little Luvvie! 😁 She’s me and I’m her, and I’m tapping into the girl I was who became the woman I am. It has given me the chance to play in a way I haven’t in a long time. In exactly 3 months (May 2, …

A New Book for the Little Troublemakers!
I was the kid who got in trouble for her mouth, in all its quickness and sharpness. I had opinions, loved to say “that’s not fair” and did not back down from a challenge, even if it was from someone older than me. Even if I knew I’d get punished …

Three-Peat! Rising Troublemaker is a NYTimes Bestseller!
I’m HYPED, because my newest release, Rising Troublemaker: A Fear-Fighter Manual for Teens, hit the New York Times bestseller list! This is my 3rd book, THIRD New York Times bestseller, and it came in at #3. And this is the 3rd category I’ve made the list in. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Hitting the …

Buy Black with the Rising Troublemaker Box Goodies!
“Buy Black. Buy Small. Buy Indie.” isn’t just a mantra, it’s a lifestyle! 👏🏾 Y’all know I’m good for a BOMB gift box, and the Rising Troublemaker Box is one of my faves to date! Along with a *crisp* copy of the book, there are a handful of quality products …

Rising Troublemaker is the Book for Your Teens and Students!
Growing up is tough and adulthood is a scam. I say this cuz while we were learning about isosceles triangles or whatever, nobody was telling us not to sign up for that credit card in college and ruin our credit for 2 decades. There are TOO many things that we …

Rising Troublemaker: The Book We All Needed at 17
As teenagers, while we were learning about isosceles triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem, folks weren’t being fully honest with us. We were being taught how to be amazing test takers, but nobody was telling us not to sign up for that credit card in college and ruin our credit for two …

The Fear-Fighter Manual is Now Available in South Africa!
I’ve got exciting news for yall! My book is making its way around these international streets. And of priority has been making sure it becomes available on the continent of Africa! So starting April 6 (NOW), the international version of my 2nd book is now available in South Africa, and …

What is an Oríkì?
What’s an oríkì? An oríkì is a Yoruba greeting of the word orí meaning “head” and kì meaning “to greet or praise”. In the first chapter of my book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual, I talk about the importance of writing an oríkì– your personal hype mantra! You’ve seen it …

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual in the Press!
I love to see Professional Troublemaker in the press! The amount of attention the book has received in response to its release has been immense! I am so proud of this book and love talking about it, which is why I’m grateful I’ve had the chance to speak to writers …