The Top 10 Awesomely Luvvie Posts of 2014
This was a grand year for me and more people than ever read my words. My traffic hit many milestones and December 2014 is my most-read month EVER. I totally appreciate all the reads and shares and comments. In fact, the comments on my posts are my favorite things about writing. Seriously. Y’all are EVERYTHING.
It’s been so fun covering all things pop culture, from TV to movies to race to travel and randomness.
I’m doing a look back at the year and below are the top posts of 2014. Read them if you missed, and share the ones that were your favorites.
* Something’s On Jermaine Jackson’s Scalp and It’s a Mystery
Jermaine Jackson’s hair is the 8th wonder of the world. No one knows what it’s truly made up. We guess that it might be tar. Or an homage to the BP oil spill.
* This Bridal Party’s Drunk in Love Routine is a Mess
A bride and her bridesmaids entertain the groom and his groomsmen at a wedding reception with a sexy flexy and janky routine to “Drunk in Love.” Bless all their hearts.
* The Stages of What Happens When There’s Injustice Against Black People
Every time a Black person is beaten or killed senselessly by a cop or vigilante, there are certain things we can predict to happen. And this cycle is just all too common.
* Dear Raven Symone, About You Being “Colorless”… NOPE.
Raven Symone did an interview with Oprah and said “I’m American and that is colorless.” This sternly-worded letter was earned. She later went on to “clarify” her statements. Chile, I guess.
* About Lena Dunham’s Memoir, Overshare and Lack of Boundaries
Lena Dunham is weird. That’s her thing. And in her memoir, she talks about some incidents from her childhood involving her younger sister that disturbed some people. I talk about how Lena really seems to lack boundaries.
* Dear Lupita Nyong’o, Why Must You Slay Us So Effortlessly?
I wrote Lupita Nyong’o a love letter because she is so fierce and she is everything. Lupita herself ended up reading this letter and tweeted me to say she loved it (and yes, it was really her. She put her initials at the end of the tweet). I LIVE.
* Aretha Franklin Performed on David Letterman and Cissy Houston Can’t Be Bothered
I love how old people have so few dambs to give. Aretha Franklin’s performance of “Rolling in the Deep” was very eventful because Whitney’s mama was the backup singer who refused to sing. or sway. This video might be my fave thing about 2014.
* About Renee Zellweger’s New Face, Our Shock, and Folks Telling Us to STFU
Renee Zellweger stepped unto a red carpet and people could barely recognize her. She went and go a new face (NEW not BAD) and everyone was taken aback by it. But, we were all told to stop “bullying” her. Oh ok.
* 5 Things To Do To Avoid Passing On Fake News on Social Media
Really (supposedly) smart people keep passing around links of fake news from terrible satire websites thinking they’re real. Jeebs be the fence of discernment around our proverbial sense houses because we are outchea failing at media literacy.
* Devante from Jodeci and This Stingy Struggle Ponytail He’s Rocking
Because Devante Swing went to the Soul Train Awards rocking the world’s GRINCHEST MOST STINGY struggle ponytail. His hair tried to tell him “No. I can’t. I’m unable to can” but he wasn’t tryna hear it. Lawd.

This is what his hair tried to tell him but he wasn’t having it.
What was your favorite post of mine from this year?
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Happy Holidays, Luvvie! Loved reading them all. And looking forward to 2015!
My favorite? Ugh, that’s so hard but if I had to pick it would be Devante’s Struggle Ponytail followed by Aretha and Cissy. That picture about “Did I leave them greens on the stove?” still has me hollering!
Far too many to pick just one but honorary mention list should include your Scandal funerals for James (and Harrison). James Homegoing was classic.
I just started following you a couple weeks ago and I have been laughing ever since. The posts that you have here are hilarious … The one that got me started following you was about the signed copy of the bible … I don’t even know when that was … Might not have even been this year but just the thought of it cracks me up !!!
I let my husband read the Aretha/Cissy post and he rolled around on the floor laughing for FIVE MINUTES. Keep doing you!
Shucks I was going to say the Scandal recaps. Umph Imma still say the Scandal recaps (along with the comments of course). 🙂
Aretha and Cissy still have me laughing, but not as much as KALE! Kale kale kale kale kale. Kale.
And the post to white allies after Ferguson.
That “Dear Raven Symone” post was EVERYTHANG!
…”Pointing out that you have “a nice, interesting grade of hair.” RAVEN. GWIRL. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but our wig snatch can free your mind.”
I must say that finding so many ways to say “Fix It Jesus” has to be my favorite in a year of GREAT posts! Happy New Year to you!
My favorite post this year was the one about DeVante’s struggle ponytail. It made me your biggest fan this side of Africa. I shared it with my boss and some colleagues and we laughed about it for days. Actually I think I will read it again seeing as it is end of 2014 and there is not much to be done in the office.
So many moments of weakness from reading these…I think Devante’s struggle ponytail was my favorite, with a second place tie for Aretha and Jermaine’s hair mystery. I hollered over these posts!! Well done and happy new year!
My favorite post was is still is: “He is Delivert. He Don’t Like Mens No More. He Likes A Women.” I STILL laugh my entire behind off with that post. Looking forward to more post in 2015!
One of my favorite posts this year was on Janet Jackson’s hair/look and how she “packed her bags and found peace in the Middle East.” I have been calling you Dr. Luvvie since because if I had one of those higher learning institutions I would crown you a Ph.D. in All Things Comedy and Truth.
You have a very unique way with words; I hope this blog will continue for many years and may you be compensated in abundance. It takes me a while to read your posts because you also have the best followers out there and their comments and observations are also entertaining. This is also a vey well-put and organized blog. Well done all around.
May 2015 bring us more of Dr. Luvvie’s brilliance. I thank you for staying with your dream and keeping up this blog because it’s my go-to place for laughs and all things pop culture.
Luvvie, Happy New Year! Love love love this blog. So many great posts from 2014 that it’s hard to pick a ‘favorite’…what am I saying? Ms. Aretha and Ms. Cissy STILL has me hollering! The video alone is too funny, but your commentary gave me LIFE!
Aretha’s face- is subtlety busy?
Aretha’s dress – she had on a quincenera dress
Cissy’so performance – she looked like she would rather fold Bobbi’s laundry
And on and on. I read that post three times in a row, passed it on to my husband to read and laughed again when he started chuckling. Great blog! You are the queen of pop culture tea!!!
My favorite post and comments was the Columbus Short’s Funeral. I was hooked I laughed, I cried, I prayed! This year at my church’s Usher Board Anniversary had me in tears remembering that post and the comments as the Ushers (visiting Ushers included) marched around the Church owning their craft!