AwardsTV and Movies

Because BLACK GIRLS ROCK! 2016 Was Dope: My Recap

The Gap just dropped an ad on how girls can do anything, featuring a Black girl who is being used as an armrest by one of the white girls. Kirsten West Savali wrote an amazing piece on The Root about it. Read: The Price on Our Heads: New GapKids Ad Sparks Racially …


About Crowdfunding, How It’s Jumped the Shark and Why I Can’t Promote Your Campaign

Six years ago, after I got laid off my full time job, I was invited to speak at a conference that was respected in the nonprofit industry. I needed $700 to get there, and at the encouragement of a friend, I got a ChipIn (now defunct) page up at 10pm. When …


The Great Candy Debate: Because Sweets Ain’t A Game

Y’all know how seriously we take candy around these parts. There have been many conversations about candy here. Like the fact that yellow starbursts are the ones you give your archnemesis. And how candy corn is the devil. Well, last year, my friends and I entered into a serious discussion …

TV and Movies

I See You: Scandal Episode 514 Recap

You’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been on the Scandal front lately. I’ve missed the last 2 episode recaps because I have been traveling the last 4 weeks. So much so that I haven’t been able to catch up to watch the eps until much later after they aired. But …


Brandy, Fantasia and Jazmine Sullivan Just Made Melanin March Blacker

When good news drops nowadays, we gotta hold on to it like the last piece of perfectly fried, golden brown, chicken. We gotta hold on to its ankles like the spider monkey of life. And today? We got some GREAT news. Fantasia aka Tasia Mae aka She Who Will Squall …

Turn America Off

Hey Tech Support, America’s Loading Slow

It feels like the United States is going through some things right now. Between this election season’s straight buffoonery, spurred on by the GOP cirque du idiots and the Dems ripping each other apart, things are rough around here. It also doesn’t help that state legislatures are obsessed with regulating …

FaithFamous folksLetters

Dear Joel Osteen, Is Being a Sellout Shepherd Your Ministry?

It’s been a long while since I’ve written a sternly-worded letter. Clearly, I am overdue. I have been spurred to write one because of an interview that popular pastor, Joel Osteen, gave on the radio in October 2015 (5 months ago), where he basically placed a stamp of approval on Donald Trump, …

BookBusinessMy Life

I Wrote A Book! And It’s Available for Pre-Order Now

I can officially add “author” to my titles, next to “writer, digital strategist, speaker, professional troublemaker and side-eye sorceress.” Because I wrote a book. I WROTE A FREAKING BOOK, YALL!!! AAAHHHHHHH!!! My book is called I’M JUDGING YOU: The Do-Better Manual, and it is a series of essays on life, …

AwardsFamous folksMy Life

Still Reveling in Joy From ESSENCE’s Black Women in Hollywood 2016

Every single time I’ve gone to the ESSENCE Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon, I’ve floated away from it. No, I don’t walk away from there. I glide on clouds because that room is nothing short of spell-binding. It puts you in a high that you can’t come down from for …

Baby Fed Up
Whose is this?

Whose Baby is This? Why is It Already Sick of Our Shenanigans

I’ve featured wise babies on here before. I especially love the one I’ve lovingly dubbed Jebidiah. They’re the mini humans who are brand spanking new but they show up with an attitude, like they’ve been here before and are tired that we still didn’t get ourselves together. Ol’ judgey newborns. I …