Dentist with bad hair
Whose is this?

Whose Dentist is This? What’s Up With His Newborn Hair?

I was loitering on Facebook the other day when I came upon this picture and I did a silent laugh for about 15 seconds. Someone musta taken this pic of an ad on public transportation, and it’s of a dude’s dentist practice. THIS HAIR, DOE. This hair. He looks so …

Scandal Fitz gif
TV and Movies

Dog-Whistle Politics: Scandal Episode 504 Recap

This week’s emoji on Twitter for the Scandal hashtag was a gladiator in a suit and that gave me a very giant tip. I definitely patted myself on the back for guessing a big part of the episode. Let’s talk about it. Rebuilding Empire – Jake is visiting Papa Pope …

EBONY Magazine Cosby Cover

About that EBONY Magazine Cover and the Cosby Conundrum

Yesterday, EBONY dropped the mic on everyone when they released the cover of their November 2015 issue. It is a cover made to look like a cracked picture, featuring the Huxtables. The crack starts on the face of Heathcliff, which is mostly covered because of it, and it spreads throughout, …


So I Watched the Democratic Debate (#DemDebate)

It was the first Democratic candidate debates in what is sure to be a looonngggg, slow and torturous campaign season. The Republicans already showed their asses like twice and they’ve tried to out-offend each other. So this debate was long overdue. To be honest, I didn’t feel like watching TV …

TV and Movies

Paris is Burning: Scandal Episode 503 Recap

Season 5 of Scandal has brought on clue-dropping through the emoji following the #Scandal hashtag on Twitter. Episode 1 was an emoji of a black woman and white man with a heart between them (clearly Fitz and Liv). Episode 2 was a red power tool (because Gavin tried to use …


About the Cocaine Apartment and the Tender Reporting of a White Victim

The media doesn’t even TRY to ACT like it isn’t engaging in shady ass biased practices anymore. We are all clear that press has never been objective, and outlets lean one way or another, based on who is behind them and the people they hire. They have set agendas and …

Famous folks

Victor Cruz’s Fiancee Elaina and the Mass Text Pigeon Summit

Love is deaf, dumb and blind. It has us looking stupid as hell sometimes, and doing ill-advised things that heart-sober us would not do. NFL football player Victor Cruz is apparently loose in the pants even though he has a fiancee. Word on the streets is that Elaina Watley, his fiancee …


This Black Bear is the Real MVP for the Kayak Payback

Some videos bless you by making you howl like someone stepped on your foot. The one of this pissed off black bear who let a kayak feel its wrath has been cracking me up for about 5 good days. So this lady went on some long distance kayaking trip in …

TV and Movies

Yes: Scandal Episode 502 Recap

Scandal has done one thing well in all its seasons, and that is to keep throwing curveballs where you don’t expect. We might have gotten better at solving the cases Olivia and them get but they have kept me on my toes. The ending of this episode was a good …

TV and Movies

Heavy is the Head: Scandal Season 5 Premiere Recap

Scandal (and the entire TGIT lineup) is back and I was so damb ready. You know when you don’t realize how sleepy you are but when you hit the bed, the next thing that happens is you wake up 7 hours later with your shoes still on? That was me. …