Whose Extreme Kitten Heels Are These?
Some people use drugs or drink too much. My vice is shoes, and I have an Instagram account (@MustLuvvShoes) dedicated to mine to prove it. I’m not snob about them either, and I’m not tied to luxury brands or type. I might be rocking $30 shoes one day, but you …

About My Epic Week (I Interviewed Oprah), Dreams Realized and Lessons Re-Learned
“Your gift makes room for you and brings you before great men.” Mannn, look. If that ain’t been my testimony, I don’t know what is, and last week was the epitome of that. I am still processing it all, but I had to write about it because it was surreal and I …

Battle of the Bastards: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9 Recap
We have been in anticipation of the Battle of the Bastards since we learned it was happening on Game of Thrones, and I have been nervous as hell for what it meant. Surely, the 2 Snows couldn’t both live. Like every GOT episode that is a battle sequence, this was …

No One: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 8 Recap
On the last ep of Game of Thrones, we fell in love with Lady Lyanna Mormont, the Hound is ready to wreck shop and Arya got stabbed by the Waif. Let’s go! Forest Five of the men of the Brotherhood Without Banners are sitting around making jokes when the Hound …

We Gotta Talk About Uncle Bernie’s Struggle Hair
Listen. Folks keep talking about issues and stances and policy, ignoring the real important thing about this whole election. When are we going to have a real conversation about Bernie Sanders’ struggle hair? When are we going to get down to the nitty gritty and get to the heart of the …

The Broken Man: Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 Recap
On last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, no one died, Tommen showed he’s a dumbass, everyone is going to Riverrun and Arya is done with Bad Ass Bootcamp. Also, Drogon is back and Dany wants to sail to Westeros with 1,000 ships she ain’t got. Let’s get into the latest …

Muhammad Ali. His Fight is Done, The Greatest Has Won
Muhammad Ali. The Greatest is gone. Unlike the other iconic deaths of 2016, Muhammad Ali’s doesn’t break my heart or render me unable to function, because he was older than most of the others, and his life was lived fully. Although he spent the last 32 years of his 74 …

Because I’ve Never Watched an Evelyn From the Internets Video I Didn’t Love
I just need to take this time to give ALL THE PROPS to Evelyn from the Internets. In case you’re outta the loop, you gotta jump into it because she is everything right about interwebbing, creativity, humor writing and Black girl dopeness. Evelyn has a YouTube channel where she rants …

Blood of My Blood: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6 Recap
On the last episode of Game of Thrones, they broke our hearts into tiny, shattered, unfixable pieces. Looking forward to what’s next! Horn Hill Samwell and Gilly are making their way to his childhood home. He tells her not to let it be known that she’s a Wildling because Westeros’ …

On ROOTS Reimagined and Retelling This Classic Story
When I first heard that they wanted to remake ROOTS, I legit was like “Bhet why?” The mini-series from 1977, based on Alex Haley‘s book of the same name is one of those classics that everyone knows about even if they haven’t seen. Why touch it? Why do we need …