Whose is this?

Whose Precious Giant Newborn is This?

All babies are precious and beautiful and all that good stuff. Let me state that out the gate. So yesterday, I was scrolling on FB and one of those meme pages popped up with the picture of a newborn who came out the womb at 15 pounds. FIFTEEN POUNDS. Look: …

TV and Movies

The Door: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 5 Recap

There are three episodes of Game of Thrones that have rendered me incapable of functioning properly for hours after watching them. They are: the Red Wedding, the one where Jon Snow died and now, The Door. I spent 3 hours afterwards cussing at random intervals. I had to force myself …

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TV and Movies

Book of the Stranger: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 4 Recap

In the last episode of Game of Thrones, Dany ended up in Westeros Shady Pines, Bran can possibly bend the future and Jon Snow said “NAWL” to the Watch. I feel like this season is one of those where they’re going to bust a bunch of fan theories wide open. …

Scandal Logo
TV and Movies

That’s My Girl: Scandal Season 5 Finale Recap

Last night was the season 5 finale of Scandal, and it was different from others’ because it all ended up very calm. Which means a storm awaits when season 6 begins this fall. The theme, though, felt like “POWER.” Folks were trying to claim it and some lost and few …


All’s Unfair in Love and Kidneys

There’s a story going around today because some guy wrote into a website called NGTrends asking for advice: I am 32years old and my girlfriend is 31years old. We’ve been together for 5 years and now live together in a nice house. Things have been slowly fizzling out and I’ve …


Why Won’t Rachel Dolezal Sit Her Non Black Ass Down?

Y’all. I’m so mad that Rachel Dolezal managed to take her 15 minutes of infamy and stretch it into whatever the hell is going on right now. I have been pretty good about not paying attention to her but this GOOFASS woman just won’t go occupy the stadium of seats she …

TV and Movies

Oathbreaker: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 3 Recap

In the last episode of Game of Thrones, we find out that Bran now has a 401(k), Ramsay is a bloody bastard, Tommen is prolly gon die soon and Arya is a blind bad ass. Oh and bae is back for real. Jon Snow is walking, talking and brooding with …

My LifeTV and Movies

Where Are My Scandal Recaps?

My people! You’ve probably noticed that my Scandal recaps have been missing for almost 2 months. Many of you have because I have gotten many messages about it. Chile, listen. What had happened was… my travel schedule has gotten ridiculous. I used to travel once or twice a month and now …

BusinessMy Life

I’m at the Bentonville Film Festival For the Week!

Wattup, beautiful people! I’m spending this week in Bentonville, Arkansas (yeah, really!). Who’da thunk I’d have some business in freaking Arkansas? I will be on the ground as the social ambassador for the Bentonville Film Festival, which was created by Geena Davis. The mission of BFF is champion women and diverse …

TV and Movies

Home: Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 2 Recap

MANNNNNN listen. Why does Game of Thrones play me like a fiddle so often? I am a willing instrument in their shenanigans orchestra and I’d have it no other way. Let’s just get into it. The Cave After over a season of absence, we are back with Bran and the …