Famous folksPolitics

If Cheeto Satan is Healthy, Then I’m a Scandinavian Princess Who Can Dunk

A couple of days ago, White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson addressed the nation to calm growing concerns that the Dunghole-in-Chief was in terrible shape health-wise. The doctor told us all that Mango Mussolini is in great health physically and mentally. He also claimed that the Fanta Fascist is 6’3″ …

Auntie Robe Luvvie
BusinessMy Life

I’m Done for the Year

This year, I had 50 speaking engagements, took 114 flights, and flew 154,000 miles. I LOVE what I do and I am blessed beyond measure and 2017 has been an incredible year for me. I was the kid in the candy store. As you’re eating ALL the candy, you are …

Darth Becky Episode 5 Rants and Randomness
CultureMy Life

Watch Episode 5 of My Show, Rants and Randomness!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you know there is A LOT to rant about this week. On this episode of Rants and Randomness, I cover how Black women are out here saving the world, per usual, and White women are out here hustling …

Alabama Election Demographics
CulturePoliticsTop Posts

White Women Need to Get Their Shit Together

Yesterday was the much-anticipated (and dreaded) race for Alabama’s newest senator. One candidate was the run-of-the-mill Democrat. Nothing radical or life-altering about him. Doug Jones is the status quo in human form. And the other was a pedophile who stood boldly in his racist, confederacy values. Roy Moore would have …

Luvvie RandR4
My Life

Watch Episode 4 of My Show, Rants and Randomness!

On this week’s episode, I have some things to get off my chest, y’all! Let’s get into it. For the good, I share one of my favorite books, Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. It follows the story of a Nigerian woman who moves to the U.S. and starts a blog …

Whose is this?

Whose Cool Ass Shady Cat is This?

Everyone knows that cats are the patron saints of petty in the animal kingdom, so when I saw this photo from Imgur I had to share it on my Awesomely Luvvie Facebook page: Basically, this cat is cool AF. And sick of everyone’s shit. In the midst of Cheeto administration …

CultureFamous folks

I Know Why Taylor Swift is on TIME’s Person of the Year Cover But WHY is She on the Cover?

The much-anticipated honor of TIME’s Person of the Year just got announced, and they chose “Silence Breakers.” Inspired by this year’s #MeToo hashtag, which took the internet by storm, this makes perfect sense. “Me Too” is more than a hashtag, though. Before Alyssa Milano tweeted that, it was a campaign that …

Rants and Randomeness Rectangle
My Life

Watch Episode 3 of Rants and Randomness!

My people! So as you might know, I have a weekly Facebook show that I started a couple of weeks ago called Rants and Randomness. I get on Facebook Live and give book recommendations, spotlight a creative I love, and then rants about all things pop culture and shenanigans. This week …

Rants and Randomeness Rectangle
My Life

Watch the First Episode of My Show, Rants and Randomness!

Beautiful people! Guess what? I started a Facebook show as part of their Watch vertical, called Rants and Randomness. Once a week, I’ll be getting on Facebook Live to cover all things pop culture and relevant to our lives (including randomness). As the Side-Eye Sorceress, I’m uniquely positioned for this. There …

Famous folks

Blake Shelton is People’s 2017 Sexiest Man Alive Because Everything is Stupid

To be honest, I don’t pay much attention to People Magazine, nor do I take their shenanigans as truth (except for that one time when they featured my book. That was totally legit). So their annual “Sexiest Man Alive” and “Most Beautiful People” list is usually laughable because it’s hella …