
Eat or Be Eaten (with Myleik Teele) – Episode 2 of Rants & Randomness

My people! Episode 2 of my podcast Rants and Randomness is out now! It’s called “Eat or Be Eaten” and features special guest Myleik Teele, CEO of CurlBox. But before I get into my conversation with Myleik, I start off this week’s episode with a story about a magical moment I recently …


Real Gs Move in Silence Like Wakanda (with Eunique Jones Gibson) – Episode 1 of Rants and Randomness

My people! You know I’m always doing all the things! My latest thing is here, and it is long overdue! I AM SO EXCITED to announce the launch of my podcast: Rants and Randomness! But lemme take it back a little bit. I used to have a podcast a few years …

Famous folks

Because We Have To Talk About Safaree’s Latest *cough* Release

IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, SKIP THIS POST BECAUSE IT IS FILTH. IT’S FOR GROWN FOLKS ONLY. There is a BIG topic floating around the internet today. It has GINORMOUS interest. The MAGNITUDE must be acknowledged. So Safaree… ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? Sometimes, I …

No Thank You RKelly
CultureFamous folks

R. Kelly Gotta Know His Wayward Ass is Not Welcome in Wakanda

You know we’ve been talmbout BLAXIT for awhile. Oh you ain’t know? Catch up and read my past BLAXIT posts (#BLAXIT: Things We’re Taking With Us If We Leave). Anywho, when we leave this joint, we are going to re-settle in Wakanda, land of the abundant melanin, vibranium and no …

CultureTop PostsTV and Movies

On Wakanda: My Black Panther Review

Black Panther! This movie has taken over the world! It’s been probably the biggest pop culture moment in the last decade, and the most highly anticipated film in a long while. It’s finally here, and it has lived up to every piece of hype it has gotten. I’ve seen it …

CultureFamous folks

Let’s Talk About the Official Obama Portraits

It is Black History Month Year 2018, and we are being blessed with the drop of Black Panther later on this week. Wakanda, we are coming!!! This morning, the unveiling of the much-anticipated official portraits for President (always my president) Barack Obama and Forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama happened. Each one …


I Don’t Think King Tut’s Mother, Queen Nefertiti, Was Lady Gaga

I just wanna dropkick people in the face way too often these days. The latest reason why is from the reveal of what they think King Tut’s mother, Queen Nefertiti, looked like. It happened on the TODAY Show, and apparently, they used 3D imaging and forensic reconstruction to come up …

Woke Journal Entry 2
Whose is this?

Whose Woke Kid Wrote This Journal Entry and Why am I So Proud?

As you know, I’m a fan of kids and old people. They have an earnestness to them that I love, and they are uncheckable because of it. It also helps that my YoungOld self tries to not let that part of myself die. This is why I aspire to be …

Shirley Chisholm Quote

Why We Created the Black Women Running for Office Database and An Important Update to It

So what had happened was… the day after the Alabama elections between Roy Moore and Doug Jones, America got one more confirmation that Black women are superheros who save the day time and time again. 96% of Black women who voted showed up to vote for Doug Jones, who wasn’t …

Famous folks

About Mo’Nique, Pay Inequality and Her Asking Us to Boycott Netflix

A lot of people do not mess with Mo’Nique. I’m not a huge fan myself but I respect her longevity in the humor game, and tip my hat to the OG. But Mo’Nique has also burned a lot of (powerful) bridges (Oprah, Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry). With that in mind, …