I’m “I Had a Xanga Blog” Social Media Years Old
Sometimes it’s fun to reminisce about the good ol’ days of social media and being online. You know? Before we realized the people who created it are basically Voldemort, planning world domination with our data. Young folks today don’t even know how much things have changed in such a short …

About My TED Talk That Almost Didn’t Happen and Now Has 2 Million Views
Last week (April 5, 2018), my TED talk Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable crossed the 2 million view mark! It’s been watched, all over the world, 2 million times! It’s been transcribed to 18 different languages. In 15 years of writing, 8 years of speaking, it’s my most consumed thing. …

Whose Idea Were These Terrible Birkenstock Boots?
First came the most expensive frock on the Oregon Trail. Then came the uglass skants (skirt pants). And now I’m convinced that fashion designers are just trolling us on purpose to entertain themselves, because look at this mess. What in the tacky ass caucasery hell is this?!? Birkenstock has gone TOO …

Not Even Me Can Stop Me (with Jenifer Lewis) – Episode 4 of Rants & Randomness
YOOOO!!! Episode 4 of Rants and Randomness is here and I could not be more excited! You are not going to want to miss out on this episode, because my guest is the legendary, iconic, incomparable Jenifer Lewis! But before I get my life from talking with Ms. Lewis, I start …

I Binge-Watched Seven Seconds on Netflix: My Review
I have a problem with art that imitates life so well, it leaves us with the message that there is no WINNING. It punches you in the gut and reminds you that even when you think you might win, you will lose. And that is my main problem with Seven …

An Oriki Tribute to Lena Waithe for this Vanity Fair Cover
Queen Lena of House Waithe First of her name. Writer of brilliant stories. Teller of truth. Liver of best life. Opener of Doors. Pride maker. Changer of the game. This Vanity Fair cover got us shook in the best way and we are buying 15 copies each. You. Better. Flourish. …

An Oriki Tribute to Tarana Burke: #MeToo’s Majestic Mover
Tarana of House Burke, First of Her Name. Maker of Change. Protector of the Realm of Black Girls. Maestro of the #MeToo Movement. You are light. This @HANNAH.Magazine spread is stunning. Yesss! 😍😍😍

Opening Closed Doors (with Vanessa K. De Luca) – Episode 3 of Rants & Randomness
Hey y’all! We’re back with Episode 3 of Rants & Randomness called “Opening Closed Doors.” It features a can’t-miss interview with Vanessa K. De Luca, Editor-in-chief of ESSENCE Magazine! This week’s episode kicks off with the story of Parker Curry, the little girl who was captured on camera admiring Michelle Obama‘s official …

Come Hear Me Speak at SXSW This Weekend!
My people!!! This week, I’m going to be at SXSW! My schedule is jam-packed with some dope events, including one you can come to if you don’t have a SXSW badge. Here’s where you can catch me! SATURDAY I’m so geeked to be a featured speaker at SXSW and my talk is …

Eat or Be Eaten (with Myleik Teele) – Episode 2 of Rants & Randomness
My people! Episode 2 of my podcast Rants and Randomness is out now! It’s called “Eat or Be Eaten” and features special guest Myleik Teele, CEO of CurlBox. But before I get into my conversation with Myleik, I start off this week’s episode with a story about a magical moment I recently …