
Opening Closed Doors (with Vanessa K. De Luca) – Episode 3 of Rants & Randomness

Hey y’all! We’re back with Episode 3 of Rants & Randomness called “Opening Closed Doors.” It features a can’t-miss interview with Vanessa K. De Luca, Editor-in-chief of ESSENCE Magazine!

This week’s episode kicks off with the story of Parker Curry, the little girl who was captured on camera admiring Michelle Obama‘s official portrait. The picture of her went viral and she ended up meeting Queen Michelle! After I saw Parker’s BuzzFeed interview, I basically died of the cutes. With all the garbage going on in today’s world, stories like this are necessary to keep joy going and give us hope. Thank you, Parker, for making us all smile!

My Rant

Next, I rant about how I’m not a huge fan of texting. I text out of necessity, not because I like it. People do whole relationships over text and I don’t get it! But I can type on the computer all day, which is why I was so geeked when I discovered WhatsApp has a desktop app! That’s the only place where I’m responsive in text. So when you text me, just know that you will probably get a delayed response. Act accordingly!]

My Randomness

I spotlight ESSENCE Magazine and how they center and amplify Black women. We don’t see ourselves represented in the magazine industry very often, so ESSENCE remains very relevant. And now it’s black-owned again! From the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon to ESSENCE Fest in New Orleans, ESSENCE is the epitome Black Girl Magic and creating spaces to celebrate Black women. They’ve always been supportive of my work, so go show them some love by connecting with them @ESSENCE on Twitter and Instagram!

My Guest

My special guest this week is none other than Vanessa K. De Luca, Editor-in-chief of ESSENCE MagazineAs the brand’s editorial leader since 2013, she oversees the content and vision for ESSENCE’s various brand extensions—print, digital, social and experiential. Prior to joining ESSENCE, she served in a variety of editorial capacities at publications such as Life and Glamour. Vanessa is an award-winning journalist, coauthor of a bestselling beauty and empowerment book, and has been a featured guest on several national television networks. 

Vanessa is a woman I look up to and someone who has been cheering me on in this journey. During her interview, we talk about how she didn’t start out in the magazine industry and what she learned from switching careers and starting over. She shares some priceless career advice for the younger generation:

[ctt template=”1″ link=”nPXZc” via=”no” ]”It’s important to have a strong foundation. If you rise too fast, you might not get the complete skill-set. You can learn a lot if you take your time.” – @Vanessa_KDeluca[/ctt]

She even reveals something about herself that had me surprised! You can follow Vanessa (@Vanessa_KDeLuca) on Twitter and Instagram!

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Thank you to everyone who has been listening to the show and leaving their reviews and ratings! I appreciate all the love! Stay tuned for the next episode!

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1 Comment

  1. Nat
    March 20, 2018 at 10:36 am

    Love love love, best part of my morning commute! About Parker though, her mom didn’t take the picture and post it. A stranger took the picture and posted it on social media without Parker or her mom knowing about it.