The 2015 BET Awards Did My Youngold Heart Some Good
On a scale of the Oscars to I Don’t Even Mind That Much That This Show is Longer Than Some Marriages, the 2015 BET Awards was an 8. I looked at my recaps of past years’ BET Awards and I saw that I’ve actually really enjoyed most of them. It is time for me to admit that the BET Awards is one of my favorite award shows, if not THEE favorite.
It’s the one that doesn’t make me want to to slide out of my chair in boredom by hour 3, partly because they always do some throwback thing I appreciate and partly because there’s no way you can be bored when Twitter turns it into the Dirty Dozens Anniversary of the year. Either way, this is the show on television that spurs FOMO (fear of missing out).
As is my tradition, my recap is in form of questions. I also realized this when I reviewed my other recaps of the show.
* Why did I already know I would know about 4 people who would perform during the awards show? During the pre-show, I spent most of the time wondering who the hell everyone was, because my favorite pasttime is yelling at people to get off my lawn. This is when I learned that there was someone named Silento. Apparently, he’s responsible for the Nae Nae. And he had on a leather jacket in 80 degree Los Angeles heat like it makes sense.
* Why was Bryshere Gray (aka Yazz the Greatest) from Empire on the red carpet in a neon green blazer? He looked like a sour apple popsicle. Or those long phallic-looking popsicles you buy from the paletta man and you gotta use your teeth to open it and you end up losing the battle so you go track down scissors to cut it sideways so you can enjoy its sweet, cold goodness. He looked so delicious and appetizing.
* Why was Bobby Valentino dressed in the tightest most extra schmedium white ensemble? He looked like his magic carpet ran late and he needed a whole new alphet. Ol’ Aladdin on his wedding day looking ass. Others said he looked like a white power ranger.
Either way, I am impressed by how a man who is already extra small manages to consistently find clothes that are far too small for him. It’s like he goes out his way to make sure he’s rocking the finest in Children’s Place Haute Couture.
* Why do I root for Lil Mama so hard? I really do. I think she’s probably nice but as an artist, there’s something that just doesn’t curl all the way over. Her pre-show performance of her song “Sausage” gets an E for effort. Also, she was wearing my favorite color. The Say Something Nice Challenge is here and you’re welcome. Also, please clap for Doug E. Fresh, for always showing up where he’s needed, even if its next to Lil Mama. That is admirable. Although, I was a little embarrassed as he beat boxed behind a troop of kids who were standing behind Lil Mama. I wondered if he was wondering in that moment how he got there. Bless.
* Why did the try to make Jhene Aiko fetch happen for us by playing whatever music video that was? She makes me so sleepy, y’all, because she makes music for newborns with colic. There’s nothing wrong with her voice or anything. It’s just so bore. When I said this last night, her stans rolled into her mentions to tell me about my self. All 2 of them were so mad at me, bruh. Aawww.
* Why do I still not know what 2Chainz looks like after all these years? He was slated to perform and I thought he was the one with the sparse braids on his scalp. I was informed that it was some fella named Travis Scott. I was told that the gentleman in the poncho was 2Chainz and I wondered why he was dressed like an offensive Halloween costume that Pepe Le Pew would put on if he tried to go as Speedy Gonzales.
I don’t understand people.
The BET Awards
* Is Kendrick Lamar everyone’s favorite? I assume so because folks were excited for his opening set. I didn’t hate it so that’s good.
* Why do I love Anthony Anderson and Tracee Ellis Ross together so much? They have such great chemistry and should host more things together. I did almost see Anthony’s moose knuckle as he was in that leotard and I’m not sure if I’m ok with that.
Their opening monologue was hilarious too.
* Why was I so happy to see Terrence Howard without his moist curls? YESSSS!!! He won the Best Actor award and kept his speech short. I especially appreciate that. @MissZindzi said he always sound like someone’s grandma getting emotional in church. I HOLLERED.
* UMMMMM… why didn’t nobody inform me that Diggy Simmons got grown and FAHN?!? He got on the mic and that bass voice and his adult face. LISTEN. He is 20 years old so I have the right to objectify the hell outta him. DIGGY GOT DAPPER.
* Why can Janelle Monae do no wrong in my eyes??? She is hella bae to me.
I dont’ even care that she tried to moonwalk in wedge sneakers and couldn’t. BET NOBODY SAY NOTHING BAD ABOUT MISS MONAE! NAWL! Meanwhile, her protege Jidenna dresses like every man in DC at the club who has a fake job on The Hill. His 3-piece suit realness is so tight. Everyone agrees that he is clearly Bird from Five Heartbeats and this is not up for debate.
I would not be able to do an entire concert with Jidenna, doe. His music is totally great for a quiet night at home, doe, as you do your chores.
* Why is Nicki Minaj’s mom so beautiful?? Aawww! When Onika won an award and she slid out her chair (because she couldn’t stand cuz her dress was so tight) and she brought a lady on stage, I woulda never guessed that was her mom. Mama Minaj is FAHN!!!
* Who thought the entire cast of The Game shoulda been on stage? That was one of the awkward moments of the night. But it was good to see Derwin (Poo Hall) show up. He announced that him and Melanie (Tia Mowry) would be back for the show’s finale. I might actually have to tune in for that.
* How much roasting could one do during a set with Chris Brown, Tyga and Omarion? So much. SO. MUCH. Did anyone else side-eye Chris Brown throughout his performance? His exes were in the audience (both Rihanna and Karfuffle), and he seemed to be giving his all. I bet he kept looking where Rihanna was sitting to see if she gives a damb about his performance. Y’all know BET is petty as hell so they definitely panned the camera to Ri-Ri right before the set ended. I love it. But yeah, Tyga ain’t shit so there’s that. Moving on!
* Is The Weeknd’s power of falsetto in those clumpy locs of his? They must be. Also, is his hair the reason why people exclaim at me about how nice my locs look? They are just sitting on his scalp looking like struggle. And what key was Alicia Keys on? I love her but she lost all her keys yesterday. Her car keys, the keys to her front door, the ones to her safety deposit box…
* Why did I holler so loudly when Anthony Anderson accepted Sam Smith’s award for “Best New Artist” with “Sam Smith isn’t here tonight cuz he’s white?” Yo… I straight cackled. Also, I’m wondering why he was up for a BET Award, but I’ma let that slide, I guess. I’m just feeling like I don’t wanna be inclusive on our shit right now so… WTF? But I’ma chill.
* Was Lenny Kravitz in the audience? Because I wanted him to nod at Kelly Rowland when she was onstage to give her the signal to start twirling so her dress could catch flame as it lifts her off stage. I loved it and was wishing her luck in the Hunger Games because she is the chosen one.
* Why was Rihanna the REAL MVP of the night? At one point, she put duct tape on Floyd Mayweather’s mouth and I wanted to kiss her on the mouth for her humanitarian work. I don’t even care what the context was but anytime someone finds a way to make that asshat STFU, I rejoice.
* Who told Nicole Ari Parker and Boris Kodjoe that it was okay for them to be that attractive and that nice? They are one of my favorite Hollywood couples. AND Boris happens to be one of maybe 5 men in Hollywood who is actually over 6 feet tall. Talk about breaking the mold. God must have spent a little more time on him.
* What is a Bad Boy reunion without Dylan the Greatest spitting that hot fiyah? AN INCOMPLETE ONE! Nevertheless, the Bad Boy Reunion set was EVERYTHING! I got my whole entire 90s-loving life! Not only was it the first time in the night where I was able to sing along to the songs but it was so right how many people from the old crew Puff Daddy Diddy went and dug up from the Basement. Mase, Faith Evans, 112, the Lox, LITTLE KIMBERLY!!! When she popped out of the hole that Puffy had just fallen in, I was so hyped I almost tipped my laptop over.

I aint ever been this happy to see Fai Mulan Lil Kim! “Wanna rumble with the bee huh? Put a hex on the whole family. Dressed in all black like an omen…” I was rocking!
But let’s go back to the Fall Seen Around the World. Mannn… Diddy was walking and alla sudden disappeared. I waiting for the moment for someone to trip on the sliding walkway before the night was over and I just prayed that they recovered with dignity intact. What we got was even better and it was so right. It was symbolic. Diddy fell into the Bad Boy Basement he’s placed his past artists, even if only for a moment.
Anywho, I got my life seeing the shiny suit men reunited like that. I’d totally go to a concert where the only thing I’d hear is 90s Bad Boy music. Can they make this happen? That might be the ONLY time I’d stand up an entire concert. Puffy is clearly outta shape because he could barely breathe afterwards. Maybe he should use some of those Ciroc bottles as weights sometimes.
But let’s take a moment to watch the fall again.
When Diddy got back on stage to present Smokey Robinson’s Lifetime Achievement award, he could barely read the teleprompter. And then he congratulated himself on 20 years of Bad Boy Records AS HE WAS PRESENTING A LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD to a man who has been in the business for 60 years! Perspective, bro. You need to haz it.
* Why didn’t I know about Tori Kelly this whole time? She came through and SANG in honor of Smokey. Then Ne-Yo showed up too because he has never found a tribute he won’t do. And then Robin Thicke came to sang his apologies to us. It was a nice way to honor ol’ Twinkle Eyes Smokey.
* Why is Smokey Robinson the ultimate cat daddy? He showed up wearing the shiny version of Jidenna’s outfit and got onstage to tell all the young whipper snappers what he knows. He even wove it all into a prayer and I tried to bow my head but I wanted to tweet at the same time. He took his sweet time too, and everyone dealt because you can’t rush old folks.

This is why you do not tell old folks “TAKE YO TIME.” They will take their time, yours and everyone else. And you can’t say nothing.
Old people do NOT care about your ad times or broadcast hours. Any tribute to anyone over 70. Pad 10 minutes for their speech. I do appreciate him for this wisdom, though, some of which seemed directed at Diddy, who he had behind him holding his award. He finished it with “You’re not the end of the line so don’t be so full of yourselves.” I caught that word and put it in my favorite purse.
Smokey then got the mic and treated us to “Tracks of my Tears” (one of my favorite songs), “Cruising Together” and “My Girl.” Boris and Nicole were in the audience slow dancing and my youngold ass was swaying back and forth because this is my type of concert.
* Must I admit that Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill are really adorable? They performed together and there was a 30 second span where they were holding hands and you could tell they were in their own world and I was like “DAMMUT THAT IS SO SWEET.”
* Was Keyshia Cole parched to promote her album? Yes, yes she was. Her and Monica presented an award and she told us TWICE that her album is coming out “independently.” Girl, ok. We know what that means. You gon be taking orders via PayPal. Do you, boo.
* Why am I convinced that Terrence Howard really is Lucious Lyon? He introduced Jamal (Jussie Smollett) and Hakeem (Bryshere Gray) and was in the audience looking like he was checking for them to perform right. They did too. I got to hear DRIP DROP DRIP DRIPPITY DROP! And then Jussie performed “You’re so beautiful” interrupting to speak that GOOD word.
“We live in a nation where freedom is what we represent, yet we are still fighting every day for the basic freedoms of all of our people. Let the Supreme Court ruling be proof of how far we have come. Let the deaths of sisters and brothers be proof of how far we have to go. No one is free until we are all free. Stand for love.”
YESSSSSSS SIR!!! Speak on all of that.
* Where’s Wallace, String? Why will I always call Michael B. Jordan “Wallace” like he ain’t all growed up now and looking like Almond Joy? Yummm. I loved that the BET awards took the time to recognize #BlackLivesMatter and the Emanuel Nine. That was needed and I am glad they did it. And I am especially glad they picked Michael Bae Jordan to do it. Because: eye candy.

I do, boo.
* Why was Big Sean’s set the pettiest of the night? Well, because his “I Don’t Fuck Wth You” song is everyone’s chance to be passive aggressive. Everybody who was dancing REALLY hard to it got an ex they wanted to send a message to. Chris Brown was especially jigging his life so hard to #IDFWU, with his Petty Rubble ass. NAWL, Breezy. They ain’t fugging with YOU.
* How much did I love Tom Joyner’s speech? A lot. He was given the Humanitarian Award for the work of the Tom Joyner Foundation and it was definitely deserving. He spoke about how important it is to save and sustain Black colleges and universities as well as Black media. Absolutely, sir. I didn’t go to an HBCU but I think they need to remain because we need spaces in education where we can be unapologetically Black.
I just wanna go to a Tom Joyner cruise at least once in my life because I got some white linen pants I wanna stunt on people with. I already got those sandals that your fave uncle grills with. You know the ones with the cutouts? I own a pair so I’ma SLAY on the cruise. Maybe 2016.
* Why was I so ready for the Janet Jackson tribute? Maybe because by that point, the show was so long that I bet Anthony Anderson had to re-shave to keep a 10pm shadow from creeping up. Ciara was made for this moment, and she did pretty well.
Can’t nobody BE Janet but she was decent. She even had the Janet toussled soft curls hairhat going. All I know is I am buying Black combat boots and cargo pants today! Because I’m impressionable. And Rhythm Nation.
In what seemed to be the middle of the tribute, Janet walked out looking like a Goddess in all white against everyone in black. I legit screamed! JANET!!!!!! QUEEN DAMITA!!! LOOKING LIKE PEACE AND LOVE EVERLASTING. BLACK NOT DARING TO CRACK. Our boo accepted her Ultimate Icon award by thanking her fans for always showing her love, as the essence of contentment from billionaire bae came through her pores. Joe and Katherine Jackson were in the audience looking on too. It was special. I was happy. Although, I was lowkey hoping she’d lean into the mic and whisper sing one tune. It’s ok, doe. Lemme not be greedy.
Chile, I was tah’d at this point so I switched off my TV, promising to independently release my recap on this blog. But then I missed the Tamar and K.Michelle performance. The only reason I bothered to even look it up is because I was told Auntie Patti LaBelle joined them for a good squall so I caught the clip on
I am not sure what was happening with Tamar’s mascara. Her eyelashes looked like spiders and I did not understand. My girl Ngwa asked why K.Michelle is shaped like a calabash and I said it’s because she bought her yansh with a coupon code. Go google “calabash” and come back. Yup. You’re welcome. How they decided to add Patti to this lineup is beyond me because the “we ain’t beefing no more” performance should not have had anything to do with her. I mean, don’t get me wrong.
I’m ALWAYS happy to see Miss Patti so I don’t mind but that was random of them.
Yes, I learned Fetty Wap wrapped the show. No, I didn’t check it out. I don’t know what a Fetty Wap is. I’m not calling no grown man Fetty Wap.
Anywho, that was a dope show. I had a good time watching it. I see you outchea, BET. I SEE YOU.
What did y’all think of the show? Did you enjoy? Did you also only know 2 songs? Let’s discuss.
All I know is your recap has brought more joy than the actual viewing. Plus, my ab (don’t have a six-pack, sorry) is still sore from the laughter when Diddy dropped and popped back up and all the Tamar memes. My people are so damn creative!
I tuned in to see Ms Janet and was not disappointed. Bad Boy reunion was great (fall included). Love me some Smokey, and the Weeknd repped for the 416. I just wished that Robin Thicke had sung ‘Tears of a Clown’.
I love K. Michelle to death, and I think Tamar can sing her eyelashes off. But boyyyyy, whoever thought they should be on a stage singing THAT song with Muva Patti should be shot. It really sucks for them both, because now they get all the “dollar store fish plate” jokes as if anybody who isn’t named Coko (who was low-key shading on Twitter last night) or Keke Wyatt could stand and sing with Patti. Maaaaybe Fantasia.
Now Tamar’s having skinned Snuffleupagus for her coat? THOSE jokes are well deserved.
I need Diddy’s stage fall on an endless loop! I am crying real tears!
Luvvie– I want to honor you with a BET award for Entertainment Efficiency. It is because of you that I no longer feel the need to watch anything the first go-round. It is a lot more enjoyable to wait patiently for your re-caps, then watch the highlights with every available bit of blog shade and occasionally petty realness playing in the background of my mind.
Thanks to Luvvie, I ain’t been into actually watching TV since Toni left Joan.
“Karfuffle”???!!! The rest of my day is cancelled. I will start again tomorrow. I don’t know that woman’s name, but I know you have nonsensed it it a magical Luvvie kinda way. ~Alishia
GIRL!!!! I didn’t get to see the show but why would I need to now after listening to your crazy cool re-cap?! You had me crackin up!!!! #Dead
Janet is so fine. I mean.. can I just touch the hem of her garment so I can be made a “bad b*Tch” right now???? She just looked like billions.. and billions upon billions..and like she bathes in oil well money…. and good middle-eastern loving..LOL.
Listen.. would I be wrong to cover my locs w/ a curly lace front and straight up re-create her “If” video look for her concert in September? Because I am pressed and lame and old…. LOL. I admit that sh*t
Who was that who said that Janet was about to ride her camel back to the oil rigs where Jermaine gets his hair? Was that our Luvvie?
Excuse me while I get 20 pounds of ice for my tea cooler.
Yes, Janet (Ms. Jackson if you nasty) is the bad girl Ri-Ri wants to be. I stopped complaining about Kardashian fame when I realized Rihanna has the same amount of talent. She needs to come up with a skin care line because she damn sho’ doesn’t have any.
I need to know why Debra Lee must speak when she has the worst, most boring presentation skills? Her presence on stage means it’s time for a snack or bathroom break. Also, for some of us, GEORGE BENSON brought “The Greatest Love of All” to life, not Whitney (as much as we love her).
Here I am trying to understand what kinda shape K. Michelle is and you gave it to me. Calabash! That’s it! Hunny, I am DONE!
speaking of not calling grown man something did you peep how Uncle Smokie was like “than you Sean” like he was NOT going to call no grown man Puffy/P diddy…and the shade was real with his talk/lecture/prayer…as always i hollered the entired time i read this!
Guuuuuuurrrrrllllll! Diggy Simmons has been my creepy crush for like the last 3 years! I always felt so wrong and dirty cause my old ass has no business looking at that young manboy like that but…Yaasss!
My water almost broke from laughing so hard watching Diddy’s fall. Hahahahaha…he really needs those kettlebells.
* Why did I holler so loudly when Anthony Anderson accepted Sam Smith’s award for “Best New Artist” with “Sam Smith isn’t here tonight cuz he’s white?” Yo… I straight cackled. Also, I’m wondering why he was up for a BET Award, but I’ma let that slide, I guess. I’m just feeling like I don’t wanna be inclusive on our shit right now so… WTF? But I’ma chil
Favorite part was seeing Uncle Charlie and Kelly Rowland cackling when Anthony said this.
They probably gave it to him so that they could get some crossover viewers. That’s why JT was there for Uncle Charlie last year. Sam Smith not showing up was a hint that these blue-eyed soul singers ain’t feeling like they owe the black audience much.
I figured that out when a white soul singer was on the Voice sounding like D’Angelo and cited Jason Mraz, Allen Stone and John Meyer as his influences. Okay, dude…
This is my first time to your blog and this article was everythang!!! You had me cracking up!!! You now have a new reader!
Hey Tasha, hey! Welcome! We ride or die for Luvvie round these parts!
OMG…..Your recap has brought joy and tears to my work day.
OMG, I can barely eat my lunch! Your commentary is everything and so hilarious. Ha @ calabash. I had to google it and I immediately burst into laughter.
Is anybody else tired of a Uncle Charlie?? He just kept dancing like the music was still on. He creeps me out a little.
Look here! Y’all are gonna stop calling that girl Karfuffle! It’s because of your foolishness that I have no idea what the poor child’s name is (and because I’m over 30 and can’t be bothered)!
And I don’t appreciate that “Caption It” meme you posted on facebook of Diddy and Smokie either. Because I got THINGS to do and they are now obviously not gonna get done. Luvvie, I adore you and your followers, but I can’t STAND y’all.
I am hollering out loud reading your recap! Calabash, tears!! Smokey threw so much shade it was midnight dark up in the place.
Pattie is 70 and out sung both the wanna be divas. How you let your grandma, run runs around your tired singing. Alicia..just why, boo! The pic you put up of Alicia and God texting. Awesome.
Why did I know immediately what I was going to find when I googled calabash?! And why did I do it anyway?!
Tamar was all ONE tone/color last night. Like… chile, give me another color somewhere… hair, dress, shoes, skin… THE SAME. The only thing that stood out were them bottom lashes… Me… I just… I can’t.
I was all the way HERE for the shady prayer Uncle Smokey threw. You know not only can you NOT tell an old person to take their time. You also can NOT start playing ‘wrap it up’ music in the middle of a prayer or go to commercial… you know our people ain’t about disrespecting Jesus… LMAO.
<thinks Alicia Keys is smoking blueberry kush and Newports now.
I quit you!
Trying to learn how to write because I wanna meet famous people and get into shit for free.
Plus liquor and quality catered food.
Heres my BET Recap I was gonna put on my page but it was too short.
Thru tha do’ Im bowing to Queen Luvvie- the best pop culture blogger there is….
I left some things out because Comcast sucks and I missed a lot of ish.
Bet Awards recap
Puffy fell on his ass during a dope Bad Boy Reunion and then Smokey Robinson handed said ass to Puffy for showboating during Smokey’s Achievement Award.
Tricky Garbaj won for Best Female Hip Hop Artist- why no one knows…
She also won a People’s Choice Award then got on stage and acted like she didnt know what the award was for
The Weekend needs to be shampooed and Alicia Keys sounds like she smokes squares now.
Anthony Anderson and Tracee Eliss Ross did about 10 unfunny routines but Lawd that woman is ,,,,,,
Janelle Monae got down and I plan to wife her soon.
Kendrick BRUNG IT. so Did Chris Breezy…
Who then turned around and Danced a Little Too energetically during BIG SEANS. IDGAF joint- which rocked the house. Little Man Big Sean brung it….
Some chick named Andra blew everyone away.
Patti sat Tamar Braxton down and saved us all from Tamar’s singing.
K Michelle looks like she is towing a trailer- her body is silly, voice so-so- especially irritating when she uses it to remind us of her album several times. I plan to refer her to a PR firm.
Feddy Wap. Fuudy Dap whatever his name is…youll never see him again
I got more shit but Im practicing.
Dang Luvvie, I have to go back and actually watch the show now because of your very funny recap. I tried to watch it last night, but kept giving up. I was so confused by the Memorial segment (which for some weird reason is usually my favorite part of an award show, because I am always shocked by who died) I became frustrated and gave up. It started off great and ended great but I had no idea who the pictures were in the middle segment. Now everybody knows how important it is to our culture to honor our dead. Maybe when I watch again all the way through, I will figure out who they were. Thanks for the recap, I enjoy them tremendously. Especially, Scandal.
My favorite part was the Bad Boy Reunion but I wanted to see Carl Thomas. Why couldn’t they have a little Summer Rain up in there? Shine? Diddy getting old, that’s why he had those specs on later in the evening but did anyone wonder if Diddy fell on Lil Kim? LOL Smokey’s tribute was wonderful but I was rushing him off fuh Janet and why? I knew she wasn’t going to give up not e’eem the slightest free concert so there..but it was good seeing her. Also she’s lost some lbs and wasn’t dressed in black. Maybe that’s just a Middle East thing and when she gets to the US she back to Miss Jackson. Tamar, umph. I just KNOW Patti made them seal that trap door shut! I knows it! 15 mins before Patti was scheduled ,stage hands everywhere were bolting that trap door like nobody’s business.
This is as always everything….i cannot sneak and read this at work…I get in caught every time…lol calabash hahaha
Yep. I knew the Smokey songs and the Janet songs, and… not much else. 10 years too old for this show, but I’m black, so I have to at least speedwatch through it. I know it’s what we do now, but I have a hard time watching these asshat men, rapping Incomprehensibly, and then have to continue to stomach watching women dance like hoochie mommas behind them. It’s just too degrading… My fast forward thumb got a workout.
Did notice that Jussie didn’t bother with that ish. Had some male backup dancers… appropriately dressed.
Also noticed that they opted for him not to sing the line about a “Man loving a man”… and just let the track do it. Not a complete bail out… was that a compromise?
Tamar… Forgot about that….
Maybe she had her Witness Protection makeup on…
Still waiting to see why she stood up the LGBT community by not appearing at Pride… and not making any comment about it… (not that we wanted to see her. We were happy with the talented acts they found (last minute) to appear in her stead.)
So annoyed with people…Mr Smokey Robinson done forgot more music than they ever knew and half them ninjas didn’t stand to give him proper respect #giveoffmylawn
Oh wow, Luvvie, this was sooo good! I missed the show and I felt like I was in the front row with your review! Thank you. Oh wait, that photo of Nicki Minaj giving Meek Mill goo-goo eyes…yep, agreed they’re cute. Hmmm…..! Hey, doesn’t he reminds you of Raj from What’s Happening? He does to me.
I was told that the Rih/Mayweather duct tape thing was a “joke” because he beats women and Rih is a survivor of DV. Didn’t hear that from BET itself, but that seems like a good guess.
Funny recap, btw!
I loved the Bad Boy reunion, but where was Total?
Great Recap. I watched only for Janet. So, I was disappointed she didn’t perform but, I will just have to catch her live show (ticket purchased). 🙂 Ciara held her own though.
Bad Boy reunion was hot (even with the fall). LOL Good recovery Diddy.
So happy for Tom Joyner. Everyone should go on his cruise at least once. I went a couple years ago and it was a BALL!. Go. You will not regret it. Then come back and blog all about it. 🙂
Some questions about the Bad Boy Reunion, please…
1) We focus on Puffy falling through Lil Kim’s entrance – does no one wonder if Lil Kim is okay?
2) Is no one gonna talk about Chris Brown and how he Lil Mama’d his way up on that stage and through the audience?
3) Does no one remember the crass and rough reviews Bad Boy Records obtained back in the 90s because of Puffy’s extensive sampling?
4) Do you think our revised nostalgia is because of the Bad Boy songs themselves or because we are old enough to recognize the songs they sample?
5) The new single, “Finna Get Loose” – can we all agree that this may be one of the laziest songs Puffy has ever rapped?
6) …..when did he go back from Diddy to Puff Daddy? Cuz I’m sure I would have remembered…
oh, also, when are we gonna discuss the SEVERE shade Nicki threw Kim during her sleepy speech?
It is important that I agree- I’m not calling no grown man Fetty Wap! Now carry on…