ECLIPSED was Amazing and Now There’s A Documentary Going Behind the Curtains
The first time I met Danai Gurira was in 2014. We were both at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit, and it was there that I got to see how incredible she is. People know her mostly as Michonne from The Walking Dead, but she is also a gifted orator and …

I Got Questions About The New Edition Story That Kicked Off Last Night on BET
Yesterday was the Black event of the month: the premiere of BET’s The New Edition Story. A TV series about the come up and break down of Ricky Bell, Ralph Tresvant, Bobby Brown, Mike Bivins, Ronnie DeVoe and Johnny Gill? I’m in there like a wedgie! It was no game. …

Being Mary Jane’s Season 3 Was the Best Yet
Last night was Being Mary Jane’s season 3 finale (I livetweeted it and got on Periscope afterwards to talk about it), and it felt like it came very quick! 10 episodes swooped by, and I love what they’ve done with the show. Having watched it from the very start, from movie to season …

Being Mary Jane is Back Tonight with Season 3 and I’ll Be Watching!
I was at the first screening of the Being Mary Jane movie, 2 years ago in Chicago. Mara Brock Akil, creator and Executive Producer was there answering questions and showing love, and I was excited to be in the room to see what her latest project was about. Mara is …

The 2015 BET Awards Did My Youngold Heart Some Good
On a scale of the Oscars to I Don’t Even Mind That Much That This Show is Longer Than Some Marriages, the 2015 BET Awards was an 8. I looked at my recaps of past years’ BET Awards and I saw that I’ve actually really enjoyed most of them. It …

Black Girls Rock 2015 Was Everything: Recap
Black Girls Rock is awesome for the mere fact that it creates space for the celebration of Black womanhood, Black girlhood, Black femininity and Black girl magic. The organization (and show), created by Beverly Bond, takes time to honor us on a grand scale and that by itself is incredible. …

My 12 Thoughts on the 2014 Soul Train Awards
Last night was the airing of the 2014 Soul Train Awards, which taped last month. How did we know? Because pictures got out and we all saw Devante from Jodeci rocking a meatball on his head. I don’t know how I’m supposed to have peace when he’s walking around like …

Brandy, Queen Latifah, MC Lyte and Yo-Yo Performing “I Wanna Be Down” Was Everything!
I did not watch the BET Hip Hop Awards last night because I forgot and nobody reminds me of anything anymore (*side-eyes everyone*). Plus I had work to do. I’m catching up with some of what I missed (amen, YouTube) and I got my entire LIFE with the performance that …

Kaboom Makes a Blue Ivy Hair Joke and Everyone Lets Her Have It
On Monday’s edition of 106 & Park, Karrueche Tran, Chris Brown’s (maybe he feels like it today) girlfriend of far too long (remember when he dumped her for Rihanna? Well, the 1st time) made a joke about Blue Ivy’s hair. Basically on some “my parents don’t comb my hair” cheapness. No …

The 5 Stages of Watching Scandal
It’s been two and a half months since the Scandal season 2 finale episode left us all unable to deal. We wailed in despair for Scandal’s summer neglect, wondering what we were going to do to occupy our time and cope with the withdrawal. Chile, the struggle for us Gladiators …