The 2015 BET Awards Did My Youngold Heart Some Good
On a scale of the Oscars to I Don’t Even Mind That Much That This Show is Longer Than Some Marriages, the 2015 BET Awards was an 8. I looked at my recaps of past years’ BET Awards and I saw that I’ve actually really enjoyed most of them. It …

The 2013 BET Awards Killed TURNUP and Charlie Wilson Brought the House Down
I never miss the BET Awards because even when it’s bad, the tweets make it afun to watch. But this year, it actually wasn’t that bad. And for BET, that means it was a good show. I missed the first hour of the show so I’m gonna act like those …
BET Awards 2011 Recap: The Show Was… I Got Questions
I don’t know. I really don’t have one adjective to describe the 2011 BET Awards. It was entertaining mostly because of the live-tweets from my Twitfam. But if I was sitting in my living room without the world’s commentary to keep me company, I probably woulda spent the whole 3 …

BET Awards Was Actually Good
So I went into the BET Awards expecting much fail, like in the previous year. Expectations CANNOT be placed low enough BET. Let me definitely say that. How bad has BET been in previous years? Well, last year, it was so bad that my recap was in TWO parts. First …