Because We Have To Talk About Safaree’s Latest *cough* Release
IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, SKIP THIS POST BECAUSE IT IS FILTH. IT’S FOR GROWN FOLKS ONLY. There is a BIG topic floating around the internet today. It has GINORMOUS interest. The MAGNITUDE must be acknowledged. So Safaree… ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? Sometimes, I …

#NoEdgesLeftBehind: Important Lessons from Remy Ma’s Nicki Minaj Diss Track ShETHER
I was minding your business on this quiet Saturday when Remy Ma derailed all my plans by dropping ShEther. It is her manifesto of shade, directed at Nicki Minaj. I am here, as a witness, to the annihilation of Onika Maraj, in the hands of Reminisce Mackie. I stand before thee, …

The 2015 BET Awards Did My Youngold Heart Some Good
On a scale of the Oscars to I Don’t Even Mind That Much That This Show is Longer Than Some Marriages, the 2015 BET Awards was an 8. I looked at my recaps of past years’ BET Awards and I saw that I’ve actually really enjoyed most of them. It …

Lil Kim RSVPs to the Flawless Remix Party She Wasn’t Invited To
Beyonce dropped the FLAWLESS remix featuring Nicki Minaj late on Saturday night and the internet went nuts for it. The Stages of Twitter Dealing with a Beyonce Event was recycled, proving to be forever accurate and the stans got a fresh wave of life. Me? Well I thought it was just …
I’m Digging Nicki Minaj Lately and It’s Not For Her Music
Y’all know Nicki Minaj’s music tapdances on my last nerves and she dresses like a highlighter factory blew up. But she’s the most popular female rapper out there so she’s everywhere and I just have to deal. And avoid listening to her tunes. Or staring at her pictures for too …

The 2013 BET Awards Killed TURNUP and Charlie Wilson Brought the House Down
I never miss the BET Awards because even when it’s bad, the tweets make it afun to watch. But this year, it actually wasn’t that bad. And for BET, that means it was a good show. I missed the first hour of the show so I’m gonna act like those …

Dear Lil Kim, This Nicki Minaj Beef is Tired
This letter to Lil Kim has been a long time coming. And everytime I lose my vigor to write it, something else happens. Sit back. Enjoy. Dear Lil Kim, Hey gurl hey. *deep sigh* You know I used to be a fan of yours, right? Your songs went HARD in …