It’s My Birthday! About Thankfully Turning 30
1985 is a solid number and that year produced some really solid people. Today, I join the 30 club! I’m a proud Capricorn, born on January 5, 1985, and this is a milestone birthday but I don’t feel any different. In fact, my life is a series of patterns because …

28 Facts About Me on My 28th Birthday
Today’s my birthday. YAYYYY!!! And in honor of me turning 28, I’ve decided to write 28 facts about me. Some of these are known. Others might be new. 1. My name does really mean Love. 2. Red is my favorite color (I know. You couldn’t tell before). 3. I don’t …

Happy Birthday, Afrobella!
Today is a glorious day! It’s Afrobella‘s birthday!!! Yes, THAT Afrobella. The one whose hair precedes her. The one who folks call the Godmother of Brown Beauty Blogging. She was doing it before people blogged for the freebies (because there were none back then). She’s the reason a lot of …

Who’s That on the Birthday Line? It’s LUVVIE!!!
Today is a special day! It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!! *and then I hit my dougie* YES MA’AMS and SIRS! Today’s my birthday! *cartwheels* 26 years ago, the world got a tad bit more ratchet, when at 2:30am, my mama birthed me. TWO weeks late. CLEARLY, I wasn’t on much then either. I …

Awesomely Luvvie is 4! Let’s Celebrate!
Awesomely Luvvie is FOUR YEARS OLD!!! *takes swig of Bailey’s* *Sheneneh hip twurk* Four years ago, I abandoned my Xanga blog to move to Blogspot. On August 8, 2006, I wrote the first post on “Luvvie’s Queendom” (LAME NAME!). That blog became “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and then evolved to the …

The Wonderous One turns 60!
So today is Stevie Wonder‘s 60th birthday. We must revel and rejoice in this day. I don’t care how far gone Stevie’s hairline maybe, or the fact that it’s wading in all types of water. I’m always going to be a fan. I’ont care how many tacky blazers his team …