Willow Whipped Her Hair and Wigs Were Wrenched
See what I did there? Alliteration accomplished appropriately is always awesome. I DID IT AGAIN!!! Oh self, you’re so witty sometimes. *smize*
Anyway, to the issue at hand. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for these past 2 days, then you’ve already heard Willow Smith‘s “Whip My Hair.” If you haven’t check out the official Willow Smith site for it.
THAT. SONG. BEATS. It goes all the way hard (beat-wise anyway). And the lyrics are catchy. Plus it’s age-appropriate. In true SMITH fashion, she’s not cursing, which I appreciate. I ain’t even gon make no qualms about it.
Willow is on the scene. She’s coming for Rihanna, Ciara and Keri Hilson’s wigs. Like for realsies. Yes i realize nepotism got her an advantage but I’ont much gibbadamb. Her voice is already more pleasant than Rihanna’s. If she can dance too, Ciara better put in some more hours and get an extra choreographer. And she’s already got more charisma than Keri Hilson so it’s like welp. I’m scared of you, Willow. For GOOD reason too. I aint mad at Willow #doe. She made the world collectively whip its hair.

I just about fell out my chair when this fool tweeted me the EMOTICONS he created for whipping your hair back and forth. #ColorMeMurked
Yesterday, we found out that Willow is now part of JayZ’s RocNation family. WELL DAMB! I mean I’m not surprised at all but talk about a quick turnaround. JayZ wasn’t playing no bald-headed games. Tgdgdjtgd Marie been singing at WalMart for yrs. She even snuck one album on the shelf but ain’t nobody try to put her on. How does she feel? *shrugs*
Besides, it is the Smiths’ whole life purpose is to rule the world, and they won’t stop until they do. That whole family wakes up and pisses excellence, awesome, phoenix feathers and unicorn tears. Why must the Smiths SLAY hoes so easily and completely? How dope are they? Let me count the ways:
* Will runs the Hollywood Box Office. Not BLACK Hollywood, but Hollywood in general.
* Jada has her own TV show and runs thangs in general
* Jaden SLAYED box offices with his FIRST movie. He is clearly being groomed by Will. The boy is GIFTED. And now Willow.
Chile… If I could just touch the hem of their garments. I bet it’s made of silk, gold fabric and favor. *church scoots* Won’t they adopt me?
Betcha’ll Willow Smith gon drop her album and it’ll go gold at least (while Kelis’ album went floppy disk. Womp womp). But I’ve heard that some folks are hating on Willow. Listen. Don’t fight the Smiths. Just submit to their power. I’m all for her getting a record deal. Justin Bieber and his swoop hair got superstar status. I see no problem with Willow being big. Let that girl have a concert. My grown self will be in Row 1 whipping my hair back & forth. My locs aren’t long enough yet for proper whippage though, so I may have to get backup.
But yeah, I’m Team Willow ALLAWAY. Am I the only one? Whatcha’ll think of the song?
Shoot, why not! Its a catchy lil song. RiRi, Keri, Ciara n’nem contribute little or nothing to my music rotation and she aint coming for no beasts like Jill or nothing like that… WP been creating these family empires so I’m not mad at the Smiths! ‘put em on then’
I love it. I showed it to my own 9yr old, and she decided she wanted to play clarinet (she’s not yet confident in her songstress abilities, so hey, we’ll take what we can get!)…Willow is ALREADY slayin hoes’ weaves, and impressing her ways upon the masses. I am a believe, and my daughter Bean is too! #SmithsForPresident
Aawww! Willow’s inspiring her peers! That’s what I’m talmbout. 🙂
I had to put my afro into twists JUST so I could whip my hair back and forth.
If I can get one of those Smiths to touch my garms, THEY WILL BE GOLDEN and thus prove their Midas touch.
Bedda believe I’m stealing those emoticons for my facebook status tonight.
#Bedda believe I’ma send you an invoice! lmbo.
It’s effing awesome…applaud her.
*claps loudly*
I know I’m in the minority but the only thing notable about this song is that Willow recorded it. Structurally – it’s a Rihanna song and had she recorded it people wouldn’t be actin like it’s changed the effin game like Poison did or something. But she’s 9 and inoffensive and in 10 years, we’ll all be treating her like we do Bow Wow.
If Rihanna made this, she’da put something in it bout grinding on some dude. And my ears would have bled.
LOL @ Bow Wow. The reason we treat him like that is b/c he’s getting too big for his britches. And talking out the side of his mouth. Willow is a Smith. BEST believe that the best machine will be behind her. Ain’t gon be no Bow Wow.
*applause* A female singer my 12 year old can look up to. I ain’t mad at Will, Jada, Trey, Jaden nor Willow.
The Smiths are BEASTS!
You are not the only one! This song took me back to my younger days when I used to whip MY hair (braids w/beads at the end) back and forth to hear the the click/click/click. And catchy?? Shooo..It’s been in my mental soundtrack since I heard it.
Oooooo the barrettes errone used to rock when they were younger. Yes indeed! Whipping our hair back in forth before we even thought it could be a catchy song.
I got to the part about “Tgdgdjtgd Marie” and couldn’t continue. I shall cackle for days at that one. Her mama really did do a number on phonics with the spelling of that name.
Gurl I can never get the spelling of her name right. So why try?
I’m really loving this song…and so do my daughters! When she comes in concert, we will be in the building!!! (///_O) (>///<) (O_///) whipping it back and forth!!! She snatched po Rhi Rhi & Ci Ci completely bald! ♥'s it….
YESSSS to Willow in concert! LAWDT! I must find a tweenager to take so I don’t look TOO overgrown.
YAS! Willow is bringing it! I was whippin’ my two strand twists back and forth so much yesterday, I gave myself a headache…
Don’t judge.
No judging. I whipped my head back and forth so hard that I got dizzy. We’re even.
Damn! I wrote about her too. I think I even started out similarly.
*goes to print my I HEART Willow baby-tee*
I’m rocking a “Team Willow” shirt!
That song is HOTTT! I aint mad at Willow and the Smith’s at all. With one song she blowing all them non-singing chicks in the bushes!
I fell out when at the emoticon image. You truly have some crazy and creative followers. I am going to put that image in a flip book and see how it turns out.
My followers are a bucket of mess. And LOL at the flipbook. You should film it and place it on YouTube.
I love Willow look out Hannah Montana this Lil Willow is comin’g for your country ass!!!!
I love the emotiocons hilarious!
Yes ma’am! Miley Cyrus best watch her back. But odds here, she’ll just move on to suggestive stuff. So…
And let’s not forget Jada also has her own Rock group, Wicked Wisdom!! This family is nothing BUT talent!
No shade, but Jada’s rock group is… O___O. Yeah I’ma leave that there.
Dude. YASS. I already downloaded on my iPod. And I looked inwardly and was like, “WTF is my life? I’m downloading a 9 year old’s song.” But, then I stopped and was like, “Actually, I should be proud. Proud of her for being able to piss all over Rihanna before she hit preteen status and proud of myself for noticing her.” Boom.
Them emoticons, though. *PERISHED*
My playlist needs it. Where can i get it?
po’ cassie….
bwhahahahahaha. I said the SAME thing yesterday. How is Willow able to wake up and SHAT on Cassie’s career? Really it’s a tragedy.
Cassie had a career??!! When??
She hasn’t got out of Diddy’s lap long enough to have one…
Umm… let me ask someone else and get back to you. That’s a good question.
FINALLY, some CHILDREN’S music! The Smith’s give me hope in music after all…Go, Willow! GO! My heart is smiling for my 7 year old. 🙂
Yes indeedt! I LOVE the fact that little kids can listen to it. No cuss words. No suggestive language. AND it still goes hard. LOVE IT!
I didn’t come up with the hair whip all by myself #doe. Zindzi came up with the bangs emoticon on twitter a while ago (http://twitter.com/bakarithomas_/statuses/22365763659) and I just realized I could whip it #bagginfoaf.
You still ratchet as hell for it. LOL
BTW, Willow was in the American Girls movie a couple years ago. yes, that girl was runnin’ thangs at age SEVEN. Team Willow! *whips hair back and forth* *now singing Erykah Badu “Your Afro’s flat on one side”*
LMAO at “Your afro’s flat on one side.” And you a mess.
luvvie i DIED at “If I could just touch the hem of their garments. I bet it’s made of silk, gold fabric and favor. *church scoots* ……….I’m still giggling bout dat!
the song is kinda catchy.
I meant it! Them Smiths are just blessed!
She’s fashionable for a little one:)
She definitely has a style of her own. We shall see how it changes as she grows up though.
When I figured out that Tgdgdjtgd Marie was supposed to be Teairra Mari, I was slain. I’m typing this from the grave right now actually.
LMAO!! What? I never can get how to spell her name right. So I just put random letters. *shrugs*
This song does beat. I wonder if Lil’ Mama is somewhere with her lip gloss poppin’ feeling some kind of way.