5 Things That Will Happen Before Will and Jada Ever Divorce
All day today, Will and Jada Smith‘s names has been trending on social media. What now? Well, we’re told that after 17 years of marriage, the two are splitting up. The story has been picked up in several “reputable” media outlets, even though they all seem to be playing a …

5 Reasons Why No One is Here for Aunt Viv 2.0 From Fresh Prince
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is one of those shows that immediately makes me think of my childhood. I’ve watched every single episode, and I can recite some of the lines. Plus, I’ve memorized Will Smith’s drum juke, surely keeping other types of knowledge out my brain. It’s fine. It’s allowed. …
Willow Whipped Her Hair and Wigs Were Wrenched
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, then you’ve already heard Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair.” THAT. SONG. BEATS. It goes all the way hard (beat-wise anyway). And the lyrics are catchy. Plus it’s age-appropriate. Willow’s on the scene!