Dear Brands, Exposure is Not a Real Form of Payment
All that glitters ain’t gold and a lot of bloggers have prestige without matching pockets. Many of us are fighting an uphill battle because we constantly have to prove that we’ve earned a seat at the table. And far too often, brands do not really value us like they should, …

5 Plugins Every WordPress Blog Should Have
Plugins are add-ons that give WordPress (self-hosted, not .com) sites extra functionality. They’re basically apps for your sites, and whatever you want, there’s a plugin for that. But just because you can use plugins for whatever doesn’t mean you should. Every plugin you add to your website is one more thing …

How Pinterest Brought Me Over 100,000 Pageviews in the Last 3 Months
Pinterest is an online visual site where you can “pin” pictures (and videos) while following other folks and re-pinning their stuff. I joined at the end of 2011 and quickly became addicted to it. I e’em wrote a blogpost in January 2012 on how I’m obsessed with Pinterest and board creating. …

How to Back Up Your WordPress or Blogger Blog
I’ve been blogging for a long time and I’ve written over 700 posts and have about 170 sitting in my drafts folder. That’s a lot of typing and letters. If something was to happen and my site crashed and I lost all of these, I would basically quit writing. I’d …

Google AdSense is a Hater And They Disabled My Account
So a couple of weeks ago, I got an automated email from Google AdSense saying: “After reviewing our records, we’ve determined that your AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity. Because we have a responsibility to protect our AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due to invalid activity, we’ve …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

Blogging Do’s and Don’ts: 10 Commandments
There are some things to consider when blogging, so I decided to write a 10 commandments of blogging, with 5 do’s and don’t. Blogging Don’ts. I. Thou shan’t have a URL that is hard to spell – If your site’s address is something that cannot be remembered by the World …

Blogging 101: So You Want to Start a Blog
Blogging is here to stay, and I think most folks can have a good blog about whatever, as long as they’re passionate about the topic, knowledgeable and can spell. I’ve been blogging for over ten years and I’m a serial blogger, running multiple ones that are pretty decent. I’m also a …

Mama, I WON Black Weblog Awards!!!
We’re having a party here today to celebrate because Awesomely Luvvie won “Best Humor Blog” in the Black Weblog Awards!!! *Anti Wall Slide* *faints* *swoons* *does jig* I won the popular votes, which means y’all voted for me the mostest! Like for real! *Faints again all dramatic-like* iSweahfo …