Come Celebrate My Blog’s Birthday at My Awesomely Golden Party in Chicago!
My peoples! On August 8, 2006 I launched this website. Back then it was called “Luvvie’s Random Rants” and I had just graduated from college. I felt like I had outgrown my Xanga blog (remember Xanga?) so I moved to Blogger, shut down my old blog that I had for three …

Black Velvet Napoleon Failed
I went to a part one of my fave DJs (Dee Money) was throwing the night of Thanksgiving. I was minding my own business (as I always do O_o) when some short dude in a velvet blazer approached me.

I’m Not a Big Drinker But I’m the Public Lushness Fairy
I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I prefer the fruity drinks that taste like juice over taking shots. In fact, shots give me the heebie jeebies. Sometimes, I’ll take a shot if enough peer pressure is applied. But my face afterwards looks like the #10 on the medical …

It’s My Birthday! Let Us Rejoice!
One score and five years ago, my mother (and I guess my daddy) brought forth on this planet, a new daughter, conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that she shall wake up and piss excellence, phoenix feathers and unicorn tears. This is all to say, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! …
Nigerian Parties are the BEST
Nigerians love to party. We come up with parties for everything. A child is born? Yorubas have a naming ceremony when he/she is 7 days old. This often comes with a naming part and a party following it, with or without the actual baby present. In fact, it’s best if …

Mama, I WON Black Weblog Awards!!!
We’re having a party here today to celebrate because Awesomely Luvvie won “Best Humor Blog” in the Black Weblog Awards!!! *Anti Wall Slide* *faints* *swoons* *does jig* I won the popular votes, which means y’all voted for me the mostest! Like for real! *Faints again all dramatic-like* iSweahfo …