Giving Many Thanks

I am thankful for:
- Sweater tights – They have kept me warm so far in all their cable knit goodness
- The Googles – Without whom, I’d be unable to stalk myself
- French Vanilla Hot Chocolate – For keeping me warm in mornings when I get to work
- Coupon codes – Because I’m vehemently opposed to paying retail prices for anything
- H&M – For allowing me to get my blazer game proper
- YouTube – 2 words: Scarlet’s Tumble!
- Rice – Without which I’d be featured in a commercial with Sally Struthers, being promoted as in need of a sponsor (flies optional)
- Colgate – For keeping my teefs (all 45 of them) on BLING mode
- My Samsung Camera – For capturing all the awesomeness (and foolishness) around me.
*Sigh* This is one shallow list. But hey… DON’T JUDGE ME!!!
Hmm, I feel like I’m forgetting something…
Oh yes! Of course, I’m thankful for friends and family, both old and new, long distance, virtual, or right next to me, IG or more IG. But really though, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such love, trust and overall awesomeness. My IGs make me laugh (til my stomach hurts) and roast me like no one else can. I love them so much for it too. My family is my rock of ages, and push me to be the best in all I can do. It makes me feel GREAT to know that the Highest has felt me worthy enough to place all these people in my life, and I say “THANKS” every night for it.
I’m also thankful for my job, nay, my career because I am doing what I love everyday. I work in an industry I’m invested in (nonprofits) in the field I enjoy (Marketing). I go to work everyday and I truly look forward to what I am about to do. To this, I give major THANKS.
And last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for my reader(s).
“If a tree falls in the woods, do the birds laugh?”
“If a person trips in the streets, and people don’t point and laugh, did their dignity really get hurt?”
“If a crackhead gets dentures, does it still have loose gums??”
Pretty much, what I’m trying to say is that without you paying attention to my words of randomness, they wouldn’t mean as much. Your comments truly make my days, so THANK YOU (yes, all 5 of you). You are the best reader(s) a GAL could EVER ask for.
I am thankful for so many things, and really take nothing I have for granted. With that being said, what are YOU thankful for?
I am thankful for Erykah Badu saying “Do some ho-sh*t”, and for you and PBG thinking it was as hillarious as I thought it was and never letting it die. It brings me eternal joy.
LOL @ NaturallyAlise, I am thankful for Alise putting me on to that clip too, wise words, and said with such conviction.
I’m thankful for meeting new people, laughing, smiling, allowing me to forget (if only for a moment) of all that waits for me to do. I’m grateful to be a grown arse kid, its highly underrated. I’m grateful that we are able to fill a table, a fridge and our tummies with food, when SO many people, some near, some far..can’t:(
I’m grateful for health, love and all the possibilities, 09 aint ready!!
Finally, I thank you Luvvie for making us pause for a second to give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
ps) I do believe in pre-itis. It’s real.
Thank you Luvvie, for making me CTFU every time your blog appears in my Google Reader. Without you mentioning it in your blog, I probably wouldn’t even know what the hell Google Reader was lol
I am thankful for Liliputian fists, The almighty IG, Ho-sh*t (the good kind) and friends (old and new, near and far) who don’t mind being there for me.
Alise – You know we got the same humor brain (aka we IG). ePosse Ho Sh*t
Overit – YOU AINT GON MAKE ME CRY!!! *sniffs* lol
Suga – You know I love the googles.
PBG – I STAN for u