Stages of Social Media Dealing with a Beyoncé Event
Beyoncé is the world’s biggest popstar right now and whether you love her or not, it’s hard to argue this fact. Based purely on her numbers and accomplishments and popularity, she is. Every move of hers is clocked and folks act a fool at the sound of her name. Especially …

There’s a New Pope and the Internet Goes Nuts
Today, white smoke came out the Vatican chimney, telling us that they picked a new Pope. I’m not Catholic but I still wanted to know who they picked, and I can’t even tell you a good reason why. Within minutes, Twitter blessed me with this graphic: Because Grumpy Cat is …

Dear New York Knicks, Reconsider the Tyrese Takeover
I woke up to folks’ tweets about Tyrese taking over the New York Knicks’ Twitter handle later today during their game. I am here to ask the Knicks to think twice. Because. For reasons. I hope this makes it to their management before it’s too late. Do your part. Share …

About The Oscars, Quvenzhané Wallis and The Onion Debacle
This post took me a long time to write because I wasn’t even sure I was going to blog about this topic. I’ve been all up in arms for the past 20 hours. Literally. Like fighting the air at random intervals and everything. Because people have been TRYING it. It …

10 Lessons Celebrities Need to Learn About Twitter
The other night, I got into it with a celebrity on Twitter over a question I asked. I won’t get into details because it really went from 0-60 and it was disappointing and made me become less of a fan of someone whose work I really respected and really liked. …

20 Dumbest Celebrity Tweets of 2012
Most celebrities aren’t famous because they’re the smartest. They just happen to be good at something. Or they’re attention whores. When they get on Twitter, they show all their basicness and I’m sure their publicists are somewhere weeping in the name of fail. This is why this list is necessary, …

50 Dumbest Tweets of 2012: Part 2
The annual tradition continues, folks. Pointing out the stupidity on Twitter is a year-round job that happens on DumbestTweets.com. But it’s important to spotlight the cream of the crop of the foolish. Part 1 of the 50 Dumbest Tweets of 2012 is up, so here is the rest, as promised. 26. …

50 Dumbest Tweets of 2012: Part 1
Twitter has been proving that children were indeed left behind since 2006. This is why DumbestTweets.com exists and is never out of material. There are currently 400 posts sitting in drafts and over 1,700 posts have been published. Anywho, it’s about that time of the year where I am tasked …

Tom From MySpace Read Someone For Filth on Twitter
Note: This post was clearly supposed to be for yesterday but what had happened was… Loitering on Twitter pays off sometimes. Because if you do it at the right time for long enough, stuff will happen that’ll have you eating popcorn like Michael Jackson in Thriller. Last night, I sho’ll …

Dear Rob Kardashian, You Got the Nerve to Call Rita Ora a Whore
Two people I haven’t paid much attention to are getting some attention today, and I am here to write one of them a sternly-worded letter. Rob Kardashian, the Patron Saint of Ain’t Ever Did Shit went on a Twitter rant against his ex-lady he was seen with Rita Ora, also known …