An Oriki Tribute to President Barack Obama
President Barack Hussein Obama. First of his name. Swagnificence in the West Wing. He Who Speaks in Complete Sentences. Shea Butter Skinned Leader of the World. Michelle’s boo. 44 of Life. The Calm Before the 45 Storm. Today, we honor you, because you deserve. Also to piss off the Walking …

Dubya’s Sway and Smiles to the Battle Hymn is My Favorite Thing About Today
There are times when I low-key miss the George W. Bush presidential years. Ok I admit, the only thing I miss about him is the ability to lambast him. Dubya was the guy who invited everyone to the kegger in college and was a BEAST at beer pong. He was …

15 Best Jokes From President Obama at His Final Nerd Prom
The 2016 White House Correspondent Dinner (aka Nerd Prom) was bittersweet because it was President Barack Obama’s final one. It’s definitely one event to look forward to every year because he lets loose and roasts the hell outta Washington DC’s finest: the media, Congress, and himself. My only regret in life …

7 Questions I Have About the Last Obama State of the Union Address
Since this was President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union address, I had hopes for him. Like I wrote on my column at TheGrio yesterday, I wanted him to go full Team Petty. Especially since his promo picture for it was this Dos Equis ad. I just knew he …

Winning at SOTU: Miss Edith Childs. Losing: Kim Davis’ Mullet
The 2016 State of the Union Address (and last of the Obama Administration) was full of entertainment. Y’all know I watch some of these shows to be the lady on the stoop roasting everyone. This is why people miss me sometimes when I don’t live-tweet shows and events. You’re basically …

10 Funniest Lines from President Obama’s 2015 Nerd Prom Set
The White House Correspondents Dinner (aka Nerd Prom) was last night, and as always, President Barack Obama came to roast. He’s fresh out of terms and fresh out of dambs to give too, so he came for everyone who sent for him in his 20 minute set. He even ended …

10 of President Obama’s Funniest Lines from Nerd Prom 2013
Last night was the White House Correspondent’s Dinner, nicknamed “Nerd Prom” for obvious reasons. Conan O’Brien hosted it but President Barack Obama stole the show. He actually walked up to it while DJ Khaled’s “All I Do is Win” was playing. It’s his 2nd term and BROBAMA is letting folks …

What This Election and Today’s Inauguration Meant to Me
In 2008 when President Barack Obama was elected, it was with this air of inspiration. It felt like a brand new day. It was history. Untainted history. People were rooting for him and he was the underdog who needed to be cheered on. In 2012 as he went up for …

Election Day Was Nerve-Wracking But We Got Victory! TWO TERMS!
My goodness. It’s been a LONG election season and I am beyond elated that President Barack Obama said “this seat is taken” and America said “IT SURE IS!” The road there was clearly a long one, and election day itself felt like 72 hours. IT WAS TORTUROUS! My nerves were …

If You Vote for Mitt Romney, We Don’t Go Together
So this election season has really worn me out. It’s been so charged. As someone who isn’t THAT much into politics, I had to perk up and pay attention because this is so important. I’m a fan of President Barack Obama. For reasons. One of this is that he’s FAHN. …