Google’s Guitar Logo Rocks!
I’m a Google Groupie. NO doubt about it. I’m All Google Everything. But can you blame me? They keep doing awesome things in their plot for world domination and I’m a willing sheep. I wish I could work there. YES LAWD!
Anywho, the latest in Google Greatness is today’s Guitar doodle logo. I went on and was surprised to see that their logo was a guitar you could PLAY!!! And I thought their PacMan logo was awesome. THIS is EVERYTHING!!!

YES, Google!!!
iLIVE!!! This gave me everything my little geeky heart needed! This logo #paysamish to Les Paul, a legendary guitarist who passed in 2009.
Needless to say, my easily amused self was on Google’s homepage for at least 30 minutes playing nonsensical guitar music. I can’t play no instruments nor read notes but I went up there and eStrummed like I was John Mayer at Michael Jackson’s memorial service. I tried to play “Human Nature” but I could barely e’em do “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”
Coolest thing about this was that it let you record and playback what you did if you pressed that lil black box. CHILE!!! Lemme let y’all hear part of my musicality HERE.
*lets y’all hear it*
YOU SEE ME??? I tried to get my Diane Warren on. YOU SEE ME!!! My song was in the key of L FLAT. O_____o
But shoutout to those of us who said “Eff productivity” because of Google’s guitar logo, making music on their homepage like we ain’t got work to do or sleep to… have? Do? Heck, Iunno.
I effing LOVE Google!!! *leyomi drops* Google Guitar Doodle might be their best logo yet. After PacMan.
Has anyone else played on there, and for how many minutes? Willing to share your recordings? Or am I overgrown?
Update: Google is keeping the guitar logo up for an extra day because it’s so popular (read: they feel like pissing off bosses everywhere because of another workday where no one gets anything done). I support this.
I’ve been playing on Google’s logo for about thirty minutes now! I paused Family Guy to play with it. Check my strumming skills out! Lol!
YESSSS!!! You better strum like the taste of your next sammich depended on it! lol
Cool man this thing soooo coool man hahahhaha
Really though, I do believe this google page guitar playing tribute to les paul is the best google page yet. I mean common’ man, you can strum it and save it and post it.
So far my song is kind of the best but someone will go ahead and make a really good one that blows mine out of the water…but for now my song is the best out of the three i’ve heard thus far.
check it out it’s like heaven touched your ear drum
yo get at me if your feeling that piece and want to collaberate.
Greg T aka Dj A
songwriter, dj, producer, artist
LMAOOOO!!! Why must I laugh so loud? Fact that you tryna get a Google collabo going. We might could work something out, DJ A! You #lowkey cold w/ that doodle! O___O
I really had alot of fun playing with this little application, I’ve spent well over an hour playing with it. I guess being versed in both computers and music, this little combination has kept me thoroughly entertained.
Sorry you ended up in moderation. Guess my spam filter’s feeling some sorta way.
But yessssss!!! You better getcho music-playing on! Shoo… Ms. Shmee’s Opus!
WAYYYMINT, Shmee!!! How u get real music & pluckin 2 strings at once?!? do share! (nice work, btw)
Right!!! She did that dopeness w/ it
Ahem. I luuuuuh Google for this one!*
“Seasons of Love” from Rent*
Twinkle, Twinkle
Yep. I’m fancy. *dougies*
OOOHHH SNAP!!! You DEED that!!! You better GO AHEAD w/ your expert strumming! I’m impressed.
I got it!!!!!!!!! U can play using the keyboard!!!!!!
I tried starlight on it, sad I cant record it for some reason?? dunno if its cuz It’s different in my country or something… but if i click on the button then I can play with my keyboard
utwuiye nnn utwuiye
it “Starlight” I guess XD
What country are you in?
I’m on a roll!!!
LOL!!! As your whole day goes to Google…
I went to Google and was playing even before I knew it was recording (sorry but I didn’t save my first masterpiece)
I will go back sometime today and actually put some kind of thought into what I “play”
Go Google!!!
Yah *crickets*
Go Google, indeed!
I felt like a failed musician. I couldn’t coordinate the mouse with the proper strum technique and picking the melody out.
It’s a perfect 1, 4,5 chord. Most folk music operates on those three chords, seriously, if i could get the coordination together it’d be a wrap!!
It worked with the keys on the keyboard also. I was able to get a rhythm that made sense that way…
el it turns out that you can use your keyboard! Maybe that’ll help!
I have been playing like I don’t have to work. I know my boss has been side eying me all damn day. I have been at it for a solid hour.
LOL your boss is prolly in his/her office playing too.
one more for the road!
I loved this – but trust it to happen on a day when my laptop is in the shop and i have to see it on public computers with no sound! o____0 from the iPhone, for real.
As for google’s other doodles, the animations are my favorites! My floridian self stans hard for the rocket one and the jules verne one (cape canaveral! Oceans!)
But the one that kilt me dead and then brought me back to life was the martha graham one. Modern dance ninjas: that mess took my actual breath away.
Beatles song
I love how I own a real guitar that sits next to me all day long, but I still managed to waste a good part of my life on this darned google doodle thing. google is the devil I tell ya.
See, again…I almost spit. *can’t drink coffee and be on Luvvie’s page*
I died when you said “strumming like your next taste of sammich depends on it” *___o
Here’s mine:
I love Google, too…and would also LOVE to work for them! *heads to Google to see where their offices are, again!* My favorite doodle was the PacMan one…and after that, the Martha Graham one. I literally went to Google like every 3 minutes just to see the “dancing”! OMG!! This working guitar is definitely 3rd on the list!!